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The Administrator Wandered Off

Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member

UPDATE: Became Administrator 8/1/2009, so updated the title. Otherwise, pretty much only my age has changed from what this said before.

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Apparently after ingesting dangerous chemicals, someone accidentally invited me to be a moderator. I managed to get this introduction posted before anyone realized what happened.

Name: Jerry

Location: A small town in north Texas, USA not too far from a little suburb called Oklahoma. I have lived in Texas all my life, but I have only a slight twang.

Age: 44 as of this typing.

Education: BBA, MBA

Family: Married, three kids (two grown & gone), two cats, and assorted African Cichlids. Oh and some dust bunnies.

Religion: wavering among deism, atheism, & theological non-realism

Occupation: Computer services (outsourcing)

Interests: Religion, racquetball, boating, boredom. Daily life is taking up all my time lately.

Favorites: Pizza, Monty Python, Hitchhiker's Guide, Mr. Bungle, Don Caballero, J.S. Bach, Paul Hindemith, and too much other stuff to list.

Screen Name explanation: I originally chose it for my unfortunate tendency to wander off topic, but it just so happens to also be a spiritual metaphor because I strayed from the Southern Baptist faith of my youth.

Please feel free to ask any questions now that I have the power to delete them. ;)
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Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Congratulations Jerry! You are going to make an excellent mod! :hug:

Have you named your dust bunnies?

How would you compare the film version and/or the BBC series of "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" to the book by Douglas Adams?

Do you enjoy beer with your pizza? If so, do you have a favorite beer?


Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member
Congratulations Jerry! You are going to make an excellent mod! :hug:
WooHoo! I used my newfound powers to put that in there! This is so cool!

Have you named your dust bunnies?
I can't keep up. They multiply like, well you know.

How would you compare the film version and/or the BBC series of "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" to the book by Douglas Adams?
Not so well. I'm ashamed to admit I haven't seen the film. I was worried it would make me sad how much they had to cut out to get down to a couple of hours. That and I'm just not a big movie goer. I saw the BBC series, but it was too long ago, and I'm too old to remember much.

Do you enjoy beer with your pizza? If so, do you have a favorite beer?
Pardon the blasphemy, but I just don't like beer. I'm not a teetotaler, but I am the designated driver, so I usually partake of the Southern tradition of sweet tea.

Oh, and how often do you do the fish-slapping dance from Monty Python?
Well, my Baptist roots gave me a deep-seated dislike for dancing, which I still haven't shaken (pun!).


Right Hema!
Where did the Moderator go?

Ok, see now.. .

that was very confusing.
Here I thougt a mod was leaving...
you know,
"wandering off"... :run:

and here you are just arriving.:bounce

I like tricky types!:flirt:
welcome to the mod squad Jerry.:rainbow1:


Veteran Member
What's it like for a former Baptist living in Texas switching to Deism?

Are you "witnessed" to all the time about the folly of your ways?

Has anyone disowned you? :p

How many people as of this writing would you estimate are praying for you to come back to the fold? :D

Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member
What's it like for a former Baptist living in Texas switching to Deism?
Well, although I'm a nonstop blabbermouth online, I'm painfully shy and somewhat antisocial in real life. Only my close friends know of my switch.

Are you "witnessed" to all the time about the folly of your ways?
Nah. I must be creepy looking, because people just kind of stay away. Or maybe I'm the one staying away.

Has anyone disowned you?
I informed my parents that I no longer believed as they did, but we were always a rather non-talkative bunch, so the details never came up. Since talking a lot about that isn't in my nature anyway, it was easy for me to avoid that conflict.

My wife is a Methodist, though not dogmatic about it. She is fine with my beliefs.

How many people as of this writing would you estimate are praying for you to come back to the fold?
Likely a negative number. ;)
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Veteran Member
Well, although I'm a nonstop blabbermouth online, I'm painfully shy and somewhat antisocial in real life. Only my close friends know of my switch.

Nah. I must be creepy looking, because people just kind of stay away. Or maybe I'm the one staying away.

I informed my parents that I no longer believed as they did, but we were always a rather non-talkative bunch, so the details never came up.

My wife is a Methodist, though not dogmatic about it. She is fine with my beliefs.

Likely a negative number. ;)
No fair! You got off easy with the switch....especially for living in Texas.

Congrats on the Mod job! :)
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Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member
It's a holiday T-shirt on which the front says, "Twas the night before Christmas" and has that picture on the back.

Since I'll change the avatar after the season, I probably should describe what it was when this was posted: From the perspective inside a window seat near the wing of a passenger jet looking out, we see reindeer being sucked into the jet's engine. The sleigh has disappeared, and Santa's red hat is the last we see of the Jolly Old Elf.

I don't know how long this image will remain, but here's a link:


Proper credit: despair.com