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Why Adam's Sin Became the Downfall for Us All

james bond

Well-Known Member
One of the most unfair things we hear is Adam's sin causing us to lose paradise and have all of humankind marked with original sin. That is, we are born of sin not of our doing.

Today, I want to discuss what Adam's sin did. We have paradise which God had created for us. If Adam was able to avoid his temptation, then we would all be living and experiencing paradise today. What was disappointing is it did not appear Adam and Eve was able to hold out for very long.

First and foremost, we find that God's nature is to hate and despise sin. He is holy, so he cannot be with sin. Thus, it wasn't just Adam and Even who was cast from the Garden of Eden, but God the Father himself. He left this universe and Earth and had to return to heaven. He could not stay. This meant we had become without God. Holy guacamole! Is there any way to fix this?

It also meant that Adam lost his dominion over Earth. He had given it to Satan who became "god of the Earth and prince of the power of the air."

Thus, this was a huge problem and the only future we had was a future without God and hell which was designed for Lucifer and his angels who rebelled against God. They had the free will to do so just like us.


Well-Known Member
One of the most unfair things we hear is Adam's sin causing us to lose paradise and have all of humankind marked with original sin. That is, we are born of sin not of our doing.

Today, I want to discuss what Adam's sin did. We have paradise which God had created for us. If Adam was able to avoid his temptation, then we would all be living and experiencing paradise today. What was disappointing is it did not appear Adam and Eve was able to hold out for very long.

First and foremost, we find that God's nature is to hate and despise sin. He is holy, so he cannot be with sin. Thus, it wasn't just Adam and Even who was cast from the Garden of Eden, but God the Father himself. He left this universe and Earth and had to return to heaven. He could not stay. This meant we had become without God. Holy guacamole! Is there any way to fix this?

It also meant that Adam lost his dominion over Earth. He had given it to Satan who became "god of the Earth and prince of the power of the air."

Thus, this was a huge problem and the only future we had was a future without God and hell which was designed for Lucifer and his angels who rebelled against God. They had the free will to do so just like us.
Adam is an archetype. Journey of a human soul through physical world to learn compassion.

james bond

Well-Known Member
Adam is an archetype. Journey of a human soul through physical world to learn compassion.

I agree he was an archetype, but he was also human with free will and fallible. I suppose he couldn't have the Tree of Knowledge moved to someplace remote, but he didn't even request that. He could have moved to someplace else, but he didn't do that either. I can only surmise he wasn't aware of the ramifications. I don't know though.


Well-Known Member
I agree he was an archetype, but he was also human with free will and fallible. I suppose he couldn't have the Tree of Knowledge moved to someplace remote, but he didn't even request that. He could have moved to someplace else, but he didn't do that either. I can only surmise he wasn't aware of the ramifications. I don't know though.
Gen 2 describes human CNS changes that made us introspective
human beings.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
One of the most unfair things we hear is Adam's sin causing us to lose paradise and have all of humankind marked with original sin. That is, we are born of sin not of our doing.

Today, I want to discuss what Adam's sin did. We have paradise which God had created for us. If Adam was able to avoid his temptation, then we would all be living and experiencing paradise today. What was disappointing is it did not appear Adam and Eve was able to hold out for very long.

First and foremost, we find that God's nature is to hate and despise sin. He is holy, so he cannot be with sin. Thus, it wasn't just Adam and Even who was cast from the Garden of Eden, but God the Father himself. He left this universe and Earth and had to return to heaven. He could not stay. This meant we had become without God. Holy guacamole! Is there any way to fix this?

It also meant that Adam lost his dominion over Earth. He had given it to Satan who became "god of the Earth and prince of the power of the air."

Thus, this was a huge problem and the only future we had was a future without God and hell which was designed for Lucifer and his angels who rebelled against God. They had the free will to do so just like us.

How free is your will if you are punished for using it?

What was Adam's sin really? It's not like he killed/tortured anyone. What did Adam do that was so bad to lose "dominion" which he never really had anyway. God "Hey Adam, you have dominion over paradise, just don't use any of that free will I gave you".


Veteran Member
One of the most unfair things we hear is Adam's sin causing us to lose paradise and have all of humankind marked with original sin. That is, we are born of sin not of our doing.
So the story goes.

Today, I want to discuss what Adam's sin did. We have paradise which God had created for us. If Adam was able to avoid his temptation, then we would all be living and experiencing paradise today. What was disappointing is it did not appear Adam and Eve was able to hold out for very long.
No. What's disappointing, and befuddling, is god's reaction.

First and foremost, we find that God's nature is to hate and despise sin. He is holy, so he cannot be with sin. Thus, it wasn't just Adam and Even who was cast from the Garden of Eden, but God the Father himself.
If god was cast from the garden who did it?

He left this universe and Earth and had to return to heaven. He could not stay.
And your evidence is?

This meant we had become without God.
Exactly what do you mean by "without god"?

It also meant that Adam lost his dominion over Earth. He had given it to Satan who became "god of the Earth and prince of the power of the air."
Again, what's your evidence?

Thus, this was a huge problem and the only future we had was a future without God and hell which was designed for Lucifer and his angels who rebelled against God. They had the free will to do so just like us.
Nah. No such thing as free will. Sorry.



Veteran Member

From the Jewish Virtual Library

Issues in Jewish Ethics: Judaism’s Rejection of Original Sin

"The doctrine of original sin is totally unacceptable to Jews (as it is to Christian sects such as Baptists and Assemblies of G-d). Jews believe that man enters the world free of sin, with a soul that is pure and innocent and untainted. While there were some Jewish teachers in Talmudic times who believed that death was a punishment brought upon mankind on account of Adam's sin, the dominant view by far was that man sins because he is not a perfect being, and not, as Christianity teaches, because he is inherently sinful."

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Veteran Member
According to the story, Adam and Eve (literary archetypes for all humans) committed the original sin of hubris. That is, they took it into their heads that they were God's equals, and therefor had both the right and the ability to judge and correct all they encountered according to their own needs and desires. If you read the story, this what the Deceiver told them: that they were God's equals and that God was keeping this from them by denying them access to the knowledge of good and evil. So they ate of the fruit (took it into their heads that they did possess the knowledge of good and evil, and that they therefor had the right and the ability to judge all creation as if they were it's Creator. And from that moment on when they looked at each other, they judged each other to be imperfect, by the measure of their own desires, and so they felt the need to cover themselves from each other's eyes. And when they went out into the world, everywhere they went they saw that the world was not measuring up to their own expectations and desires, and so they set about trying to correct these shortcoming, by force (because we are NOT God's equals, and we did not create, nor do we have the right or the ability to control creation, as we have presumed unto ourselves).

The older Book of Wisdom in my Catholic Bible states that; "mankind is punished through that with which it sins". Meaning that the consequence of committing a sin is the punishment for have done do. And the consequence of committing the 'original sin' of presuming ourselves to be God's equals, and thereby having the right and the ability to judge all creation (possessing the knowledge of good and evil) according to our own desires, is that we labor and toil our whole lives away trying to make Creation accommodate our desires.

And it seems to me that the story, as understood in this way, pretty much nailed the situation right on the head. That is mankind in a nutshell. That is our most common and original sin, from which all the other sins we commit, spring. That hubris of presuming that the world should be serving our needs and desires simply because they are our needs and desires. That existence exists to serve us, and not we to serve existence. And because we have adopted this lie as our truth, we have placed ourselves at enmity with each other, and with all Creation.

And here we are, thousands of years later, and still committing that same sin, generation after generation. Still insisting that the world exist to serve us, and still killing ourselves and each other, and th whole planet, trying to make it do so.

james bond

Well-Known Member
How free is your will if you are punished for using it?

What was Adam's sin really? It's not like he killed/tortured anyone. What did Adam do that was so bad to lose "dominion" which he never really had anyway. God "Hey Adam, you have dominion over paradise, just don't use any of that free will I gave you".

It wasn't as punishment. It was the only test of listening to God's one command. Otherwise, everything and both Adam and Eve were perfect. It was a negative test. Today we have a positive test of John 3:16. What does your free will say to it?

As for the rest, it is not what the Bible states. Sounds like assertions or opinions.


Am Yisrael Chai
Staff member
Premium Member
"The doctrine of original sin is totally unacceptable to Jews (as it is to Christian sects such as Baptists and Assemblies of G-d). Jews believe that man enters the world free of sin, with a soul that is pure and innocent and untainted. While there were some Jewish teachers in Talmudic times who believed that death was a punishment brought upon mankind on account of Adam's sin, the dominant view by far was that man sins because he is not a perfect being, and not, as Christianity teaches, because he is inherently sinful."
This is odd, to say the least. And I say this as a Jew. It seems to me that the majority of Jews, at least Orthodox ones, agree that death came from the sin. That doesn't disqualify the latter point that man sins because he is imperfect. The two ideas don't contradict each other. Also, there's the view that all of mankind is at a lower spiritual level, which is similar to what Christians say.


Well-Known Member
...Thus, it wasn't just Adam and Even who was cast from the Garden of Eden, but God the Father himself. ....

Bible tells Adam and Eve were expelled.

Therefore Yahweh God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.
Gen. 3:23

Bible doesn’t say God is not anymore in the garden.

james bond

Well-Known Member
So the story goes.

No. What's disappointing, and befuddling, is god's reaction.

If god was cast from the garden who did it?

And your evidence is?

Exactly what do you mean by "without god"?

Again, what's your evidence?

Nah. No such thing as free will. Sorry.


A true story.

It is disappointing in that Adam and Eve could not keep God's one command and it caused us to be without God. It's not befuddling when one understands all that happened with being without God. One is we can be perfect with God. No blood is necessary. We have perfect bone and flesh. Thus, what God did afterward had to do with the sin. He could not stay in the new heaven. He had to leave and thus death (evidence for God) came into existence.

God the Father is a holy being. He cannot be with sin. Thus, he had to leave. Maybe it's like an allergy and even a small one causes a grave reaction. Thus, humans were without God from the first sin. These are two of the key points -- God being holy and not being with sin and being without God. Today, we have humans who do not want to be with God, but without God, i.e. atheists.

My evidence is what happened afterward. The universe and Earth is still here, but we have death, i.e. everyone must die and we still have sin. We had so much sin, God had to destroy the descendants of Adam and Eve in order to save the innocents from being killed. Thus, we live only until the next extinction event.

Without God means living without God. Atheism is a religion that purports to live without God. Evolution is a science that purports to live without God. Everything is based on not having God exist. Another situation could mean you live with Satan. You accept Satan. Your life's motto may be:


I've only met one person who was like this and his handle, if he were you, would be skwimburnsinhell. That's some kind of handle, if you ask me.

First, Adam received his dominion over the Earth and we see it today over animals:

"Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” Genesis 1:26

However, to have mastery over the animals, God wanted us to learn about them. Not abuse them. Today, we have abuse of these animals and people get upset over this sin.

As for Adam giving up his dominion and Satan capturing it, one has to read the Bible more in depth. However, here are a couple of verses showing Satan having dominion:

"We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one." 1 John 5:19

This verse is after Jesus saved us from our doom. Shows Satan had dominion:
"He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to fthe kingdom of his beloved Son," Colossians 1:13

Still, Satan is very powerful as he wants to hide. He does appear to do this well because no one wants evidence for Satan. I don't think demonstrating Satan's existence is a winning argument. I acknowledge Satan is still powerful and awaits to tempt us and he remains "god of the world and prince of the power of the air." It may be a coincidence that you refer to God as god, but I think you inadvertently acknowledge your master.

For free will, let's define it. Free will means that God gave humans the opportunity to make choices that genuinely affect their destiny. Other matters could be important to you and others such as the pilot's, of the helicopter that Kobe Bryant and his daughter were passengers, decision to fly (he had a license to fly in fog) was or it could not be that important such as what color shirt I will wear this morning. We were affected by Adam and Eve's free will gravely. Thus, if your decisions affect your destiny, then it means free will. Can you deny that?

Jeremiah Ames

Well-Known Member
One of the most unfair things we hear is Adam's sin causing us to lose paradise and have all of humankind marked with original sin. That is, we are born of sin not of our doing.

Today, I want to discuss what Adam's sin did. We have paradise which God had created for us. If Adam was able to avoid his temptation, then we would all be living and experiencing paradise today. What was disappointing is it did not appear Adam and Eve was able to hold out for very long.

First and foremost, we find that God's nature is to hate and despise sin. He is holy, so he cannot be with sin. Thus, it wasn't just Adam and Even who was cast from the Garden of Eden, but God the Father himself. He left this universe and Earth and had to return to heaven. He could not stay. This meant we had become without God. Holy guacamole! Is there any way to fix this?

It also meant that Adam lost his dominion over Earth. He had given it to Satan who became "god of the Earth and prince of the power of the air."

Thus, this was a huge problem and the only future we had was a future without God and hell which was designed for Lucifer and his angels who rebelled against God. They had the free will to do so just like us.
Adam is a concept that represents what all of us are like. Not an actual person.
Adam didn’t sin.
He wanted to be God.
He had a choice. God or self.
He chose self.

So, the question for you is: who do you choose?

james bond

Well-Known Member
Bible tells Adam and Eve were expelled.

Therefore Yahweh God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.
Gen. 3:23

Bible doesn’t say God is not anymore in the garden.

I think one has to understand God the Father and his holiness.

'"And one called to another and said:
“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts;
the whole earth is full of his glory!”' Isaiah 6:3

We find people who did not follow God's instructions to the word in regards to keeping things holy were stuck down immediately. We also have God's warning to Moses:

"When the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called to him out of the bush, “Moses, Moses!” And he said, “Here I am.” Then he said, “Do not come near; take your sandals off your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground.” Exodus 3:4-5

We also have to understand that God the Father is in spirit. It shows that he isn't physical anymore than when he was with Adam and Eve.

The clincher to me is:

"Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.” John 14:6

Jesus will be able to touch you and be cleansed of all sins for you to be able to enter heaven. God the Father won't be the one to place his hand upon you.

james bond

Well-Known Member
From the Jewish Virtual Library

Issues in Jewish Ethics: Judaism’s Rejection of Original Sin

"The doctrine of original sin is totally unacceptable to Jews (as it is to Christian sects such as Baptists and Assemblies of G-d). Jews believe that man enters the world free of sin, with a soul that is pure and innocent and untainted. While there were some Jewish teachers in Talmudic times who believed that death was a punishment brought upon mankind on account of Adam's sin, the dominant view by far was that man sins because he is not a perfect being, and not, as Christianity teaches, because he is inherently sinful."


I think you'll find disagreements between the Jews, too. However, Genesis is part of the Torah which is included in the Tanakh.