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What is Happening in Our Schools?


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
Recently attention has been drawn to an "anti-bullying program" introduced into Australian schools supposedly in an effort to help children who are "different" to stand up to bullies. But this has gone too far in the opinion of many, where children are asked to role play gay or transsexual teens. Children are also being urged to question their sexuality when they are not really old enough to understand sexual identity at such a young age.

"Australian Christian Lobby spokeswoman Wendy Frances says the Safe Schools material “discriminates’’ against heterosexual kids. “This is bullying in reverse,’’ she says. “A lot of children are still pretty innocent about this stuff; there’s a lot in the program that is age-inappropriate."

It is disturbing to me that the gay agenda has been carried too far and is now infiltrating to the point of making something that is still morally objectionable to many people, into something socially acceptable. It will NEVER be "socially acceptable" to God.

The Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras held in Sydney has become a "family" event. I am sorry, but there is no way I would expose my young children to this...or to teach them that this is "normal" or "acceptable" human behavior.

I have no problem with anyone being 'gay'...it is a genetic hiccup, but to promote the gay lifestyle as morally acceptable is something a Christian cannot condone.

For those who do not care what God thinks....I guess its party on. :(



Are children in other countries exposed to this too?

Subhankar Zac

Hare Krishna,Hare Krishna,
Recently attention has been drawn to an "anti-bullying program" introduced into Australian schools supposedly in an effort to help children who are "different" to stand up to bullies. But this has gone too far in the opinion of many, where children are asked to role play gay or transsexual teens. Children are also being urged to question their sexuality when they are not really old enough to understand sexual identity at such a young age.

"Australian Christian Lobby spokeswoman Wendy Frances says the Safe Schools material “discriminates’’ against heterosexual kids. “This is bullying in reverse,’’ she says. “A lot of children are still pretty innocent about this stuff; there’s a lot in the program that is age-inappropriate."

It is disturbing to me that the gay agenda has been carried too far and is now infiltrating to the point of making something that is still morally objectionable to many people, into something socially acceptable. It will NEVER be "socially acceptable" to God.

The Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras held in Sydney has become a "family" event. I am sorry, but there is no way I would expose my young children to this...or to teach them that this is "normal" or "acceptable" human behavior.

I have no problem with anyone being 'gay'...it is a genetic hiccup, but to promote the gay lifestyle as morally acceptable is something a Christian cannot condone.

For those who do not care what God thinks....I guess its party on. :(



Are children in other countries exposed to this too?

Here's a thought.
No one will make you fast for 3 days, drinking only cow urine and showering with Tulsi leaves and cow urine for transgressing Hindu laws of consuming beef and you don't whine when people get to be whoever they wish.

The beef consumption everywhere has become a "family" event. I am sorry, but there is no way I would expose my young children to this...or to teach them that this is "moral" or "acceptable" human behavior.

I have no problem with anyone eating beef...it is a gross moral evil, but to promote the beef consumption as morally acceptable is something a Hindu cannot condone.

For those who do not care what Lord SHRI KRISHNA thinks....I guess its party on.:(


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member

Ahh thank you.

Course, personally I tend to side with the Age on this one


And here's the actual Safe Schools outline. In their own words instead of journos trying to foster some sort of battle for profit..


Safe Schools does have elements that are a little bit worthy of a reassessment. And yeah, I'd encourage scrutiny. Because it's part of education, everything should be scrutinized to improve in the future. But I don't agree that it's "grooming." What utter nonsense.
The detraction campaign is nothing but overblown homophobic blather. "They're recruiting, they're making kids genderless."
Tired old rhetoric that is, happily, being noticed by the younger generation as nothing more than fear mongering lies. Generally, anyway.

Like, please. Myself, like many of my generation already knew all about LGTBQI by age 10. That's the modern world for you. Didn't magically turn any of us gay, though or make us question our gender or any of that other stuff. It's not something you can just learn to be. Thankfully it seems that it's starting to be put into a proper academic context for kids, instead of learning it through the internet or the playground. Preemptive. I like it.
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Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
To be perfectly honest, it seems as if parents are giving more and more authority over to teachers in the education system than they are willing to shoulder themselves.

Since when is gender identity or transsexualism something that should be learned at school? Whatever happened to parents balancing the opinions of educators at home?
Why are teens encouraged to question their sexual identity? :(

No one talks to their kids anymore....or is it that kids don't listen to their parents anymore? Parents need to take back some power. Influence from questionable sources may be doing damage to young minds that parents are not aware of.

JW's take an active role in their children's education to make sure that the influences of the world do not rub off on them unnecessarily. They at least have a balanced outlook on what is taught, and a good counterargument in order to make informed choices. Young immature minds are very vulnerable and can easily be swayed to the wrong side of an issue. The young ones being influenced to support Islamic State are a classic example of the wrong sort of indoctrination. Many parents were unaware until it was too late. :oops:


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
To be perfectly honest, it seems as if parents are giving more and more authority over to teachers in the education system than they are willing to shoulder themselves.

Because teachers literally have to act as parents during school hours. They are responsible for not only education, but the physical and even mental safety of EVERYONE in their care, promoting good behavior and are even in charge of discipline. But regardless of what a school teaches, a parent is still free to teach their kid whatever the hell they want to. It's not like a teacher goes home with their students and demands their parents stop teaching kids to be racist, for example. But in the environment of a school (public or otherwise) that student is still expected not to bully kids based on their race. It's the forerunner to the agreed upon social contract of our society. Except when you break that contract at school, you'll probably get away with some detention, mediation or suspension instead of fines or jail time. Depending on the seriousness of the transgression, of course.

Since when is gender identity or transsexualism something that should be learned at school? Whatever happened to parents balancing the opinions of educators at home?

Since forever? Where else are you supposed to learn this **** from? Especially if one's parents are neglectful or like to pretend that gay people don't exist!
The schools are being pragmatic. Like when they have sex ed classes. Duh.

No one talks to their kids anymore....or is it that kids don't listen to their parents anymore? Parents need to take back some power. Influence from questionable sources may be doing damage to young minds that parents are not aware of.

All the more reason factual scientific evidence should be presented to children in an academic setting. Keeping kids in the dark only harms them.

JW's take an active role in their children's education to make sure that the influences of the world do not rub off on them unnecessarily. They at least have a balanced outlook on what is taught, and a good counterargument in order to make informed choices. Young immature minds are very vulnerable and can easily be swayed to the wrong side of an issue. The young ones being influenced to support Islamic State are a classic example of the wrong sort of indoctrination. Many parents were unaware until it was too late. :oops:

I agree. Parents should take an active role in their kid's lives.
But being taught that one should be nice to gay people isn't the equivalent of being indoctrinated by Islamic State.

Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
What is happening in schools? Your children are taught they come from apes while learning how to have gay sex in sex ed while a boy is staring at your naked daughter because he is really a girl on the inside. While kids who don't know how to read are graduating because of a football scholarship.


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
Is that a "wow" because it is sadly true or for another reason?

Schools in Australia are breeding grounds for all manner of unsavory conduct. The fact that most people don't consider then "unsavory" any more is beside the point.

Teens are freely having sex...a lot of it under the influence of drugs and alcohol, so it is largely unprotected. That means that STD's are on the rise as well.

Parents are almost forced to allow their teens to sleep with whoever they like under their own roof. Many older people today have become as desensitized as the youth. They will accept things today that would have shocked the socks off them decades ago. Is this a good thing? Are people happier with all this freedom? Or is it causing more problems than the old ways ever did? Have we just swapped slavery to one set of rules for an equal form of slavery, causing an equal amount of heartache?

How many of today's children even know what a father is in a family setting? How many know what being faithful to a mate means? Is the world a better place because we have thrown all the Bible's rules out of the window?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I think I'm going back to work for the night. Failed coding and crashing programs make so much more sense than people being appalled over anti-bullying and anti-discrimination measures.
It will NEVER be "socially acceptable" to God.
And those who don't believe in your god do not care about what your god says is acceptable, nor do they care. I equally care about what your god approves or doesn't approve of just as much as I care about Justin Beiber approves or doesn't approve of.
Is the world a better place because we have thrown all the Bible's rules out of the window?
I would say most definitely yes.


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
Psychological manipulation that is common in any cult. As for children, it's that as well as forced indoctrination from an early age.

"Psychological manipulation"? "A cult"? o_O We are no more of a cult than Jesus and his disciples were in the first century. Different? Absolutely! But not a cult by any true definition.

Do you know anything about JW's except for what comes from our opposers? What do you know first hand, StF?

Do you know how Jesus' own people treated him? For what? For telling the truth and exposing their errors. They hated him enough to want to permanently silence him. It didn't work though, did it? He still speaks thousands of years down through history.

You know what we teach our children? I invite you to visit our website JW.ORG and see for yourself what we teach our children. Its called morality and good manners, love of God, appreciation for family unity and self sufficiency...something sadly lacking in this world....actually something sadly lacking in Christendom also. Isn't that the reason why you have drifted in and out of the Catholic Church so often? What draws you back...what drives you away again?


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
I think I'm going back to work for the night. Failed coding and crashing programs make so much more sense than people being appalled over anti-bullying and anti-discrimination measures.
I am not appalled by legitimate anti-bullying or anti-discrimination measures at all. What I am appalled by is the way our children's opinions are being manipulated at school without our permission. If the gay lobby want to push their own agenda, let them push it to adults who are in charge of their own thoughts and decisions, not to young and impressionable children. Why should school be a place to push things related to sexual identity and other things that are none of anyone's business?.....isn't that why Christianity has been pushed out of schools? Is it being replaced now with anti-Christian propaganda to encourage children into a lifestyle that is still perceived by a large number of people, as being sick and twisted?

And those who don't believe in your god do not care about what your god says is acceptable, nor do they care.

I can assure you that my God has about as much regard for you as he does for anyone who could care less about him. That is your personal choice. He already knows it.
He describes people like yourself by your own description.

I would say most definitely yes.

Sorry, that is Catholicism...NOT Christianity. Please don't confuse the two.


Well-Known Member
To be perfectly honest, it seems as if parents are giving more and more authority over to teachers in the education system than they are willing to shoulder themselves.

Since when is gender identity or transsexualism something that should be learned at school? Whatever happened to parents balancing the opinions of educators at home?
Why are teens encouraged to question their sexual identity? :(

No one talks to their kids anymore....or is it that kids don't listen to their parents anymore? Parents need to take back some power. Influence from questionable sources may be doing damage to young minds that parents are not aware of.

JW's take an active role in their children's education to make sure that the influences of the world do not rub off on them unnecessarily. They at least have a balanced outlook on what is taught, and a good counterargument in order to make informed choices. Young immature minds are very vulnerable and can easily be swayed to the wrong side of an issue. The young ones being influenced to support Islamic State are a classic example of the wrong sort of indoctrination. Many parents were unaware until it was too late. :oops:

The irony about where the negative source is coming from.

You're right. Unfortunately, some kids dont have a choice.
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