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Black magic is the tool being used

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Finally, a forum where I can discuss Magick. As a former Witch and later Ceremonial Magickan who studied under the Golden Dawn, I can assure you that Magick is indeed real. Even the Bible does not dispute this.

Magick 101

Any person who knows the basic concepts of magick first learns about protection.

Any person who practices magick quickly learns that they should be very specific about what they wish for as this power can be a double edged sword. The old saying be careful what you wish for could not apply more.

People who use Magick to do harm many times find that the negative energy they send can often times more than not be bounced back upon themselves.

Anyone who learns how to store and transfer energy quickly learns the negative aspects of doing harm.

The following is just my opinion:

Any one sided magick is weak. A Witch that cannot hex most likely cannot heal as well.

People who evoke spirits often time more than not cannot continue to control them and have less than desirable results.

People who invoke spirits can only hope their prayers are answered.

The strongest Magick is balanced magick. Not goodie two shoes magick or so called black magick. Grey magick is a balancing act at best and when done correctly is very powerful.

Now that I have everyone upset, I believe Jesus was one of the greatest Magickans ever to walk the earth. Healing the sick and bringing folks back to life is awesome. Jesus studied the Kaballah. Many powerful Magickans have as well. Alister Crowley comes to mind.

Wielding power has a price. I am not sure all those who practice Magick go into the craft understanding just what the price could be.

Anyway, I speak to dismiss this black magic illuminati nonsense. People who do not believe in their power will not be affected by it.

People who understand their craft can overcome any threats.

That only leaves the uneducated and weak to be devoured by such drivel.


Its only a Label

Am color blind.
cannot read whatever is written in *GREEN*
am sure this is not BLACK err GREEN magic!
Love & rgds


Well-Known Member

Am color blind.
cannot read whatever is written in *GREEN*
am sure this is not BLACK err GREEN magic!
Love & rgds

Can't read it? have no idea what it says?

Trust me, compared to those who have - your state is the more gracious.;)


Agnostic Pantheist
Can't read it? have no idea what it says?

Trust me, compared to those who have - your state is the more gracious.;)

I think THIS COLOR in IMAM's post is meant to illustrate the Jewish skin color. :sarcastic

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Demonic Kitten

Active Member
I'm color blind by choice. I refuse to squint and go blind while trying to read something. If it was of any real importance it would be in a color that everyone could read easily.

I have nothing else to add at the moment as everything I wanted to say has already been said.


Well-Known Member

Not for the faint of heart. A little bit from the link:

From all available evidence referenced in the "recommended sources" section below,* it's clear that the most compelling hypothesis explaining the interconnected crimes, lies, and human slaughter occurring in our modern world is that a demonic cabal took control of the United States in the early part of the twentieth century and is now methodically destroying American and world institutions and values. The main goal of the cabal has been to consolidate political, economic, and social power in its hands while obliterating the minds of the masses to establish a militaristic, imperialistic dictatorship.

The purpose of this essay is to help American and world citizens see who and what is controlling events from behind the scenes, to assist in making clear just what kind of demonic forces are bringing about the destruction of American and world values and institutions.
It's clear that many people are so possessed by the current reactionary brainwashing that they will be unable to consider any of these ideas. But people throughout the world are waking up to what is going on and they need to see behind the curtains to the real, criminal powers that manipulate human minds and destroy human liberties. We need to see the real face of our enemies.

I've chosen to use the word "demonic" because it seems most descriptive of the nature of this depraved coterie that has seized power illegitimately. They are certainly criminals in that they commit outrages continually (e.g. the holacausts of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the assasination of JFK, the Iran-Contra gun-running/drug smuggling assault, the savings and loan felonies, the Vietnamese, Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq wars, 9/11, etc.). But their misdeeds are more base than that; they are evil and wicked in the truest sense and therefore are best described as demonic. 1

So which spell book should be used to counteract the black magic? Magick? Majik? Boo *****craft?

The Good Spell Book
Magical Aromatherapy by Scott Cunningham
A Silver RavenWolf book

Or how about these spell books:
The Bible
The Koran
The Book of Mormon

Which of these grimoire's of magic, Magick!-or other retarded re-spelling, must be used to counteract all this big bad black crap.


Truly we have granted you a clear victory:
May GOD forgive your past and future sins.May he fulfil his favour to you, and guide you on the straight way;
And that GOD may help you with powerful help.
It is he who sent down tranquillity into the hearts of the believers, that they may add faith to their faith; for to GOD belong the forces of the heavens and the earth; and GOD is full of knowledge and wisdom;
That he may admit the men and women who believe, to gardens beneath which rivers flow, to dwell in them forever, and remove their ills from them; and that is, in the sight of GOD, the highest achievement,
And that he may punish the hypocrites, men and women, and the polytheists, men and women, who imagine an evil opinion of GOD. On them is a round of evil: the wrath of GOD is on them: he has cursed them and got hell ready for them: and evil is it for a destination.
For to GOD belong the forces of the heavens and the earth; and GOD is exalted in power, full of wisdom.
We have truly sent you as a witness, as a bringer of glad tidings, and as a warner:
In order that you may believe in GOD and his Messenger, that you may assist and honour him, and celebrate his praises morning and evening.


Well-Known Member
That would just make things worse and nothing will get better if you use her books.....

From most of the reviews by pagans and Wiccan's I've read of her books I would say your statement applies to anything one wishes to do with her books. Which always made me wonder about her popularity. But I do not think we even stock her backlist at my store any more. Still have all of Cunningham's books.

Don't look now but I think IMAM is praying for my eternal soul.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
First things first, The Horns, or the "devil sign" is anything but. Bush used it because he is from Texas, and it is used by what ever college to mimic bull horns. Dio, who pioneered it on the metal scene, used it because it was something his grandmother done, as a sign of setting your focus on your goals ahead.

But, as far as black magic and secret societies, it sounds like something from a Dan Brown novel. But the 9/11 thing sounds more like a Stephen King novel maybe. However though, I can assure you that my music is by far much more evil than Madonna. And as far as I'm aware, the only thing that can be even remotely considered to pertain to secret societies is the faux Kabbalah she at least used to follow, and the KKK references in the "Just Like a Prayer" video.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
So good magic like prayers and hope is the same as bad magic ,placing babies as human sacrifices to satan.... right on mate you are spot on
And the Wiccan's, whose creed is "harm ye none" is worse than Jehova's sending his own son to the slaughter, or telling Abraham to kill his own son? Or any of the other atrocities that God committed?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I am sure all the audience have heard of Black Magic, but have you ever wondered as to the reality of this practice and how long it dates back, and how it has been handed down by the secret societies through generations, kept well out of sight from the common man, so that these evil old men can have a firm grasp on human society. If you indulge deeper in the manner as to how these rituals are performed and for what purpose you will truly wonder if you are living in a horror movie.

The act of Black magic by the way was taught by man by the males amongst the Jinns, they taught the magic where they would create discord between man and wife. Man was warned not to sell this magic for a profit but as usual man was disobediant and the art of this Magic flourished. If all of you truly investigate into the secret socities of today, you will most certaintly come across indications that there is something wrong with their establishments, this gets more sinister when you discover that The evil jinns even today have a firm grasp on these establishments and it is they who dictate and instruct mankind what to do with the state of affairs of the world, I know this might seem completely out of order, but the men of understanding will regognise as to what i say is pretty much all true.

The media plays a very strong part in brainwashing the feeble mind, if you know how to regognise the signs you will come to know how they manipulate the lost sheep, take for example Madonna, see all her videos, see the songs she has done, in reality she is part of this cult who perform all these evil and vile things.Look beyond what you see with your eyes and see the signs, and it is then you will recognise the truth, 9/11 was one of the biggest rituals of this century, the two towers represent the colums of the temple of solomon, the blast was to open a portal for the demons to come into this dimension. I will stop now, do your research and let us discuss this very serious issue, for I can assure you what I am uttering from my mouth is indeed the truth.
That's a Gribble of an idea! (BTW, your name wouldn't be "Rusty Shackelford" would it?)


By the way Abraham only did the action because he had blind faith in GOD, and when he did place his son at the altar to sacrifice him, god replaced his son with a goat.

God is not in need of HIS creatures in the end one will come to know the truth, what we should all worry about are the evil old men sitting on the top, playing with all our minds.


Liebe ist für alle da
From most of the reviews by pagans and Wiccan's I've read of her books I would say your statement applies to anything one wishes to do with her books. Which always made me wonder about her popularity. But I do not think we even stock her backlist at my store any more. Still have all of Cunningham's books.

Don't look now but I think IMAM is praying for my eternal soul.
yeah, no hard feel's but most of the Pagans and Wiccan the praise her books are fluffies, and don't know much about what they talk about(if this wasn't the way you where going then sorry).
Cunningham on the other hand is a smart guy.