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JW's Preach A Different Gospel


'New Covenant'

Jesus is the mediator of the new covenant which is between himself and those who will be in heaven as kings and priests.
Where is the Scripture that says Jesus' mediatorship extends outward from the little flock to the great crowd?

What Scripture says the New Covenant, signed in Jesus' blood, is an agreement between God and the Governing Body ONLY?


Jesus in me
Here is the JW's "GOOD NEWS"

I believe The gospel of Paul is a different gospel from the gospel of Jesus. Are you saying that Jesus is not of God because He preaches a different gospel?

Also I believe Paul's gospel would not work on the 2 minute drill either because the same thing would happen that an evil person would think he was saved because Jesus died for his sin.

I believe Peter's preaching which I would not consider a gospel to be highly effective in the two minute drill.

PS: I don't believe JW's are taught about a three minute drill and that would make it difficult for them to answer. However I believe JW's think that they are saved by works which is not the case as the Bible makes clear and perhaps that comes out in the video to some extent.

I believe the gospel of the Kingdom that Jesus taught is the most effective gospel because it is Christ in us that gives us any hope of being saved from sin.
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Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
I would have told the dying man "you're screwed dude".:eek:
Then I would have tried to tell him he'd be in the great resurrection minus the
bullet hole.:p


Well-Known Member
I believe Peter's preaching which I would not consider a gospel to be highly effective in the two minute drill.

What about Paul's Gospel? Paul says the Gospel he preached to them was the same as he received, by which they are being saved.

1Co 15:1-4 (ESVST) 1 Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, 2 and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you— unless you believed in vain. 3 For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures,


Well-Known Member
Romans 10:13 (NWT) 13 For “everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah* will be saved.”

Romans 10:12-13 (ESVST) . 13 For " everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

1Co 1:2 (ESVST) 2 To the church of God that is in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints together with all those who in every place call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, both their Lord and ours.


I believe The gospel of Paul is a different gospel from the gospel of Jesus. Are you saying that Jesus is not of God because He preaches a different gospel?

Also I believe Paul's gospel would not work on the 2 minute drill either because the same thing would happen that an evil person would think he was saved because Jesus died for his sin.

I believe Peter's preaching which I would not consider a gospel to be highly effective in the two minute drill.

PS: I don't believe JW's are taught about a three minute drill and that would make it difficult for them to answer. However I believe JW's think that they are saved by works which is not the case as the Bible makes clear and perhaps that comes out in the video to some extent.

I believe the gospel of the Kingdom that Jesus taught is the most effective gospel because it is Christ in us that gives us any hope of being saved from sin.
We're supposed to preach the gospel to the lost. If I were lost, what would you say to me?


What about Paul's Gospel? Paul says the Gospel he preached to them was the same as he received, by which they are being saved.

1Co 15:1-4 (ESVST) 1 Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, 2 and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you— unless you believed in vain. 3 For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures,
And didn't Paul receive that gospel directly from Jesus, Himself?

And doesn't Paul say this gospel, which he delivered to them was of first importance?

And doesn't Peter preach the exact same gospel on the day of Pentecost?

Acts 2
22“Fellow Israelites, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know. 23This man was handed over to you by God’s deliberate plan and foreknowledge; and you, with the help of wicked men, put him to death by nailing him to the cross. 24But God raised him from the dead, freeing him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him


I believe The gospel of Paul is a different gospel from the gospel of Jesus. Are you saying that Jesus is not of God because He preaches a different gospel?

Also I believe Paul's gospel would not work on the 2 minute drill either because the same thing would happen that an evil person would think he was saved because Jesus died for his sin.

I believe Peter's preaching which I would not consider a gospel to be highly effective in the two minute drill.

PS: I don't believe JW's are taught about a three minute drill and that would make it difficult for them to answer. However I believe JW's think that they are saved by works which is not the case as the Bible makes clear and perhaps that comes out in the video to some extent.

I believe the gospel of the Kingdom that Jesus taught is the most effective gospel because it is Christ in us that gives us any hope of being saved from sin.
Peter's gospel was not effective? Really? Hmmm, three thousand believed his message on the day of Pentecost and were baptized. The Lord added them to His church. Seems like a pretty effective gospel message to me.

I used "two minutes" for your benefit so you wouldn't have to write a lot.

So I'll ask again, in a nutshell, what is the gospel?


Well-Known Member
Peter's gospel was not effective? Really? Hmmm, three thousand believed his message on the day of Pentecost and were baptized. The Lord added them to His church. Seems like a pretty effective gospel message to me.

I used "two minutes" for your benefit so you wouldn't have to write a lot.

So I'll ask again, in a nutshell, what is the gospel?

JW's have no idea what the gospel is. I have their CD library with all their literature from 1950 thru 2014 and they teach so much about the gospel of the kingdom, but I have yet to find an explanation of what that gospel is. No explanation, yet, whatsoever. And, I have yet to talk to a JW that is able to explain it to me. They just start with a question, "what do you think Gods plan for the earth is?"


Well-Known Member
They seem to leave out the important parts to make their own gospel!

*** w55 4/15 p. 231 The True Christian Congregation ***

Helping us further to identify the true Christian congregation are Jesus’ words that his followers would be no part of the world: “Because you are no part of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, on this account the world hates you.” And the disciple James stated that pure worship consisted of keeping oneself unspotted by the world and that “friendship with the world is enmity with God.”—John 15:19; Jas. 1:27; 4:4, NW.

Jam 1:26-27 (ESVST) 27 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

No mention of the orphans or widows in that statement!


They just start with a question, "what do you think Gods plan for the earth is?"

Scripture answers that question.

2 Peter 3:10
But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

So much for paradise earth.


Veteran Member
So did Jesus lie when He said,

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

There can be only ONE gospel of Jesus Christ, and for those who truly seek to know what His gospel is will find it written in the inspired word of God, and not in Watchtower publications (or any others, for that matter).
Jesus never meant that he as a man was the way or only way, Jesus represented the way, as also many others do such as the Buddha. His gospel or any gospel that helps you to realize that you are also one in God, and that you are also a Christ, or Buddha, is the one gospel. You see, too many cling to the story of Jesus and believe he is the only way , and also believing that everyone else's way is the wrong way, to me this is nothing more than arrogance, and using your belief as a weapon against everyone else. This may sound odd to you, but that is only because you have been hypnotised by your belief system, your belief system has been so well put together that you are so convinced that it is true, and this keeps you clinging to it, dehypnotize yourself by thinking for yourself.


Avid JW Bible Student
I believe this to be incorrect. The kingdom of God is already here spiritually but not as a physical entity. The physical entity is yet to come.

I agree. The kingdom was something Jesus told us to pray for, so it was yet future when he walked the earth.
When he told the Pharisees that "the kingdom of God is within you" (or in your midst) he was telling them that as the appointed king of God's kingdom, he was right there among them, but they failed to recognise him.

Spiritually we become citizens of God's kingdom when we begin to serve God as disciples of his Christ. But the full blessings of the kingdom will not be realised until every vestige of satan's rulership over this earth is wiped away. (1 John 5:19)
The devil will not give up without a fight. He is in a contest for the hearts and minds of men before Jehovah cleanses the earth and brings the kingdom in by force. All human rulership under the devil's control, along with all who support it, will be eliminated. (Dan 2:44) We have to take action spiritually before it's too late. (Rev 18:4, 5)

I believe JW's hold many false beliefs that separate them from other groups but I don't believe lack of knowledge is the problem.

I know we have beliefs that separate us from Christendom...but certainly not from Christ. I thank God for that every day.

I was trapped in that inept and hypocritical system for the first third of my life. I always felt like something was terribly wrong. I walked into church empty and walked out feeling the same way. I had so many questions but there never seemed to be satisfying answers.
I tried going to other denominations but felt exactly the same way because they taught exactly the same things, just under a different label. I knew that going from church to church wasn't the answer because it was the whole belief system that made no sense to me. Why be disunited when they were all supposedly serving the same God and teaching the same doctrines, yet they all felt that the others weren't quite right. I read the apostle Paul's words in 1 Cor 1:10 and saw that I had to get out of that whole disunited system to find the truth. I looked for God in eastern religions and philosophies but the idolatry put me off. Circular thinking never satisfied my spiritual hunger. And the beliefs were more like fantasy than truth about any real god(s) anyway.

I was about to give up because I felt that if there was a God out there, he didn't care about me! Then there was a knock at my door....I did not find God...he found me. When he sent his people out to search for me and I began getting answers to the same questions I had asked all my life with no solid Biblical answers from the churches, I knew I had found my spiritual home.

You are right...knowledge is something JW's don't lack. The knowledge that I have been able to take in over the last 40 odd years, has equipped me to become a teacher of God's word. I have used this knowledge to show others how to leave behind an inept and clueless "church" system and focus on the future with confidence. Giving people a real hope is very rewarding. I never tire of this work.

I am not a lone voice like so many others who ditch the denominational system, recognising them as merely label wearers. We can't be "Christians" in isolation, working alone...we must be part of God's nation....the ones that Peter called "a people for his name". (Acts 15:14) We have to meet regularly with fellow believers as Paul instructed. (Heb 10:24, 25)

Christianity started out well, but an apostasy was foretold. Many behave as if it never happened. The whole church system is proof that it did. These are the "weeds" of Jesus' parable.

We would expect something that God has formed to be organized and orderly in its structure and activities. You would expect to see the unity that Paul spoke about, not just congregation to congregation, but nation to nation, with no boundaries or barriers concerning race, social status or educational abilities. You would expect to see one set of beliefs accepted by all. And the one thing that would distinguish them from the counterfeit Christians would be the global preaching work that Jesus commanded. (Matt 24:14: 28:19, 20) He said he would be backing it, right up to the end of the present age. Where is the witness of the churches? None of them preach in any place I have ever lived, not locally, not nationally, not globally.
And how can individuals preach to the world in isolation and with no knowledge about the kingdom, which is the whole point of the Christian message?

The kingdom has not come physically yet...but it is certainly not far away now. Those who have not abandoned the broad and easy road will not fare well. (Matt 7:13, 14) Soon it will be too late to change course. :(


Active Member
Jesus never meant that he as a man was the way or only way, Jesus represented the way, as also many others do such as the Buddha. His gospel or any gospel that helps you to realize that you are also one in God, and that you are also a Christ, or Buddha, is the one gospel. You see, too many cling to the story of Jesus and believe he is the only way , and also believing that everyone else's way is the wrong way, to me this is nothing more than arrogance, and using your belief as a weapon against everyone else. This may sound odd to you, but that is only because you have been hypnotised by your belief system, your belief system has been so well put together that you are so convinced that it is true, and this keeps you clinging to it, dehypnotize yourself by thinking for yourself.
The truth is never arrogant. Some may sound arrogant speaking the truth but that in no way deters truth. Jesus unlike Buddha said that He is THE Way, THE Truth, and THE Life. That NO ONE comes to the Father but through Him. That is a narrow statement, and in your view an arrogant one. But Jesus said it. And He meant it.


Active Member

I agree. The kingdom was something Jesus told us to pray for, so it was yet future when he walked the earth.
When he told the Pharisees that "the kingdom of God is within you" (or in your midst) he was telling them that as the appointed king of God's kingdom, he was right there among them, but they failed to recognise him.

Spiritually we become citizens of God's kingdom when we begin to serve God as disciples of his Christ. But the full blessings of the kingdom will not be realised until every vestige of satan's rulership over this earth is wiped away. (1 John 5:19)
The devil will not give up without a fight. He is in a contest for the hearts and minds of men before Jehovah cleanses the earth and brings the kingdom in by force. All human rulership under the devil's control, along with all who support it, will be eliminated. (Dan 2:44) We have to take action spiritually before it's too late. (Rev 18:4, 5)

I know we have beliefs that separate us from Christendom...but certainly not from Christ. I thank God for that every day.

I was trapped in that inept and hypocritical system for the first third of my life. I always felt like something was terribly wrong. I walked into church empty and walked out feeling the same way. I had so many questions but there never seemed to be satisfying answers.
I tried going to other denominations but felt exactly the same way because they taught exactly the same things, just under a different label. I knew that going from church to church wasn't the answer because it was the whole belief system that made no sense to me. Why be disunited when they were all supposedly serving the same God and teaching the same doctrines, yet they all felt that the others weren't quite right. I read the apostle Paul's words in 1 Cor 1:10 and saw that I had to get out of that whole disunited system to find the truth. I looked for God in eastern religions and philosophies but the idolatry put me off. Circular thinking never satisfied my spiritual hunger. And the beliefs were more like fantasy than truth about any real god(s) anyway.

I was about to give up because I felt that if there was a God out there, he didn't care about me! Then there was a knock at my door....I did not find God...he found me. When he sent his people out to search for me and I began getting answers to the same questions I had asked all my life with no solid Biblical answers from the churches, I knew I had found my spiritual home.

You are right...knowledge is something JW's don't lack. The knowledge that I have been able to take in over the last 40 odd years, has equipped me to become a teacher of God's word. I have used this knowledge to show others how to leave behind an inept and clueless "church" system and focus on the future with confidence. Giving people a real hope is very rewarding. I never tire of this work.

I am not a lone voice like so many others who ditch the denominational system, recognising them as merely label wearers. We can't be "Christians" in isolation, working alone...we must be part of God's nation....the ones that Peter called "a people for his name". (Acts 15:14) We have to meet regularly with fellow believers as Paul instructed. (Heb 10:24, 25)

Christianity started out well, but an apostasy was foretold. Many behave as if it never happened. The whole church system is proof that it did. These are the "weeds" of Jesus' parable.

We would expect something that God has formed to be organized and orderly in its structure and activities. You would expect to see the unity that Paul spoke about, not just congregation to congregation, but nation to nation, with no boundaries or barriers concerning race, social status or educational abilities. You would expect to see one set of beliefs accepted by all. And the one thing that would distinguish them from the counterfeit Christians would be the global preaching work that Jesus commanded. (Matt 24:14: 28:19, 20) He said he would be backing it, right up to the end of the present age. Where is the witness of the churches? None of them preach in any place I have ever lived, not locally, not nationally, not globally.
And how can individuals preach to the world in isolation and with no knowledge about the kingdom, which is the whole point of the Christian message?

The kingdom has not come physically yet...but it is certainly not far away now. Those who have not abandoned the broad and easy road will not fare well. (Matt 7:13, 14) Soon it will be too late to change course. :(
Curious. What answers did you not get in so called "Christendom?"


Avid JW Bible Student
Here is the JW's "GOOD NEWS"

Nothing like a good set up for YouTube is there? :rolleyes:

There is so much that can be said about this guy's whole approach. He wasn't there to preach to the Witnesses...he was there to challenge them, humiliate them and to promote himself and his own version of Christianity and post it on the Internet. Is that his version of preaching? Will I ever find these people coming to my door with the good news of the kingdom? Will I ever find these people anywhere but in their own churches sanctimoniously preaching to the converted?
Why is it that I will never hear "the good news of the kingdom" even mentioned in their churches? It is because they cannot progress from the very first part of the Christian message which includes the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the forgiveness of our sins.....but goes onto the more important part about what the kingdom means for those who do become Christ's disciples......NOT that God will send the dying man to hell if he fails to repent in the two minutes he has left, but that he will be resurrected in the "new earth" to be given an opportunity to learn about the God he never knew. Like the evildoer who hung alongside Jesus, if the desire to know him is there, the ability to fulfil that desire will be provided. They will be "with" Jesus "in paradise"....notice Jesus didn't say "heaven"....and no hell was even mentioned anywhere in the Bible as an opposite destination. Both "the righteous and the unrighteous" will be given life in the resurrection. This would include the dying man. Jesus calls them out of their graves, so they must all still be in them. (John 5:28, 29)

This guy's whole scenario was empty and devoid of love.....he has half a message and if his message to me whilst I was dying is that you better shape up in this two minutes you have left or you are going to be tortured forever in the flames of hell...then I'm sorry, but that is not a gospel Jesus ever preached. We need to understand what "Gehenna" means to even have a grasp on what he was telling the Pharisees about their eventual destination as a group.

If this guy had good news, then it was certainly not going to benefit the dying man....it was only based on fear, not love. What a pathetic excuse for a witness. o_O


Avid JW Bible Student
Curious. What answers did you not get in so called "Christendom?"
Would you like me to list them? Here are just some off the top of my head.....

Why do the churches not preach like Jesus told us to?

What is God's kingdom exactly? If Jesus told us to pray for it to "come"...how does it "come"? When does it come?

Why does it say in God's law "thou shalt not kill" when the church promotes military service and the killing of their nation's enemies, when Jesus told us to love our enemies and to pray for them? In the two World Wars, Christians were slaughtering one another with clergy on both sides praying to, and claiming to worship the same God!

What happens to us when we die?

Why would God put humans on earth and then take the good ones to heaven? Was earth just a testing ground for heaven? Why not just put us in heaven to begin with like he did the Angels?

What is the point of this life and the suffering that goes on down here? If God is all powerful, why doesn't God stop it?

If God is so loving, why would he torture souls in a fiery hell with no chance of ever getting out? Where is the love in that?

Why are there so many different "brands" of "Christianity" when Christ only taught one truth? If they can't all be right...can they all be wrong? How can you tell?

If Christmas and Easter are not in the Bible why are we celebrating them?

There are more....
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Jesus never meant that he as a man was the way or only way, Jesus represented the way, as also many others do such as the Buddha. His gospel or any gospel that helps you to realize that you are also one in God, and that you are also a Christ, or Buddha, is the one gospel. You see, too many cling to the story of Jesus and believe he is the only way , and also believing that everyone else's way is the wrong way, to me this is nothing more than arrogance, and using your belief as a weapon against everyone else. This may sound odd to you, but that is only because you have been hypnotised by your belief system, your belief system has been so well put together that you are so convinced that it is true, and this keeps you clinging to it, dehypnotize yourself by thinking for yourself.
Jesus is the ONE true God. Buddha is not. Jesus is the only way. I thank God everyday for Him being in my life.