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Atheism is not a belief, so why would anyone lie that it is?

Do you accept atheism is not a belief, or do you lie it is?

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Skanky Old Mongrel!
And that is a redefinition of a larger group. Sorry, but you are a theist. You can say that you are not a classical theist. But you do belong to the larger group even if you deny it.

Your denial is on the same order as a creationist denying that he is an ape. Or a German shepherd denying that it is a dog.
Look...... I've been called a lot worse than that. I've even been called a Christian on RF during this very month.
I think I'll collect religious titles. I still need an Islamic, a Sikh, Buddhist, Hindu, Satanist, Druid and several other titles for the full collection.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
But I am not a theist, because I do not believe in an aware, involved or interested God.
Deism is an opposite of that. I'm only a step away from A-theism, of you like. That lot won't let me in their club, though. Anyway, I don't care....their beer is rubbish. :D
Not trying to be offensive, but you do believe in God. Just because your idea of God is substantially different than the God of Abraham doesn't mean you are an atheist.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Oxford Reference seems to be an historical reference. The full Oxford English Dictionary is about as definitive as you can get for English and includes historical and obsolete usages. The link to the older 2nd edition that I gave should work as is (it works in Tor, so disconnected from my login and IP address): atheism. Here is a temporary share link to the current entry (to bypass paywall): atheism.
It's current definition for atheism is " Disbelief in, or denial of, the existence of a God." I acknowledged in my first post that atheists are changing the definition of atheism. It's not like I can personally stop of the evolution of the english language. But I do think it is stupid to lose the old meaning of atheism, which is the denial of the existencd of God. It was a handy word, and there are people who it describes. Now they have no label.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Look...... I've been called a lot worse than that. I've even been called a Christian on RF during this very month.
I think I'll collect religious titles. I still need an Islamic, a Sikh, Buddhist, Hindu, Satanist, Druid and several other titles for the full collection.
You can still come and drink with us of course. My latest favorite is an imported IPA. All the way from Colorado. Voodoo Ranger by New Belgium. And it has a kick. 9% alcohol by volume.


Veteran Member
Due to the vast amount of experience I have had with people and their spiritual claims in this arena, yes, I am doomed to be biased from here on out.
That's unfortunate for you, as it impedes learning new things. Particularly those things that tend to be paradigm-changing.
No doubt about that. Too many theists have poisoned the well, I am afraid, to the point that it will take gobs of evidence and cogent demonstration for a theist to actually convince me of any of their claims of this type.
Well, that demand doomed you right from the start, anyway. You poisoned yourself with it.
This is GREAT! It means we actually have no problem at all then. If it is admitted that this "definition" is all that there really is,
Why would anyone admit to that when they could not possibly know it to be so? And why are you expecting it when YOU cannot possibly know it to be so? That poison seems to have really addled your mind!
... then I can just say "Stop talking you buffoon" and walk away when they try to convince me of the existence of their god and this should be entirely acceptable. Problem solved!
I'm pretty sure you always knew this was an option. And yet here you are.
This has got to be the weirdest thing I have ever read you to state. No I don't. Not at all. I don't even have to begin to accept anyone's proposal on "god." None of them.
Whatever made you think you had to??? Why would you care what anyone else thinks or 'believes' God is? I mean, beyond idle curiosity. Did you actually think some people HAVE special knowledge???
I don't have to take any of it seriously, UNLESS I DO HAVE TO. Do you understand? Unless there is a demonstrable THING in front of me (not necessarily literally, but figuratively "in front of me"), such that the thing cannot be denied.
Even if there were a "demonstrable thing" in front of you calling itself God, you still couldn't validate the claim. And that's why I won't take anyone else's presumed special knowledge at face value. Not even my own.
I don't have to "decide what evidence" will satisfy me.
Of course you do. There's no avoiding it regardless of the claims being made. We all do. No one else can reach inside you head and make you accept something as true or false. You have to make tat determination yourself based on whatever evidence you think you have, and whatever you think it means.
Someone either has evidence that can satisfy for a claim or they do not.
YOU are determining whether or not the evidence someone else presents as evidence, is evidence. And YOU are determining at what point it becomes proof, for YOU.
No it isn't. not pointless at all. Just like in the case of people propagating "Flat Earth" nonsense... they are literally hurting other people's capacity to remain objective, clear-headed and intellectually sound, in my opinion... so I am going to go after them. I'm going smash their claims to bits, and try to talk sense into anyone who will hear me out. That you don't want to do so is fine. Go do whatever it is you want to do. You don't get to tell me what to do... and I think that's what really cheeses you here.
You can't control what goes on in the minds of others. And rightly so. Nor can you control how they behave as a result. nor can they control your mind or behavior. How do you not understand this?
All I can think is that this opens you up to a whole world of having the wool pulled over your eyes. Because guess what? "Owning a bridge" actually has real, demonstrable institutionalization and administration built around it in this day and age - precisely because people wanted to stop scammers from being able to do things like claim they own bridges, and leave poor, defenseless lay-people to fend for themselves in figuring out whether or not the claimant actually owned the bridge or not. Why else would anyone put administration around something like owning a bridge? Things like being able to go to the local property ownership records in something like a town hall or record keeper's bureau. Why would people set these sorts of things up if "EVERYONE DECIDES FOR THEMSELVES WHAT OWNING A BRIDGE MEANS?"
Well, it seems you just explained the human necessity of religion. God and ownership being similarly abstract concepts requiring consensus to function communally.
I understand what you are trying to say - but in the end, I think you need to think on it more. We DO come up with ways to establish the accuracy of what someone is telling us, and we do so attempting to make it more than just how we feel about the situation.
Functionality can only verify functionality. There are a lot of fools in the world making more of that than it is.
This does matter, I agree. However - it should also matter to you that you don't end up finding out you're holding an empty bag, and that you aren't even getting what you thought you were. That should also matter. If it doesn't... well then good luck to you. From what I have seen of the world, you're going to need it.
I don't own any of it. I don't control any of it. And I don't 'believe in' mine or anyone else's existential truth.
You say "god exists", I am going to ask for some compelling form of evidence. That's it. If that is deemed "logically irrelevant" by even the entire rest of the world, so be it. I will STILL react that way sucker. Bet on it.
"God exists" is an incomplete proposition. I wouldn't give it the time of day, nor anyone that wasn't willing to clarify.

A Vestigial Mote

Well-Known Member
That's unfortunate for you, as it impedes learning new things. Particularly those things that tend to be paradigm-changing.
Oh boy. I bet you never learned about "Gerble-snipes" did you? Well? No... you haven't. Because I just made them up. You see... there is a lot of use (and time savings!) in figuring out which stuff actually comports with reality, and thereby which stuff actually has practical utility in the world we inhabit and share. I get that whatever nonsense you want to employ for your own personal benefit (whatever that ends up being) is fine for you. That's the key there though - FOR YOU. I remain solely interested in those things that are either specific to my own utility (the fact that I like dried figs, or black licorice when not everyone does, for example), or can be demonstrated to have utility for everyone. Everything else holds no utility for me. Doesn't that just make sense though? And, to be sure, I don't go around trying to convince everyone that they should like black licorice. Do you get me? I don't go around doing that. It would be super duper dumb.

Well, that demand doomed you right from the start, anyway. You poisoned yourself with it.
Sure thing champ. I've had these questions and problems with all this theism crap since I was a child. Never not a time I didn't question all the ridiculous claims all sorts of people around me kept making. Couldn't make sense of any of it - and no one (not a single person - including YOU, bud) has ever provided me with any sort of compelling reason I should make my thoughts line up with this stuff. What you provide is just junk. You try and wrap it up nice, tie a little bow on it... but its junk. To anyone who really scrutinizes it honestly and looks for its outward-facing, demonstrable utility. And the ONLY way you can change that is if you provide incontestable evidence. I can show you some examples of things that have changed my mind on some things, if you care. Trust me though... you have nothing that even compares to the caliber of the things I would point you to. I'm pretty certain you have no hope of ever achieving such.

Why would anyone admit to that when they could not possibly know it to be so? And why are you expecting it when YOU cannot possibly know it to be so?
Please... please listen to yourself. You admit you "cannot possibly know it to be so" and yet here you are, blabbing about it profusely and desperately trying to get me to see how important it might be. You're not doing your side of the argument any favors with absurd behavior like this.

I'm pretty sure you always knew this was an option. And yet here you are.
And would that have worked to get EVERYONE to shut their mouths about this stuff, do you reckon? Eh? I think we both know the answer to that one. Keep thinking you have all the bases covered PureX. You're actually standing out in left field, against the side-wall, and one of the advertisement boards has fallen and you're pinned under it... but your spinal cord snapped, and you can't even feel anything to know what's going on. Oh... and there's a spider starting to crawl up on your left shoulder - just FYI.

Whatever made you think you had to???
You specifically said this, genius: "Sorry, but you have to determine what the evidence for 'God" would be, for yourself." My answer was "No, I don't." You see that part where you said that I "have to?" Why'd you say it that way? Do you even think about things as you write them?

Why would you care what anyone else thinks or 'believes' God is?
Uhh... you've been told this about 150 times, I am sure. I know I have told you myself, personally. So now this is just you either being dense or disingenuous. I am inclined to believe it is the latter. Seriously. Here it is again, bucko (try to freaking READ it this time, comprehend it, and stop asking into the future): People come to me with their beliefs. Or they react oddly when I tell them I don't believe. Some of them even get incensed, and start thinking weird things about me. Some of them even start reacting strangely to me, like trying to protect their kids from me when I haven't done a single thing of any note involving their kids. Like I even care that they have kids in the first place. People beat me about the head with their stupid, inane "beliefs" even without realizing it! A church marquee in July reads: "Be careful with fireworks, and your afterlife. Both can be very hot!" - like that crap is supposed to be hilarious! Some of you theistic doofuses can't keep your wieners in your pants TO SAVE YOUR LIVES. Got it now PureX? Is that clear enough and descriptive enough for you? Huh? Damn.

Even if there were a "demonstrable thing" in front of you calling itself God, you still couldn't validate the claim.
Another really good reason why no one should be believing any of this crap. So thanks for relating that nugget to us all. You're very helpful when you want to be PureX.

Of course you do. There's no avoiding it regardless of the claims being made. We all do.
Not before ACTUAL EVIDENCE IS ACTUALLY PRESENTED, I don't. And that's what you theists ask all the time. "What would make you, as a nonbeliever, believe?" Why do I have to contemplate this? Why? Just bring your damn evidence and then I will tell you whether or not I believe you now. Why is this so hard? You had better have SOME good evidence - something you think would convince anyone, regardless their background or what they currently believe in any other avenue of thought. Let's say someone doesn't believe in electricity - you can produce an arc through a small space of air for them, or give them a small shock. You can reproduce this, and do so at any time. Let's say someone wants to deny that a rock exists that is sitting there, in front of you and your friends. You can pick up the rock and toss it at the denier's knee-cap. If he reacts, you out him. Those things are good evidence. Nice, hearty, realistic and compelling things. You don't have this, and there are good reasons you don't have this. And yet you expect people to believe. And if, truly, you only really expect people to leave you alone to go about your business believing to yourself, then shut the hell up about it. Seriously. Stop engaging anyone who scrutinizes your belief and uncovers the fact that you have crap-all for justification and evidence. Just keep it to yourself and your like-minded buddies! Why would that be so, so terrible? You're free to think and believe whatever the hell you want... just don't try and take it further than yourself. You're even free to take it out into the public sphere, obviously! But just remember... that's where I am.

YOU are determining whether or not the evidence someone else presents as evidence, is evidence. And YOU are determining at what point it becomes proof, for YOU.
Yes, exactly. And yet there are plenty of people (and you KNOW there are) who are absolutely flabbergasted that their presentation of evidence doesn't compel me to believe as they do. And when the evidence of something is as good as someone being able to throw a rock at my knee-cap? Well then I would have to admit that I am being completely irrational to continue to deny it at that point. But you DON'T HAVE THIS for your god claims. You don't! Just admit this and move on.

You can't control what goes on in the minds of others. And rightly so. Nor can you control how they behave as a result. nor can they control your mind or behavior. How do you not understand this?
Obviously I understand this... this is precisely why I'm not going to allow your stupid thoughts about god to sway me in any way, shape or form. But obviously we should always try to get people to accept certain things as fact, truth, etc. that are important, and can be demonstrated to be important to all of us. For example... I bet you believe in climate change, right? Isn't it worthwhile, in your estimation, to attempt to sway people's minds from denial of climate change? To present THE EVIDENCE (the kind that exists in the real world, and can easily be shared between discussion participants) , and try to get them to change their minds on their stance that sees them continuing to harm the environs of Earth? Of course it is worthwhile. Don't be dense. This absolute talk of yours about "You can't control what goes on in the minds of others." Obviously we can't literally do that... but it is worthwhile in many, many instances to try and get people on board with various ideas, beliefs, realities, etc. I know you don't see what I do in the arena of "religious belief" as being that way, but that's what I am going for, nonetheless. Based on my understanding of the situation, this is the best course of action.

Well, it seems you just explained the human necessity of religion. God and ownership being similarly abstract concepts requiring consensus to function communally.
Uhh... except we can do just fine without a communal sense of God. If we couldn't then the human race would have been doomed long ago. Hell... you theists can't even decide on thinking the same way about almost anything WITHIN particular sects of religious beliefs. Hence the reason there are constant and unending splits. People starting "their own branch" etc.

I don't own any of it. I don't control any of it. And I don't 'believe in' mine or anyone else's existential truth.
Sounds like your bag is just about entirely empty. I have to wonder what makes you so defensive of it.
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Veteran Member
My point has always been there are no definitively "correct" usages, only subjective preferences held for a variety of reasons.

Except common usage is not entirely subjective is it, as using the most commonly accepted definition is the method from which dictionaries derive word definitions, and if you imagine how large the sample group you'll get an idea of why some dictionaries with larger sampler groups more accurately reflect the majority understanding, which doesn't make it right or wrong, just an important point of reference.

Polls on Fox news said Donald trump was the best president ever. Must be true then

Sigh, false equivalence fallacy and a straw man fallacy, try reading what I actually said and honestly addressing it in the proper context of your sweeping unevidenced claims about "what most atheists think".

You: The 2 largest dictionaries and online polls decide correct usage and other usages are therefore wrong

Not what I've said though is it, the irony of you getting it that wrong, and then giving sententious lectures on language comprehension is palpable. Define what you mean by correct here, because I have been very careful to point out those definitions reflect common usage or understanding. It's pretty ironic you make sweeping unevidenced generalisation, ignore what common usage means, them make sententious claims about philosophical definitions that it is abundantly clear most people would not be aware of.

If you think your view is a better description of language, you might want to read a bit more and think a bit more deeply about the subject.

Sadly I'm not sure how more simply I can explain that common usage is not "my view", the clue one would have thought is in the term common usage. Ah well.

No, I'm noting the well established philosophical view that a belief is an attitude held in response to a proposition.

Though not the only possible position obviously, as one can also withhold belief from a proposition, yet not hold a contrary belief....dear oh dear... try searching for the definition of atheism or atheist then look at synonyms and learn what they mean, and see if you can understand one need not hold a contrary belief to a position just because one finds it dubious.

Either you are deliberately misrepresenting things or, like the basics of language, this is beyond your wit to grasp.

:D Ok champ, it's clear your ego is a barrier in this instance to you understanding the thread. I am relatively new so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume this is just an off colour day for you.
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Veteran Member
Extreme skepticism is called 'bias'.

No, bias would be setting a different standard for belief or disbelief in one or more claims from all other claims.

If you are no longer open to being convinced, then you are no longer skeptical, you are opposed.

As with all other claims, I am open to sufficient objective evidence being demonstrated.

The problem you're having here is that you are allowing, in fact, insisting that the theist define 'God' for you. But he can only define God for himself, which is unlikely to correspond with any idea of God that will resonate with you.

Well of course it is incumbent on someone who holds a belief to accurately define that belief, otherwise it is meaningless to anyone but them.

So you are throwing a giant illogical impasse into the exchange before it can even be sorted.

What principle of logic has been violated?

Sorry, but you have to determine what the evidence for 'God" would be,

What evidence would you accept for floogaloopo? They're invisible and can't be detected in any empirical way, you have to find out for yourself what its nature is, and be open minded. Only you can determine what the evidence should be for floogaloopo.

Stop using it as an excuse to attack what other people have chosen to think and believe.

Only the belief is being scrutinised and debated, though this persecution paranoia might explain a lot.

Of course, you can simply say you don't care, and move on. That, too, is a viable option.

Well no one has forced you or any other theist to come to a public debate forum, and discuss their beliefs. You could also say you don't care that others don't share your belief, given the energy you've expended attacking atheism, this seems a rather ironic thing for you to say.

But attacking other people for their not convincing you is just childish and mean-spirited. And pointless.

It is theistic claims and beliefs that are being held to critical scrutiny, not theists per se.
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Veteran Member
Both theism and atheism, therefore, operate out of a primary and foundational belief or faith that results in a particular worldview.

My atheism isn't a belief, and though I have a worldview, and it must necessarily be atheistic, atheism is not a worldview, anymore than not believing in unicorns is a worldview.


unknown member
My atheism isn't a belief, and though I have a worldview, and it must necessarily be atheistic, atheism is not a worldview, anymore than not believing in unicorns is a worldview.
Not believing in unicorns is not a worldview, since when? BTW, never heard of invisible pink unicorn wiki ?
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unknown member
See, we have these different words because they refer to different conceptual states of mind. Being atheist doesn't mean being skeptical, and being skeptical doesn't mean you are an atheist; because the atheist isn't skeptical. The atheist has chosen a determined position, even though they say their position could change if someone could convince them otherwise.
When I became skeptical of my religious beliefs I became an atheist through that process, but I still identify as a skeptic, rather than as an atheist.


unknown member
Oh no, I've trodden on my own tail again haven't I, ah well I can always claim it was a typo, or I was taken out of context. :D

Is it a cocktail? :cool: Sounds delicious...
"The Church of the Invisible Pink Unicorn often faces criticism from monotheistic religions for comparing their sacred beings with a fantastic invented character as well as trying to masquerade it as a religion while lacking the scripture, principles, ideologies, and broader social community necessary to be considered a legitimate religion. Many followers have responded to these critiques by improvising new literature, rituals, and customs, frequently written as farcical narrative that parodies not only scripture and rites itself but also the perceived importance or relevance of such scripture and customs.[13] Invisible Pink Unicorn scripture and customs seek to evoke the mysticism of the unicorn and to simultaneously lampoon similar literature in other faiths per the IPU's main tenet." Invisible Pink Unicorn

A Vestigial Mote

Well-Known Member
"The Church of the Invisible Pink Unicorn often faces criticism from monotheistic religions for comparing their sacred beings with a fantastic invented character as well as trying to masquerade it as a religion while lacking the scripture, principles, ideologies, and broader social community necessary to be considered a legitimate religion. Many followers have responded to these critiques by improvising new literature, rituals, and customs, frequently written as farcical narrative that parodies not only scripture and rites itself but also the perceived importance or relevance of such scripture and customs.[13] Invisible Pink Unicorn scripture and customs seek to evoke the mysticism of the unicorn and to simultaneously lampoon similar literature in other faiths per the IPU's main tenet." Invisible Pink Unicorn
Something tells me they should watch out... lest some of their "flock" ends up starting to truly believe, practice and go about the business of trying to inform the world of the correctness of it all. I think we can all sincerely admit that we have heard of stranger things happening...


Veteran Member
"The Church of the Invisible Pink Unicorn often faces criticism from monotheistic religions for comparing their sacred beings with a fantastic invented character as well as trying to masquerade it as a religion while lacking the scripture, principles, ideologies, and broader social community necessary to be considered a legitimate religion. Many followers have responded to these critiques by improvising new literature, rituals, and customs, frequently written as farcical narrative that parodies not only scripture and rites itself but also the perceived importance or relevance of such scripture and customs.[13] Invisible Pink Unicorn scripture and customs seek to evoke the mysticism of the unicorn and to simultaneously lampoon similar literature in other faiths per the IPU's main tenet." Invisible Pink Unicorn

Thank you, very edifying, not a cocktail then, ah well. Maybe a Rosewater Rickey then instead? Damn it, no gin, vodka and diet coke it is...:rolleyes:


Veteran Member
Premium Member
So, to sum it up. We can choose a variety of definitions and all of them are right, at least right for the person who has their own definition. And 10 years from now, all of them could be wrong.

Got it.
Individual definitions? The reason language works is by mutual agreement on the meanings of words.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Individual definitions? The reason language works is by mutual agreement on the meanings of words.
I'm bowing out at this point... we have run the full gamete and now we are just rehearsing positions.

But thank you for your thoughts.