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Is Cannabis an Essential Part of our Religions?


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Please stop talking and remove us.
In Hindu texts it is Brahman who is causing that; we're just sent to explain how adharmic everyone is before it.
It's a drug
Are you aware that the most basic lifeforms on this planet have an endocannabinoid system, and without omega oils in our diet, our brains are malnourished; where we've had hemp in our diets throughout history... Drugs intoxicate.
Take any opinion, stick it into the Bible, pull it out, and it's magically endorsed by God.
Talk about ignore history, most ancient cultures were inspired to talk about God from cannabis and psychedelic use, our religions started as shamanic cultures.
Smoky lungs, smoky mind.
In Hindu, and Zoroastrian culture it was drank; in Hebraic culture it was an anointing oil. :rolleyes:
And has the distinct aspect of conferring on the user that the delusions they entertain are quite real.
Personally don't see these ancient religions as merely delusional, as many of their statements were quite accurate. :eek:

In my opinion. :innocent:


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Thanks for proving my point.
This is like when people say cannabis causes schizophrenia, so do we chuck the religious text in the bin, as that is what helped inspire them?

In my opinion. :innocent:


Bodhisattva in Recovery
This is like when people say cannabis causes schizophrenia, so do we chuck the religious text in the bin, as that is what helped inspire them?

In my opinion. :innocent:
If you are being honest @wizanda you will appreciate that there is no possibility of proving that last part, that these works were written by pie-eyed clerics rushing off to their equivalent of a bag of Doritos. It's a fringe idea, at best. Besides, references to Soma are likely in regards to the mushroom and have nothing to do with cannabis.


Veteran Member
In Hindu, and Zoroastrian culture it was drank; in Hebraic culture it was an anointing oil. :rolleyes:
And of course, Priests and kings were high as a kite after diluting the cannabis (if that's even what it actually is) in a concoction that is 1:6 parts cannabis, not counting the oil that held it all together.

Patients find they can reduce the amount of cannabis inhaled or ingested by applying an oil externally, directly to the site of concern. This has the benefit of reducing the amount of cannabis delivered to the brain through the bloodstream, reducing the psychoactive effects.

Health Canada’s information for health care professionals contains some of the few studies on topical application. Studies measuring the nanogram per millilitre of THC in the bloodstream have shown that anywhere in the range of 7-29ng/mL is enough to produce the subjective “high” effect. (source) A study on trans-dermal cannabinoid delivery found that after an hour and a half exposure blood plasma levels reached only 4.4ng/mL. Permeation of cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabinol (CBN) was found to be 10-fold higher than for Δ8-THC.
Those Jews were totally high, man.


Veteran Member: I Share (not Debate) my POV
Is cannabis essential for fighting our own inner demons, like pride, arrogance, stubbornness, ego

I believe LOVE is essential for fighting our inner demons
If Cannabis increases your LOVE then you can use it

"Matthew 7:1-3 KJV - Judge not, that ye be not judged"
Most people are addicted to judging others. Sometimes I see people even judge other people who use Cannabis;). So foolish [they only proof thereby that they do not follow the teachings of Jesus]. Judging others might be the most dangerous addiction, because Jesus warned us for that one. He who is without sin, throw the first stone. And many more.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Is Cannabis an Essential Part of our Religions?

No all drugs and Alcohol has been forbidden by God in this age, unless medically prescribed.

"Regarding hashish you have pointed out that some Persians have become habituated to its use. Gracious God! This is the worst of all intoxicants, and its prohibition is explicitly revealed. Its use causeth the disintegration of thought and the complete torpor of the soul. How could anyone seek the fruit of the infernal tree, and by partaking of it, be led to exemplify the qualities of a monster? How could one use this forbidden drug, and thus deprive himself of the blessings of the All-Merciful? Alcohol consumeth the mind and causeth man to commit acts of absurdity, but this opium, this foul fruit of the infernal tree, and this wicked hashish extinguish the mind, freeze the spirit, petrify the soul, waste the body and leave man frustrated and lost". Abdu’l-Bahá

Regards Tony


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Your unsupported assertions are not "history."


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Those Jews were totally high, man.
The idea of turning something sacred into a reason to get high, shows a lack of respect to ancient religious cultures.

On a biological note, the strength of cannabis was weaker back then, and thus it is more about the THC making the anointing oil become a molecular compound; where this slightly psychoactive affect causes prophetic visions, clearer communication with the divine, and the power to heal.
Besides, references to Soma are likely in regards to the mushroom and have nothing to do with cannabis.
If you're a shaman, then you should know you're not going to take psychedelic mushrooms, and start writing poetry... Whereas that is common with cannabis.

In my opinion. :innocent:


Veteran Member
The idea of turning something sacred into a reason to get high, shows a lack of respect to ancient religious cultures.
Your holier-than-thou attempt is misguided. As usual though.

On a biological note, the strength of cannabis was weaker back then, and thus it is more about the THC making the anointing oil become a molecular compound; where this slightly psychoactive affect causes prophetic visions, clearer communication with the divine, and the power to heal.
This is bovine excrement. Read this again:

Patients find they can reduce the amount of cannabis inhaled or ingested by applying an oil externally, directly to the site of concern. This has the benefit of reducing the amount of cannabis delivered to the brain through the bloodstream, reducing the psychoactive effects.

Health Canada’s information for health care professionals contains some of the few studies on topical application. Studies measuring the nanogram per millilitre of THC in the bloodstream have shown that anywhere in the range of 7-29ng/mL is enough to produce the subjective “high” effect. (source) A study on trans-dermal cannabinoid delivery found that after an hour and a half exposure blood plasma levels reached only 4.4ng/mL. Permeation of cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabinol (CBN) was found to be 10-fold higher than for Δ8-THC.
You're making up your own Wizanda-excrement to make the actual usage of whatever it actually is comply with what you want it to be doing. Delivery of THC through the skin does not allow for a high enough THC level to enter the blood. And presumably that's when they didn't water it down by 5 parts. You have not provided any basis with which to say that (even if it actually was cannabis) it would have had any psychoactive effects when administered in the anointing oil.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
You have not provided any basis with which to say that (even if it actually was cannabis) it would have had any psychoactive effects when administered in the anointing oil.

The Love of God is the only intoxicant required for our Spiritual motivation.

Regards Tony


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
You're making up your own Wizanda-excrement to make the actual usage of whatever it actually is comply with what you want it to be doing.
This topic isn't about me or you...

Exodus 30:23-25 “Also take fine spices: of liquid myrrh, five hundred shekels; and of fragrant cinnamon half as much, even two hundred and fifty; and of kaneh bosem (fragrant cane), two hundred and fifty; (24) and of cassia five hundred, after the shekel of the sanctuary; and a hin of olive oil. (25) You shall make it into a holy anointing oil, a perfume compounded after the art of the perfumer: it shall be a holy anointing oil.

When each of these are made as fine oils, the THC is fat soluble, so it causes it to become super potent for healing, as we're seeing in the USA's medicinal use...

All the ingredients are known shamanic plants that were used for medicine for generations, so its pharmacological construction at that time period would have been advanced even today.

Because all of the oils can then absorb through the skin as a compound, it is possible for them to dermatologically absorb.

It's like George's Marvelous Medicine, a Wonder Lotion that heals and enlightens; yet that's become a thing of the past, where now a days people are no longer interested in science. :p

In my opinion. :innocent:

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Always curious if people speak of personal experience or just bookish knowledge. You talk about Canabis NOT having any spiritual advantages at all, just some medical use?
I smoked a lot of weed during the late 60's and early 70's. My personal experience is that it led nowhere good. This was also true of LSD and similar drugs.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Are you aware that the most basic lifeforms on this planet have an endocannabinoid system, and without omega oils in our diet, our brains are malnourished; where we've had hemp in our diets throughout history... Drugs intoxicate.
This was confusing to me - the point is unclear. We have various brain receptors as you noted but this has nothing to do with consuming/smoking intoxicants. And there is no proof but only an assertion that "we've had hemp in our diets throughout history".

Talk about ignore history, most ancient cultures were inspired to talk about God from cannabis and psychedelic use, our religions started as shamanic cultures.
Care to site some academic articles here. Besides, our religions did not 'start' as shamanic cultures. Rather, religions born from the Avatar/Christ supplanted prior religions in most of the world. There is nothing "essential" about drug use to most of the world - Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Zoroastrian.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Always curious if people speak of personal experience or just bookish knowledge. You talk about Canabis NOT having any spiritual advantages at all, just some medical use?

I have never smoked or taken drugs, I have been lucky with that choice.

As a Supervisor on Job sites I witnessed marijuana induced schizophrenia at its worst. Especially if backed by Alcohol. Every day after lunch we would.have a very hard time with two uses.

Then I had family in teen years that was pushed this substance by so called friends, made a choice to take it and developed this disorder in a very short time. This substance turned a bight young person into a very sad state where prison resulted.

Long-term effects of cannabis - Wikipedia

Regards Tony

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Always curious if people speak of personal experience or just bookish knowledge. You talk about Canabis NOT having any spiritual advantages at all, just some medical use?
Sure, it can have spiritual uses. It really depends on the person, the context they're using it in, its strength and if it's cut or laced with something else, etc. A lot of people don't really know what they're doing with drugs. This is a good site for information: Entheogen

Do you need drugs for spirituality? Nope. It can help but you have to be careful. For some people, it's not good. But I don't think being totally against it is right, either. As for me, smoking weed just made me goofy and talk a lot.