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I feel trapped between Christianity, Islam, and Atheism.


Veteran Member
He mentions that he's afraid that God hates him which necessitates a belief that God is there to begin with - which makes your claim about Atheism/Agnosticism/Skepticism/Humanism invalid.
This is the stage when he found himself having no peace of mind in Atheism.
So you are wrong.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
We should probably avoid talking with too much certainty about the needs and troubles of an actual living person that we know only from a very few paragraphs of text that may or may not be representative of how he usually feels.

I will be happy to discuss the likely scenarios with you in another thread, @paarsurrey , and I am fairly certain that so will other forum members.

But please do it in another thread, while in this one it is best if we try to avoid speak too much of a third party on whose behalf none of us is entitled to speak, ok? Let's discuss this specific situation with respectful attention and as little assumption as possible.

Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
I believe that it is not self defeating. I believe it is a travesty when wickedness goes unpunished and goodness not rewarded. I see thinking that bad things happen randomly completely eliminates hope for a better life.
Yeah, Jonah felt the same way. He was ticked off God wasn't going to go off the chain and bust some heads, but everyone loves to preach God's forgiveness but no one wants to accept it exists.

OP got converted to Atheism and is no satisfied, that implies he is not in peace at heart there. Right?
He didn't get satisfaction from theism either, so what's your point?


Veteran Member
We should probably avoid talking with too much certainty about the needs and troubles of an actual living person that we know only from a very few paragraphs of text that may or may not be representative of how he usually feels.
I will be happy to discuss the likely scenarios with you in another thread, @paarsurrey , and I am fairly certain that so will other forum members.
But please do it in another thread, while in this one it is best if we try to avoid speak too much of a third party on whose behalf none of us is entitled to speak, ok? Let's discuss this specific situation with respectful attention and as little assumption as possible.
OK, thank you.

The Emperor of Mankind

Currently the galaxy's spookiest paraplegic
This is the stage when he found himself having no peace of mind in Atheism.
So you are wrong.

No I'm not. @JeremK specifically cites his belief that God hates him as a source for his discomfort. Atheists don't believe in gods. Ergo it cannot be atheism that is the source of his discomfort. His discomfort derives from his perception of his relationship with God. His discomfort is rooted in an inherently theist position.


Here's an update post, I suppose. I'm sorry if I seem at all bigoted, but here's what I have to say.

I'm still kind of unsure what to think, and I'm still scared of the Abrahamic Hell. I feel strongly attracted to Islam at the moment; however, I cannot stop associating Islam with the atrocities committed by ISIS. Moreover, (Muslim) Syrian refugees seem to be raping western women daily, according to the news, and just today a Muslim professor said that raping western women was perfectly fine and permitted by God to humiliate them (source: http://zeenews.india.com/news/world...te-them-claims-islamic-professor_1846312.html). I cannot convert to a religion that believes doing such terrible things is what God wants us to do... Yet, at the same time, I'm scared that by not doing this stuff, I'm evil and will end up in Hell. This also applies to Christianity to a lesser extent. As a pansexual, I fear that I'm evil for just being myself.

I'm also scared that I'll be persecuted by people around me if they find out about my skepticism. I'm scared around Christians and Muslims. I'm still scared of terrorism, etc.

Seriously, what the hell do I do? This internal conflict has gone on for over a year now. I've prayed for God to guide me to truth, but no truths are presented to me. I can't take this anymore. If there's an all-powerful God, then why won't he just show me the right path? Is that too much to ask? I just want to feel peaceful inside. Is that too much to ask? I'm skeptical of Christianity and Islam, and I'm skeptical of atheism.

I just don't know what to do. I'm still lost. I'm dissatisfied with both theism and atheism. I feel like I will never be able to solve this.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Can't you talk about this matter in person with someone whom you trust?

It sure sounds more advisable than bringing the matter to a text forum in the web.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Here's an update post, I suppose. I'm sorry if I seem at all bigoted, but here's what I have to say.

I'm still kind of unsure what to think, and I'm still scared of the Abrahamic Hell. I feel strongly attracted to Islam at the moment; however, I cannot stop associating Islam with the atrocities committed by ISIS. Moreover, (Muslim) Syrian refugees seem to be raping western women daily, according to the news, and just today a Muslim professor said that raping western women was perfectly fine and permitted by God to humiliate them (source: http://zeenews.india.com/news/world...te-them-claims-islamic-professor_1846312.html). I cannot convert to a religion that believes doing such terrible things is what God wants us to do... Yet, at the same time, I'm scared that by not doing this stuff, I'm evil and will end up in Hell. This also applies to Christianity to a lesser extent. As a pansexual, I fear that I'm evil for just being myself.

I'm also scared that I'll be persecuted by people around me if they find out about my skepticism. I'm scared around Christians and Muslims. I'm still scared of terrorism, etc.

Seriously, what the hell do I do? This internal conflict has gone on for over a year now. I've prayed for God to guide me to truth, but no truths are presented to me. I can't take this anymore. If there's an all-powerful God, then why won't he just show me the right path? Is that too much to ask? I just want to feel peaceful inside. Is that too much to ask? I'm skeptical of Christianity and Islam, and I'm skeptical of atheism.

I just don't know what to do. I'm still lost. I'm dissatisfied with both theism and atheism. I feel like I will never be able to solve this.
ISIS and some nutjob scholars and professors don't necessarily represent Islam. There is no central authority in Islam. It's basically a bunch of people and sects that are interpreting the Qur'an, the Sunnah and the Hadith, and you don't have to agree with any of them because, in Islam, there is no mediator and it's ultimately completely between you and God. There is not supposed to be a hierarchy in Islam, or a clergy. You could actually ignore what these people say about it and come to your own conclusions. Islam also very prominently teaches that God is Most Forgiving and Most Merciful. He loves to forgive us for our sins and we should have no fear in that regard. In regards to sexual orientation, Islam teaches that it's not the orientation itself that's sinful, it's the sexual acts. So you can be gay or bi and a good Muslim. There are, however, liberal and progressive Muslims who are affirming of homosexuality, too. So you will have to make up your own mind as to which perspective you agree with. It's the same with Christianity, really. No matter which religion you choose (or none), it's ultimately all down to you to follow your own sense of reason and conscience. You have to do your own thinking.

Maybe you should do some studying of both Islam and Christianity. Read what they have to say about themselves and read about them from unbiased or even positive sources. Ignore the negative sources, because it seems that that's all you've been paying attention to in the first place. I should add that you should be wary of anything associated with Wahhabism. Look for sources about Islam that are associated with academic scholarship and are well-regarded by the mainstream. For example, Hamza Yusuf is generally considered the foremost scholar of Islam in the West and he is very much a moderate and a reformer. His views would be very different from the views of a Saudi scholar, for example, because the Saudis are extremely corrupt and Wahhabis are a bunch of lunatics.
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Active Member
Here's an update post, I suppose. I'm sorry if I seem at all bigoted, but here's what I have to say.

I'm still kind of unsure what to think, and I'm still scared of the Abrahamic Hell. I feel strongly attracted to Islam at the moment; however, I cannot stop associating Islam with the atrocities committed by ISIS. Moreover, (Muslim) Syrian refugees seem to be raping western women daily, according to the news, and just today a Muslim professor said that raping western women was perfectly fine and permitted by God to humiliate them (source: http://zeenews.india.com/news/world...te-them-claims-islamic-professor_1846312.html). I cannot convert to a religion that believes doing such terrible things is what God wants us to do... Yet, at the same time, I'm scared that by not doing this stuff, I'm evil and will end up in Hell. This also applies to Christianity to a lesser extent. As a pansexual, I fear that I'm evil for just being myself.

I'm also scared that I'll be persecuted by people around me if they find out about my skepticism. I'm scared around Christians and Muslims. I'm still scared of terrorism, etc.

Seriously, what the hell do I do? This internal conflict has gone on for over a year now. I've prayed for God to guide me to truth, but no truths are presented to me. I can't take this anymore. If there's an all-powerful God, then why won't he just show me the right path? Is that too much to ask? I just want to feel peaceful inside. Is that too much to ask? I'm skeptical of Christianity and Islam, and I'm skeptical of atheism.

I just don't know what to do. I'm still lost. I'm dissatisfied with both theism and atheism. I feel like I will never be able to solve this.

There is a new religion out there - it is so good that even its hell is a far better place than the heavens (of other religion). But only atheists (and very few truly good people who considers that their moral is the best source of guidance) are welcomed here. For this God, you are the prophet. Heaven is made specially for you. You! a bisexual?? Great. That is exactly what this God want you to be. That is why this God wired your brain this way. Be happy.

However, there is a catch there - those who say that they can rape someone just because someone else (those pseudo prophets) had given the premission would be treated in the most unethical way (along with their uncivilized prophets)- the way they deserves. They don't even deserve Hell. They would be put in the darkest corners .So don't trust Islam.

Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
Here's an update post, I suppose. I'm sorry if I seem at all bigoted, but here's what I have to say.

I'm still kind of unsure what to think, and I'm still scared of the Abrahamic Hell. I feel strongly attracted to Islam at the moment; however, I cannot stop associating Islam with the atrocities committed by ISIS. Moreover, (Muslim) Syrian refugees seem to be raping western women daily, according to the news, and just today a Muslim professor said that raping western women was perfectly fine and permitted by God to humiliate them (source: http://zeenews.india.com/news/world...te-them-claims-islamic-professor_1846312.html). I cannot convert to a religion that believes doing such terrible things is what God wants us to do... Yet, at the same time, I'm scared that by not doing this stuff, I'm evil and will end up in Hell. This also applies to Christianity to a lesser extent. As a pansexual, I fear that I'm evil for just being myself.

I'm also scared that I'll be persecuted by people around me if they find out about my skepticism. I'm scared around Christians and Muslims. I'm still scared of terrorism, etc.

Seriously, what the hell do I do? This internal conflict has gone on for over a year now. I've prayed for God to guide me to truth, but no truths are presented to me. I can't take this anymore. If there's an all-powerful God, then why won't he just show me the right path? Is that too much to ask? I just want to feel peaceful inside. Is that too much to ask? I'm skeptical of Christianity and Islam, and I'm skeptical of atheism.

I just don't know what to do. I'm still lost. I'm dissatisfied with both theism and atheism. I feel like I will never be able to solve this.
Yeah, it's hard. I mean, Christians are currently trying to force lead-infused water on people, so ...

I'm not much for the pansexual thing, though I feel some common ground can be made, in the sense that informed consent is needed, so whatever.

I feel that God understands your dilemma. Sometimes He makes people do even strange and contradictory things to make a point. Hosea having to marry a ****, for instance. Just because a religion considers you "other" doesn't necessarily mean you are such according to God, who may be steering you that way. Fortunately, there is more to life than the Abrahamics and atheism. All gods are just cultural labels for divinity, which while I believe is a single presence, I can understand polytheism's premises. It's also my experience that it can feel even worse being on the "right" path than on the "wrong" one, because "no good deed goes unpunished" and such. You have a lot of love to share and have a healthy dose of skepticism. I have boiled Christianity down to the "Golden Rule" plus "Judge the tree by its fruit". In other words, do what is compassionate, but VERIFY what you're doing is really helping. This should solve a lot of issues, even if it doesn't make you popular, but lots of people are idiots. :)

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Yet, at the same time, I'm scared that by not doing this stuff, I'm evil and will end up in Hell.
There are many "Hells" and other after-lifes from many religions to worry about. What if the weight of our heart is weighed? What if we come face-to-face with Zeus? Or Odin? What if we have to cross the Nile? Or Styx? Should we be surprised, at all, that the two most powerful religions are also the most political and also have the harshest penalties for disbelief?


Jesus in me
Yeah, Jonah felt the same way. He was ticked off God wasn't going to go off the chain and bust some heads, but everyone loves to preach God's forgiveness but no one wants to accept it exists.

He didn't get satisfaction from theism either, so what's your point?

I don't believe so. Jonah just harbored ill will toward the Ninivites. He was not hoping for repentance that would bring hope to the people. The whole idea of punishment is to lead people away from sin and into righteousness so it would be counterproductive to punish the repentant.


Active Member
This is the stage when he found himself having no peace of mind in Atheism.
So you are wrong.

you never cease to amaze me, every time i feel you've hit the bottom you surprise me by your ability to dig.
he said he is scared by hell, that by default means it's religion not giving him peace of mind since hell is part of religion not part of atheism. No atheist would ever believe in hell.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Accept them all. Aetheist is really 'a questioning mind' which is a much need quality then Christianity and Islam are both from God and are truth. I accept all religions and all humanity as my family and that gives me a beautiful feeling of being at one with everyone and God