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Female Body Shaming

so http://www.patheos.com/blogs/removi...shame-self-esteem-and-being-told-to-cover-up/ makes a claim that the religious sect female body shames, but what I want to know is whether or not there is scripture that supports the view that women must cover up or they will make men stumble? I vaguely remember somewhere in the new testament where letters to the new church where it is stated to be careful should your actions make a fellow believer fail but not particularly directed towards females.

Jonathan Ainsley Bain

Logical Positivist
so http://www.patheos.com/blogs/removi...shame-self-esteem-and-being-told-to-cover-up/ makes a claim that the religious sect female body shames, but what I want to know is whether or not there is scripture that supports the view that women must cover up or they will make men stumble? I vaguely remember somewhere in the new testament where letters to the new church where it is stated to be careful should your actions make a fellow believer fail but not particularly directed towards females.

Its the same for men and women.
I believe its based on the notion that early sexualization causes population explosion.

Its amazing how such a large proportion of all societies exist purely to try and delay conception.
Shaming a person for nudity is not meant to make a person feel bad.
Just conscious of delaying sexuality for the good of everyone.


Dark Valkyrie...what's not to love?
You mean to tell me that strong men that are so superior to women crumble at the sight of some skin? NO! Get out of here. I don't believe that for one second. Staff close this thread because it will attract the anti-women factions of this forum.:sweat:


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Apistevist Asexual Atheist
so http://www.patheos.com/blogs/removi...shame-self-esteem-and-being-told-to-cover-up/ makes a claim that the religious sect female body shames, but what I want to know is whether or not there is scripture that supports the view that women must cover up or they will make men stumble? I vaguely remember somewhere in the new testament where letters to the new church where it is stated to be careful should your actions make a fellow believer fail but not particularly directed towards females.

Can't call **** shaming anything other than stupid.
If a woman is at fault for her body attracting men, about every religious zealot on Earth is at fault for being alive, I dislike their very existence.
Wrath is a sin too, right? Verbal or not?


so http://www.patheos.com/blogs/removi...shame-self-esteem-and-being-told-to-cover-up/ makes a claim that the religious sect female body shames, but what I want to know is whether or not there is scripture that supports the view that women must cover up or they will make men stumble? I vaguely remember somewhere in the new testament where letters to the new church where it is stated to be careful should your actions make a fellow believer fail but not particularly directed towards females.

Actually, why should it matter what bans a patriarchal religion says women should be under?

We should not follow such archaic crap.

Tribes to this day, - run around naked, - feeling no shame, --- until religions go in and fill them full of ridiculous body shame, and tell them they are sinners.



Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
In instructing Timothy as to proper conduct that should be observed in the Christian congregation, Paul stated: “I desire the women to adorn themselves in well-arranged dress, with modesty and soundness of mind, not with styles of hair braiding and gold or pearls or very expensive garb, but in the way that befits women professing to reverence God, namely, through good works.” (1Titus 2:9, 10) Here Paul does not counsel against a good, pleasing appearance; he recommends “well-arranged dress.” But he shows the impropriety of vanity and ostentatiousness in dress—calling attention to oneself or to one’s means of life.

Also modesty relating to respect for the feelings of others and to self-respect and a sense of honor to God is involved. The Christian’s manner of dress should not be shocking to the standards of decency common in the nation in which one lives. They would not offend the moral standards of the Christian congregation, causing others to fell uncomfortable. This counsel as to dress sheds further light on God’s attitude toward the way we dress if the style was revealing or sexually provocative. A Christian would not want to dress in the same manner as a street walker.
Unfortunately, some women think that "sexy" is feminine, when it is actually offensive to many. One does not need to dress in a sexually provocative way to attract a male's attention. That would actually attract the wrong kind of male attention.

The Apostle Peter likewise said...
1 Pet 3:3, 4:
"Do not let your adornment be external—the braiding of hair and the wearing of gold ornaments or fine clothing— 4 but let it be the secret person of the heart in the incorruptible adornment of the quiet and mild spirit, which is of great value in the eyes of God."

That "secret person of the heart" is what attracts the right kind of attention.....and a lasting relationship that is not based merely on physical appearance. It is also very attractive to God.


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
Why should anyone, male or female, be able to influence another person's clothing choices just because they feel "offended"?

Isn't the problem with the person who takes offence?

My post reflects what Christians hold to as a standard based on the Bible's counsel. Unbelievers can dress like street walkers if they like....makes no difference to me. They don't seem to care if they offend anyone. Its a bit like the language that is popular theses days. Every second word is the "F" bomb. I find that language offensive personally.....it doesn't make people stop using it for the simple reason that in today's world no one seems to think of anyone but themselves.


Agnostic Atheist Ex-Christian
My post reflects what Christians hold to as a standard based on the Bible's counsel. Unbelievers can dress like street walkers if they like....makes no difference to me. They don't seem to care if they offend anyone. Its a bit like the language that is popular theses days. Every second word is the "F" bomb. I find that language offensive personally.....it doesn't make people stop using it for the simple reason that in today's world no one seems to think of anyone but themselves.
Why should people care if they offend anyone? Apart from using good manners and respecting the context, eg I wouldn't use the F word in a business meeting or visiting my grandmother, but if I am at home and I stub my toe, I can say what I like. If you are my next door neighbour and you hear it, why on earth should I modify my behaviour just because you feel offended? Serious question.


Well-Known Member
Its the same for men and women.
I believe its based on the notion that early sexualization causes population explosion.

Its amazing how such a large proportion of all societies exist purely to try and delay conception.
Shaming a person for nudity is not meant to make a person feel bad.
Just conscious of delaying sexuality for the good of everyone.
You know what does lead to an increase in population? Poverty, lack of sex education, inadequate or restricted access to contraception and criminalised abortion.


Well-Known Member
My post reflects what Christians hold to as a standard based on the Bible's counsel. Unbelievers can dress like street walkers if they like....makes no difference to me. They don't seem to care if they offend anyone. Its a bit like the language that is popular theses days. Every second word is the "F" bomb. I find that language offensive personally.....it doesn't make people stop using it for the simple reason that in today's world no one seems to think of anyone but themselves.
What about when unbelievers are offended by believers' sexist, homophobic hate speech; denial of science; attempts to infiltrate public education and government; attempts to convert others; attempts to restrict access to birth control; attempts to restrict the rights of certain minorities etc?

It works both ways, but personally I'd rather live in a country of swearing people dressed like "street walkers".


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
Why should people care if they offend anyone? Apart from using good manners and respecting the context, eg I wouldn't use the F word in a business meeting or visiting my grandmother, but if I am at home and I stub my toe, I can say what I like. If you are my next door neighbour and you hear it, why on earth should I modify my behaviour just because you feel offended? Serious question.

I don't recall saying that I would be offended if someone stubbed their toe and used an expletive in their own home.....it is the language that is used generally in public, and the "F word" is dropped often in general speech.

Comedy acts can't even elicit a laugh without it apparently. And I have see perfectly good movies ruined because the writers insisted on a few "F words" so that they could get an M rating. I used to only get PG rated movies but now you can't even trust that. An R rating is not just for adults, but for adults with no moral values at all. We have become a race of voyeurs...which used to be a crime. When did that become okay?

The standard of what used to be called "decency" no longer applies. A concept of morality has all but disappeared. Teens bring their boyfriends and girlfriends home to have sex in their bedroom....and the parents are not allowed to say anything about it.
Someone's son brings home a girl dressed like a hooker and the parents wonder, "will this be the mother of their grandchildren and will she even stick around long enough for the grandparents to get to know them?" Will she have children to a few different dads and raise her kids not knowing what a father is supposed to be?

The internet caters to all forms of deviant behavior which means that the rock spider pedophiles can now feed on the vilest of filth to their heart's content in the privacy of their own home and then take their appetites out on defenseless children....sometimes their own flesh and blood.

Does anyone else see what is happening in the world...and do they care? What are we breeding?


Agnostic Atheist Ex-Christian
I don't recall saying that I would be offended if someone stubbed their toe and used an expletive in their own home.....it is the language that is used generally in public, and the "F word" is dropped often in general speech.

Comedy acts can't even elicit a laugh without it apparently. And I have see perfectly good movies ruined because the writers insisted on a few "F words" so that they could get an M rating. I used to only get PG rated movies but now you can't even trust that. An R rating is not just for adults, but for adults with no moral values at all. We have become a race of voyeurs...which used to be a crime. When did that become okay?

The standard of what used to be called "decency" no longer applies. A concept of morality has all but disappeared. Teens bring their boyfriends and girlfriends home to have sex in their bedroom....and the parents are not allowed to say anything about it.
Someone's son brings home a girl dressed like a hooker and the parents wonder, "will this be the mother of their grandchildren and will she even stick around long enough for the grandparents to get to know them?" Will she have children to a few different dads and raise her kids not knowing what a father is supposed to be?

The internet caters to all forms of deviant behavior which means that the rock spider pedophiles can now feed on the vilest of filth to their heart's content in the privacy of their own home and then take their appetites out on defenseless children....sometimes their own flesh and blood.

Does anyone else see what is happening in the world...and do they care? What are we breeding?
What are we breeding? Some of us are breeding frightened, sheltered conservatives with a moral framework based on ancient books. Others are breeding little humanist critical thinkers who are helped to develop a moral compass based on the golden rule.




Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
What are we breeding? Some of us are breeding frightened, sheltered conservatives with a moral framework based on ancient books. Others are breeding little humanist critical thinkers who are helped to develop a moral compass based on the golden rule.

And those who are trying to raise decent human beings are falling into a minority as the influence of movies, the lifestyle of celebrities, peer pressure and violent and graphic computer games dull the sensibilities that some parents are trying to instill in their young ones. The devil is the pied piper and he is leading our children away with his music and entertainment.

"Morality" is a standard of good and bad that keeps slipping according to the whims of men. What used to be shocking no longer raises an eyebrow.
How can you have a standard when people keep moving the goalposts?
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Oldest Heretic
The idea that women are not responsible for the depravity of men is a very new one.
It seems that from time immemorial all religions have put the blame firmly on the attraction of females for the weakness and sinning of men.
Today, at least the law recognises that men are totally responsible for their own actions.
Christiny is in part catching up, but the more extreme versions, as well as Islam are far from doing so.

Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
I find that language offensive personally.....it doesn't make people stop using it for the simple reason that in today's world no one seems to think of anyone but themselves.
Poor Jesus. Had a mouth on him like I don't know what, but because he never uses modern insults, everyone thinks he's so nice and generous towards others.

An R rating is not just for adults, but for adults with no moral values at all. We have become a race of voyeurs...which used to be a crime. When did that become okay?
We always have been. You just don't recognize older versions. It's not like ancient erotica and stuff didn't exist. You could buy gladiator sweat to make yourself look more manly or whatever ... that's commercialism and hero worship and such and it's ancient Rome. The Song of Solomon is one long "do I wanna shag you ... yes, please".

And those who are trying to raise decent human beings are falling into a minority as the influence of movies, the lifestyle of celebrities, peer pressure and violent and graphic computer games dull the sensibilities that some parents are trying to instill in their young ones. The devil is the pied piper and he is leading our children away with his music and entertainment.
Have you READ the bible? It contains many stories waaaaaaay inappropriate for the young'uns.