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  1. Student of X

    Do you have Hume’s Syndrome?

    Many are. Many here who pride themselves on their objective rationality are ignorant hypocrites. And they can take their pride and their derision and stick it where the sun doesn't shine. And now that I vented a bit, I'm outa here. This forum sucks.
  2. Student of X

    Do you have Hume’s Syndrome?

    I wasn't intending to be particularly nasty. Thanks for realizing that. It was indeed a rather mild OP. I was unpleasantly surprised by the reactions to it. I will finish up this thread by addressing some points you made and then I'll delete my account and move on to another forum...
  3. Student of X

    Do you have Hume’s Syndrome?

    No, sorry I don't think I will continue. I've been away from this forum for a long time and I thought I would come back and see if things have gotten any friendlier. Bottom line is I don't feel welcome here. So I'm leaving again.
  4. Student of X

    Do you have Hume’s Syndrome?

    Ouch. From the very first smart-aleck post in my thread here I've been made to feel unwelcome. Maybe I should just leave this forum before the adoration wears off, eh? After all no one likes being where they feel unwelcome.
  5. Student of X

    Do you have Hume’s Syndrome?

    And I suspect that by "real evidence" he means "evidence that supports my particular worldview". And yes I do have "objective empirical evidence".
  6. Student of X

    Do you have Hume’s Syndrome?

    "Real evidence"? So if I give you "evidence for miracles", and you find it unconvincing... is that evidence then to be classified as "unreal"? Whereas if I give you evidence, and you find it convincing, is that then classified as "real"? Who gets to decide what "real evidence" is, and how do...
  7. Student of X

    Do you have Hume’s Syndrome?

    Thanks for providing a case in point.
  8. Student of X

    Do you have Hume’s Syndrome?

    It seems to be rather widespread. Hume’s Syndrome: Irrational Resistance to the Paranormal MICHAEL GROSSO Division of Perceptual Studies University of Virginia, 210 Tenth Street NE, Charlottesville, VA 22902 Abstract One of the obstacles to progress in psychical research is irrational...
  9. Student of X

    Who here is enlightened?

    Nope. This thread is not from the seeking, burning, open heart of a student in the proper posture. This thread was made "to see if anyone here actually claims to be enlightened." And then when someone comes along and claims to be enlightened, the OP waits to see if they "have the wisdom to say...
  10. Student of X

    Who here is enlightened?

    Well, this entire thread is probably pointless. People are taking the posture of teachers and answering questions as best they can, but there is no one taking the posture of a student as best as they can toward any of the answers... all will probably go in one ear and out the other. /shrug
  11. Student of X

    Who here is enlightened?

    You guys might be interested in these: An Exploration of Degree of Meditation Attainment in Relation to Psychic Awareness with Tibetan Buddhists Abstract Many traditional Mahayana, and modern Tibetan, Buddhist texts relate meditation attainment to psychic ability. This teaching served as the...
  12. Student of X

    I am....

    I am Palöngawhoya.
  13. Student of X

    Is it a Christian's job to enforce their interpretation of the Bible on others?

    You're in error, and your error is compounding throughout your entire understanding of life, the universe, and everything. Religion at it's very base is a response to stimuli. Stimuli that atheists can't possibly grok. "So, apart from just commending these phenomena to your attention, I'd...
  14. Student of X

    Who here is enlightened?

    Only mystical experience can get you to enlightenment. How do you get mystical experience, you ask? By performing mystical acts. Reading and contemplating mystical poetry is one of many mystical acts you could be performing right now instead of wasting time on the net. So yes I recommend...
  15. Student of X

    Who here is enlightened?

    If you've read anything about mysticism and enlightenment then you should know that words can't get you there. Can you quench your thirst by talking about water? Can you quench it by asking me what its like to grok a life-saving spring of fresh clean water? You did it wrong. Period. The...
  16. Student of X

    Who here is enlightened?

    That question makes no sense to me. That question makes no sense to me. Knowledge of higher states of being, higher levels of reality, higher modes of thought. If what you're looking for is evidence that people are indeed capable of acquiring non-local information by paranormal means there is...
  17. Student of X

    Who here is enlightened?

    Sort of like how you know your sexual orgasm is really happening, as opposed to simply convincing yourself it is happening because you're horny. Plus, like apophenia said, the acquisition of non-local information routinely occurs which provides opportunities to verify non-local information for...
  18. Student of X

    Carl Jung's 'Collective Unconscious'

    Um, your dogmatic assertions about a lack of evidence mean nothing to me. I know better than to fall for pseudo-skeptic dogma. Please remember that. "anyone who has the least knowledge of the parapsychological material which already exists and has been thoroughly verified will know that...
  19. Student of X

    Who here is enlightened?

    Well, I practiced mysticism for years. Comparativism, Bhakti yoga. Yeah. A higher order of knowledge. Nope. That's a lower order of knowledge and its not what its all about. When Neo was liberated from the illusion of the Matrix he didn't automatically gain knowledge about who is who in the...
  20. Student of X

    Carl Jung's 'Collective Unconscious'

    Sure it does. You think that migration is where its at. Nope, our ability to enter transpersonal states of consciousness and receive non-local information from the collective unconscious (which informs a mythology) is more important of a consideration than migration.