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Obama 2012


Hamburgler Extraordinaire
What do you think 4 more years of Obama would be like? Anyone want to make some predictions?

Gangs of gasoline seeking bandits roaming the streets! The Supreme Court Justices will all be replaced with Mullahs! We'll have no electricity because all fossil fuels will be forbidden by the EPA! The US will split into a Confederacy and a Union! Panic people...panic...Santorum for president, or we're all doomed...doooooomed. :D


Premium Member
This post was so absurd that quite frankly it almost comes off as being a strawman of what some conservative thinks "liberals" do.

Sure it was absurd. I was joking around with Revolingist because I have observed that he has (and was displaying) a sense of humor.

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
Gangs of gasoline seeking bandits roaming the streets! The Supreme Court Justices will all be replaced with Mullahs! We'll have no electricity because all fossil fuels will be forbidden by the EPA! The US will split into a Confederacy and a Union! Panic people...panic...Santorum for president, or we're all doomed...doooooomed. :D

And don't forget surfing through the streets of LA.

Escape from LA - The Best Scene - YouTube

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
This sounds kind of absurd as well, although less so than the previously mentioned post. Obama has neither been great to "freeloaders" nor harmful to legitimate businesses. (He hasn't been harmful enough to illegitimate businesses either, for that matter.)
Food stamps are at an all time high while small business loans are at an all time low. Obama does not want anyone to not be dependant on the government. That is why he likes mandates.


Self-appointed Lunatic
Food stamps are at an all time high while small business loans are at an all time low. Obama does not want anyone to not be dependant on the government. That is why he likes mandates.

Where did you hear these things? I thought the policy of the Obama administration was to encourage small business loans.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Where did you hear these things? I thought the policy of the Obama administration was to encourage small business loans.
It's one thing for him to talk about a policy, but it's an entirely different thing to implement it.
Just as with borrowing relief, I ain't seen none yet. His programs exclude dang near all in need.
He's big on bail-outs & subsidies for big companies & banks, but not for the little folk.


Self-appointed Lunatic
It's one thing for him to talk about a policy, but it's an entirely different thing to implement it.
Just as with borrowing relief, I ain't seen none yet. His programs exclude dang near all in need.
He's big on bail-outs & subsidies for big companies & banks, but not for the little folk.

Sounds about like him. Quite conservative.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Sounds about like him. Quite conservative.
Conservative? No.
He's not so socially conservative, nor is he very free market, small gov't, or low-taxes.
He resembles a hybrid of a "neo-con" & a "modern liberal" (not a classical liberal).
(I should note that Bush wasn't a real conservative either, given his penchant for regulation, spending & big gov't.


Self-appointed Lunatic
Can we afford 4 more years of the same?

Does Obama push food stamps? - Jan. 17, 2012

Aside from being rather disturbed at your implication that providing food for the poor is a moral defect, I'd agree - we CAN'T afford more of the same, but unfortunately, as long as the Republican Party remains viable, we have to keep voting in mediocre Democrats (as opposed to genuine leftists) in order to prevent the country from completely falling apart in the short-term. We can't maintain this for very long, since the Democrats will generally allow slow decay in order to attempt to appease "conservatives" (reactionaries), but until the Republican threat dies down, we risk catastrophe unless we vote Democrat.

This has been keeping the Democrats a viable party for at least ever since Obama came into office. I can't speak for Clinton since I was rather young back when he was president and haven't read a whole lot about his term (although he was very capitalist and did sign DOMA, from what I hear).

The problem is that our enemies are incredibly monolithic and organized, and we are fragmented and without any source of unity aside from the moderate-conservative (Democratic) party. That, and Americans in general are thoroughly corrupt and without morals or responsibility, largely thanks to the vast conspiracy waged against all things decent and right by the unholy union of capitalists and Christians, currently represented by the Republican Party.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Roughly 20% of the people are progressive while almost twice as many are conservative. That leaves 40% left up for grab that is the moderate vote. They voted for Obama 4 years ago and voted for Republicans 2 years ago. They are the ones who choose who is in office, not you or me Dawg.


Self-appointed Lunatic
Roughly 20% of the people are progressive while almost twice as many are conservative. That leaves 40% left up for grab that is the moderate vote. They voted for Obama 4 years ago and voted for Republicans 2 years ago. They are the ones who choose who is in office, not you or me Dawg.

Your so-called "moderates" are conservatives.

I don't understand the way "moderates" think. How can you honestly look at our two parties and genuinely not be able to make a decision as to which one is clearly better? Americans seem to have this strange idea that the right decision is somewhere in between sensible and completely insane, simply because when presented with two options, they think that "the truth must lie somewhere in the middle," instead of just going with the sensible decision.

The Republicans, catching onto this, have been working hard to shift themselves - and thus the "center" - farther right. The Democrats have not done the same for the left, and in fact they are gravitating rightwards in a feeble attempt to gain more votes, as if politics was about getting votes instead of being right. Disgusting situations like this remind us of why democracy in general is a failure.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Dawg, it's a failure from your perspective because your position is only supported by one in five people, Basically young folks, old hippies, professors, and a great deal of minorities.

Your position is the minority position and the only way you can win is convince moderates you are right. Obama did not get elected because he was this great person, Obama got elected because moderates got tired of the republican bull crap. Think about it, as long as the economy was good, they stuck it out with Bush. Just as soon as the economy tanked, they where for Obama because they wanted change.

Obama is screwed because he cannot run on change this time. People who want change this time around will be voting for Mitt. Think about it, how many people are satisfied with the current situation?
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Self-appointed Lunatic
Dawg, it's a failure from your perspective because your position is only supported by one in five people, Basically young folks, old hippies, professors, and a great deal of minorities.

What's wrong with young folk, old hippies, professors, and minorities? Three of those four are explicitly BETTER than their equivalent right-wing groups, namely, older folk, anti-environmentalists, and the uneducated.

Your position is the minority position and the only way you can win is convince moderates you are right. Obama did not get elected because he was this great person, Obama got elected because moderates got tired of the republican bull crap. Think about it, as long as the economy was good, they stuck it out with Bush. Just as soon as the economy tanked, they where for Obama because they wanted change.

Exactly. Americans have this strange obsession with the economy and think that the president has magical powers that can control it. They don't understand how the economy or the government actually work, and they seem to have no long-term memory whatsoever. Whenever something goes wrong, they don't care how, why, or even WHAT is wrong, they just want vague and non-directed "change."
Further, Americans have this bizarre notion that "truth must lie somewhere in the middle," no matter what the two endpoints being compared are. They think that the correct answer must lie somewhere in between reasonable and ridiculous, instead of simply going with the reasonable answer. The Republicans, figuring this out, have shifted rightwards over the past three decades or so, dragging the center with them. The Democrats, instead of doing the right thing and fighting back, decided to try and accommodate the new right-wing culture. As a result, the Democrats are deservedly failing as a party, and even when the Republicans fail as a party, their ideology (which is what's important) is continually promoted in the process.

Obama is screwed because he cannot run on change this time. People who want change this time around will be voting for Mitt. Think about it, how many people are satisfied with the current situation?

Precisely. Obama won through a combination of some people actually liking his liberal image, and other people liking the fact that he wasn't Bush. But then he turned around and started acting conservative and strangely Bush-like, in a feeble attempt to appease moderates and conservatives. Now the conservatives still hate him, the moderates are still apathetic nobodies, and the liberals won't trust him.
Like I said, few people bother to understand the actual issues. They alternate between parties, without actually looking at what each party believes. These sorts of people aren't the entire electorate, but they're usually the deciders of an election, and correlate strongly with the "moderates" you describe. All they need to know "Obama bad!" and "Romney =/= Obama, therefore Romney good!" Obama first got into power by playing the "Bush bad! Obama =/= Bush..." card, but it was temporary because most people didn't actually understand what made Bush a terrible president (ie, the haphazard invasion of Iraq, the tax cuts, the Department of Faith-Based Initiatives), they just knew that they had less money than they did before. (Conversely, Reagan, who is rather similar to Bush ideologically, was hailed as a great president, because they believed that the economy was improving. This actually wasn't true, but Reagan was a decent actor.)

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Dawg, you have a good grasp of politics. I'm not disagreeing with you one bit. Old people want their check and are afraid the republicans will take it from them so they vote for Obama. Republicans will not take their check but that matters little. People voted Republican because they thought Obama would not protect our country. I think Obama has done a fairly good job and got a bad rap in that reguard. These folks who believed that still voted republican because they where scared like the old folks.

I'm telling you son, you and I will not decide the election, the moderates will and who knows what they will be thinking this fall.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
A big factor will be the health care decision in the supreme court that should be decided this summer. No matter what the outcome, people will spin doctor the hell out of it to sway more moderates.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Another factor will be voter turnout. I predict many young voters will not turn out like they did last election because they became jaded with Obama over the last 4 years. I don't think his rock star status will be so popular this election.

People hated Bush, thats why Obama got elected. Bush did more to get Obama elected than Obama did last election. That will not be the case this year.

Bill Clinton said it best when he ran against daddy bush during his first election, "it's about the economy stupid".

Dawg, you said it best when you said the president has no control of the economy, so basically Obama must hope the economy improves or at least convice voters it is anyways or he is toast.