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I feel trapped between Christianity, Islam, and Atheism.


Jesus in me
That's not how depression works. Someone suffering from clinic depression cannot just "snap out of it," "will it away," or become immune from it by being joyful (which can be extremely difficult to achieve while depressed). Generally, people with clinical depression do not get depressed over things like drinking too much, although the depression can be bad enough to drive them to drinking (or abuse other drugs), which exacerbates the problem and makes depression worse. Typically there are things like physical and/or psychological abuse as a child, genetic predispositions, or a number of other disorders that make it more likely someone will have clinical depression. And it can't just be prayed away, as no matter your approach life style changes, usually in several areas, are needed to make progress. Therapy and drugs can help, but they can't fix it unless the person suffering from it makes the effort to help themselves (which can be extremely difficult when you are experiencing something like hypersomnia and don't even feel like moving a muscle because your depression is so bad). And considering JeremK has started a thread stating he feels traumatized by his religious experiences, and judging by this thread, religion may not improve his situation, but rather it may make it worse. It's generally not a good idea to have someone who has been traumatized to confront such things until they are ready to do so.

I know of what you speak because my daughter is a clinically depressed person. However there are events that are apt to trigger it such as having her boyfirend of six years agree to end the relationship.However she never found a sexual sin she didn't like and that seems pretty depressing to me and explains why religion is the furthest thing from her mind.

Prayer is nice but the transformation that takes place when a person receives Jesus as Lord and Savior has been known to work wonders.

As for someone traumatized by his own actions and reactions to those actions, reality is nasty.It can't get any better unless the person wants it to get better.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Prayer is nice but the transformation that takes place when a person receives Jesus as Lord and Savior has been known to work wonders.
Just accepting Jesus won't do anything if no other lifestyle changes are made.
As for someone traumatized by his own actions and reactions to those actions, reality is nasty.It can't get any better unless the person wants it to get better.
He made it pretty clear that is wasn't his own actions, but rather due to the hostility towards homosexuals and bisexuals, which is not his own actions but who he is.


Premium Member
I've posted a bit about this kind of thing before, so I'll make my introduction quick.

I'm an Atheist who has been deconverted from Catholicism for two years. As a bisexual, I was really turned off (no pun intended) by the way I was treated at my church. Additionally, I started to have massive doubts on the content of the Bible and I was going through a very hard time.

I suffer from depression and anxiety, as well as intrusive thoughts. I cannot shake the idea out of my head that God hates me. I miss the community of my church, and I miss being able to feel truly at peace. Furthermore, I have a massive fear of the Christian and Islamic Hell, and I'm scared that I will someday be persecuted and killed over what I end up believing.

I feel stuck between Christianity, Atheism, and Islam, and I'm not sure which is right. What can I do?

I miss having the presence of God and a Church-like community. But I also fear the possibility of me having incorrect beliefs; for example, I'm worried that I will become a Christian, but Islam will be right and I'll go to Hell. I'm also afraid of being delusional, and I don't want to waste my life believing a false religion. Additionally, I'm concerned that becoming religious will cause me even more stress in the end, especially if I'm once again deconverted and can't build another worldview. I'm even worried that ISIS might have the truest interpretation of Islam, that I'll be killed by Muslims or Christians, or that I'll be discriminated upon if I go to any place of worship.

Furthermore, I'm still worried that, if there's a God, he hates me and is making me suffer intentionally, and wants me to go to an eternal Hell. I'm still just so damn confused and scared.
If we live in a scenario where a God that can listen to prayers exists then he is pretty apathetic to our plights. We find God all around within everything and when we tap to bro it we are like little kids playing with matches next to the gas can. We suffer because of ignorance. Each one of us having the power to be free, but again matches scenario. Free to destroy and or create.


Peace be upon you.
I've posted a bit about this kind of thing before, so I'll make my introduction quick.

I'm an Atheist who has been deconverted from Catholicism for two years. As a bisexual, I was really turned off (no pun intended) by the way I was treated at my church. Additionally, I started to have massive doubts on the content of the Bible and I was going through a very hard time.

I suffer from depression and anxiety, as well as intrusive thoughts. I cannot shake the idea out of my head that God hates me. I miss the community of my church, and I miss being able to feel truly at peace. Furthermore, I have a massive fear of the Christian and Islamic Hell, and I'm scared that I will someday be persecuted and killed over what I end up believing.

I feel stuck between Christianity, Atheism, and Islam, and I'm not sure which is right. What can I do?

I miss having the presence of God and a Church-like community. But I also fear the possibility of me having incorrect beliefs; for example, I'm worried that I will become a Christian, but Islam will be right and I'll go to Hell. I'm also afraid of being delusional, and I don't want to waste my life believing a false religion. Additionally, I'm concerned that becoming religious will cause me even more stress in the end, especially if I'm once again deconverted and can't build another worldview. I'm even worried that ISIS might have the truest interpretation of Islam, that I'll be killed by Muslims or Christians, or that I'll be discriminated upon if I go to any place of worship.

Furthermore, I'm still worried that, if there's a God, he hates me and is making me suffer intentionally, and wants me to go to an eternal Hell. I'm still just so damn confused and scared.
Peace be on you. Suggestion, please continue to pray to God for guidance and follow dos and don'ts about moral teachings.


Transitioning from male to female
Peace be on you. Suggestion, please continue to pray to God for guidance and follow dos and don'ts about moral teachings.
What are these morals? Your people are running away from you . Your religious law and teachings are reasons for international refugees? Don't you have eyes to see?


Peace be upon you.
What are these morals? Your people are running away from you . Your religious law and teachings are reasons for international refugees? Don't you have eyes to see?
Peace be on you. Please calm down.....He said to have some regard for Christianity and Islam. In that light there was my suggestion.
Thanks friend.


Active Member
I've posted a bit about this kind of thing before, so I'll make my introduction quick.

I'm an Atheist who has been deconverted from Catholicism for two years. As a bisexual, I was really turned off (no pun intended) by the way I was treated at my church. Additionally, I started to have massive doubts on the content of the Bible and I was going through a very hard time.

I suffer from depression and anxiety, as well as intrusive thoughts. I cannot shake the idea out of my head that God hates me. I miss the community of my church, and I miss being able to feel truly at peace. Furthermore, I have a massive fear of the Christian and Islamic Hell, and I'm scared that I will someday be persecuted and killed over what I end up believing.

I feel stuck between Christianity, Atheism, and Islam, and I'm not sure which is right. What can I do?

I miss having the presence of God and a Church-like community. But I also fear the possibility of me having incorrect beliefs; for example, I'm worried that I will become a Christian, but Islam will be right and I'll go to Hell. I'm also afraid of being delusional, and I don't want to waste my life believing a false religion. Additionally, I'm concerned that becoming religious will cause me even more stress in the end, especially if I'm once again deconverted and can't build another worldview. I'm even worried that ISIS might have the truest interpretation of Islam, that I'll be killed by Muslims or Christians, or that I'll be discriminated upon if I go to any place of worship.

Furthermore, I'm still worried that, if there's a God, he hates me and is making me suffer intentionally, and wants me to go to an eternal Hell. I'm still just so damn confused and scared.

I'd like to make your mind at ease on this matter lol

The Quran openly states that no innocent is to be killed and that killing one is like killing the whole of humanity and that Prophet Muhammad PBUH laid down the rules of engagement (rules during war) and they for bid even the burning of tree/crops/grass unless it is an absolute last resort, so even the modern standards of war by NATO or the US, of carpet bombing entire regions, towns and cities is haram, let alone what ISIS is doing.

Now, you obviously sound very confused and you have given brief descriptions of that confusion, however, as a Muslim, I think there is nothing wrong with your confusion. Islam tells us to question and to study and if you are truly serious about Islam, then study it, study the life of our beloved Prophet PBUH, ask questions of Islamic scholars, maybe you can go to a local mosque? Do not let the confusion keep you down, confusion is the key to understanding, if you use it right.

If you have any more questions, feel free to message me.

May Allah guide you.


I want Khilafah back
Oh, sorry your morals advise homosexuals to be killed while your notorious leaders are called heroes.

Can you show me evidence that supports your claims from Islamic scripture.
Or is that just a rant seeing that you had nothing better to say.

Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
I know of what you speak because my daughter is a clinically depressed person. However there are events that are apt to trigger it such as having her boyfirend of six years agree to end the relationship.However she never found a sexual sin she didn't like and that seems pretty depressing to me and explains why religion is the furthest thing from her mind.

Prayer is nice but the transformation that takes place when a person receives Jesus as Lord and Savior has been known to work wonders.

As for someone traumatized by his own actions and reactions to those actions, reality is nasty.It can't get any better unless the person wants it to get better.
Maybe she prefers sexual "sins" because she didn't get much love at home? I mean, you like to blame the victim and admit you have no training (I suffer from depression, anxiety and have a degree in psych, actually). That's like saying you watched someone drown at the pool and that means you should be giving the advice of a lifeguard.


Jesus in me
Yes, likely moreso than you. Do you have experience being a queer guy with intrusive thoughts?
I believe people may have different experiences with different assessments of those experiences. For instance the person who thought I was broadcasting thoughts into his head may have had some kind of experience but his assessment of that experience was incorrect. The usual view among materialistic psychologists would be that the person was experiencing my thoughts originating from his own brain. Unfortunately I didn't get the opportunity to test whether the thoughts were mine or not..


Jesus in me
Maybe she prefers sexual "sins" because she didn't get much love at home? I mean, you like to blame the victim and admit you have no training (I suffer from depression, anxiety and have a degree in psych, actually). That's like saying you watched someone drown at the pool and that means you should be giving the advice of a lifeguard.

I don't believe children are supposed to get sex at home. I also believe love is not sex. Are you saying that a lack of love at home leads to an inexorable desire to commit sexual sin? I don't believe I see a rationale in that. One could say that I didn't get much love at home but my sexual purity comes from the Bible not from any psychosis or parental teaching.

I believe anyone can give advice whether it is worth much or not. Certainly I believe psychologists have helped some people like the guy who was raped by his father. He evidently had made enough progress to be released from the hospital. On the other hand the girl whose boyfriend ran over her with a car was listening to the wrong voices and ended up in jail.


Active Member
I believe people may have different experiences with different assessments of those experiences. For instance the person who thought I was broadcasting thoughts into his head may have had some kind of experience but his assessment of that experience was incorrect. The usual view among materialistic psychologists would be that the person was experiencing my thoughts originating from his own brain. Unfortunately I didn't get the opportunity to test whether the thoughts were mine or not..

And that has absolutely nothing to do with my point or your original point. Please don't be evasive.

You are a heterosexual man with no mental diagnoses and no training in psychology, right? Then you're not any kind of authority on this topic.


Jesus in me
And that has absolutely nothing to do with my point or your original point. Please don't be evasive.

You are a heterosexual man with no mental diagnoses and no training in psychology, right? Then you're not any kind of authority on this topic.

I believe I am not pretending to be an authority and my experience is that authorities are often wrong about things.

I don't believe I need to be a duck to know what a duck is. I also don't need to be an ornithologist to know what a duck is.


Active Member
I mean "authority" as in "knowledgeable person", not as in "authority figure". Authority figures are very frequently wrong. For example, parents often horribly misunderstand and mistreat their mentally ill or neurodivergent children.