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Exterminating god

Scott C.

Just one guy
I see. And what are these garments purported to do for one? If they have no special effect, then are they not just undergarments? Perhaps I am confused...

Practically speaking, yes they are just cloth worn under other clothes. They have some symbols on them which make them religious clothing, if you will. The general idea is that they remind us that we made covenants or promises with God. We take them off when they can't reasonably be worn, like when I run or go swimming and things like that. They are worn underneath other clothes because we don't use them as an outward expression of our faith. Someone might wear a cross for example to let people know they are Christian, which is great. But the garment is intended only as an internal reminder. I think of a Pastor who every time he puts on his white collar (if he's the type of Pastor who wears a white collar), he's reminded that he has been set apart to his calling and should behave accordingly. The garment works like that for me. To the extent that we wear the garment and consider it's meaning, and are reminded of covenants of obedience to God, the garment can become a protection from temptation. It's not the garment itself, but the principle, the reminder of covenants made. It's like if I carry a photo of my wife with me, it might remind me to not go home with the cute woman who hits on me. (Not that any women hit on this old guy). That would not make it a magic photo with super powers, it's just a photo with a very special image, the image of my wife which happens to remind me of the promise I made to her. This is how the temple garment can be considered a protection from "temptation" or "evil". But, some fellow Church members have taken it another step to claim protection from physical harm (which is their private and personal interpretation that goes beyond the stated and common sense purpose of the garment). Such claims, when they hit the internet and the general public have morphed into claims that Mormon's think their underwear has super powers and hence is "magic underwear". An unfortunate twist of reality. I like the video link produced by my Church which keeps it real and simple.


Well-Known Member
Classic cybermen are the best. I love The Moonbase and Invasion. But then I love all cybermen stories.

I've just started watching Space 1999 on forces TV so moonbase has a different meaning for me, just now. Do you think the cybermen with the afro is racist? And Star Wars is obviously a DW rip off

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
Famous or otherwise, Doestoevsky’s claim listed here is nonsense.
If God does not exist it is still immoral to do many things.
Morality would still exist independently of God

Yes, as a social construct and likely from innate response mechanisms.

However, morality as a foundation of being, as something intrinsic to the reality of the Universe, no. Without a God, morality becomes relative and "everything is permitted" as long as consequences are accepted.


Well-Known Member
The same way we have slain other gods.


2 Chronicles 14:11 Good News Translation (GNT)

Asa prayed to the Lord his God, “O Lord, you can help a weak army as easily as a powerful one. Help us now, O Lord our God, because we are relying on you, and in your name we have come out to fight against this huge army. Lord, you are our God; no one can hope to defeat you.”

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner

Isaiah 41:29 Good News Translation (GNT)
All these gods are useless;
they can do nothing at all—
these idols are weak and powerless.”
Followers of those dead goods said the same. And they are dead, as will eventually Jehovah. He's been poisoned and weakened, his power deminishes, he is dying.


Well-Known Member
Followers of those dead goods said the same. And they are dead, as will eventually Jehovah. He's been poisoned and weakened, his power deminishes, he is dying.

You probably aren't trying to resuscitate or restore them.

Jehovah??? Sorry don't know Jehovah. He must be another version.

Odin, is a white god who is also associated with Santa Clause.


So if you believe Santa is real, there's your Odin!

Zeus another Roman white god?
His statue is being kept by the Pope in the Vatican.
Probably offering prayers to this statue.


Zeus of Otricoli - Wikipedia

Osiris is the Egyptian Lord of the Underworld and Judge of the Dead, brother-husband to Isis, and one of the most important gods of ancient Egypt. The name `Osiris' is the Latinized form of the Egyptian Usir which is interpreted as 'powerful' or 'mighty'.


Before anyone could claim, they destroyed this god and that. Let us hear what the centuries old bible has to say:

Jeremiah 43:10-13 Good News Translation (GNT)
Then tell them that I, the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, am going to bring my servant King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia to this place, and he will put his throne over these stones that you buried, and will spread the royal tent over them. Nebuchadnezzar will come and defeat Egypt. Those people who are doomed to die of disease will die of disease, those doomed to be taken away as prisoners will be taken away as prisoners, and those doomed to be killed in war will be killed in war. I will set fire to the temples of Egypt's gods, and the king of Babylonia will either burn their gods or carry them off. As shepherds pick their clothes clean of lice, so the king of Babylonia will pick the land of Egypt clean and then leave victorious. He will destroy the sacred stone monuments at Heliopolis in Egypt and will burn down the temples of the Egyptian gods.”

No wonder there are no more pure-blooded Egyptians to this day and Heliopolis in Egypt looks like this:


The credit for the destruction of these gods and goddesses belongs to the only true God.
And that is the God written in the Bible.

1 Corinthians 8:5-7 Good News Translation (GNT)
Even if there are so-called “gods,” whether in heaven or on earth, and even though there are many of these “gods” and “lords,” yet there is for us only one God, the Father, who is the Creator of all things and for whom we live; and there is only one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things were created and through whom we live.

But not everyone knows this truth. Some people have been so used to idols that to this day when they eat such food they still think of it as food that belongs to an idol; their conscience is weak, and they feel they are defiled by the food.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Before anyone could claim, they destroyed this god and that.
Yup. The Vatican was found to have a serious problem with sexually abusive priests, and trying to downplay and cover it up. For over two decades now people have been leaving fundamentalist and evangelicals. Around the world people are leaving Christianity like never before. We are killing god. It is inevitable, though, that his flame will be extinguished though, as everything dies, everything comes to an end. Christianity, it seems, is in its twilight, Abraham's god dying off even more as people leave, scandal and controversy discovered, and more people leave.


Premium Member
If god exists and is as wicked as indicated in the Bible, humans should be looking at ways of exterminating it. Any ideas as to how it could be done?

I am wondering what will happen to the exterminator of god, considering that kingdom of heaven is within?


Well-Known Member
Yup. The Vatican was found to have a serious problem with sexually abusive priests, and trying to downplay and cover it up. For over two decades now people have been leaving fundamentalist and evangelicals.

I with you with that!


Around the world people are leaving Christianity like never before.

Leaving Protestant and Catholics, that is why we are buying their buildings


We are killing god.


It is inevitable, though, that his flame will be extinguished though, as everything dies, everything comes to an end.

Christianity, it seems, is in its twilight, Abraham's god dying off even more as people leave, scandal and controversy discovered, and more people leave.


Samantha Rinne

Resident Genderfluid Writer/Artist
By stopping giving any damns if you're an atheist who wants to exterminate what you see as a fictional character, and go do something useful with your life instead of wasting your time ranting about a made up being?

Pretty much this.

As long as you're like this, OP, you're like a person in a bad romance who is constantly badmouthing their bf/gf but can't just walk away. God is immortal, this means you can't kill him. But the Bible describes God a few times as being married to his people. So it's a relationship. And if your relationship with God bothers you, you have two options: improve it or break up.


Well-Known Member
Christianity is dying, and Christians are helping.

I agree with you on a piecemeal basis but....


- I have to qualify what is Christianity / Christians.

Religious commitment by country and age

Church attendance has edged down in recent years. Gallup's latest yearly update from its daily tracking survey shows that in 2017, 38% of adults said they attended religious services weekly or almost every week. When Gallup began asking this question in 2008, that figure was 42%.

Church Leaders and Declining Religious Service Attendance

That fact is very real in America and I have heard about it.


That is why when these so called "Christian religions" close, it presents a golden opportunity to purchase their buildings at a very affordable [give away] prices. Have it renovated and then dedicate these buildings to God.



Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I've heard Dostoevsky called many things but nonsense is not one of them. He was pretty spot on in suggesting that the atheistic ideologies of his day would lead to totalitarian bloodshed unmatched in human history. The whole 20th century pretty much bore that out.

I've watched sam harris try and explain that Morality exists without God but he has never quite made the grade. There are series of debates between harris and jordan peterson on utube going over whether we need the Architypal religious stories or not ,they are not so glib as to dismiss Nietsche and dostoevsky as nonsense.
There is a reason that right wing propoganda about atheists is stuck in the 20th Century even though we are now in the 21st century, it is because now there are atheist countries such as Norway which do not follow destructive ideologies to choose from, and this doesn't suit the confirmation bias of the right wing who try to paint all atheists as communists.

Here is a pretty good article on morality as a product of evolution: Evolution and Functionally Objective Morality - The Gemsbok