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Mississippi Governor Proclaims Confederate Heritage Month

Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
So you don't see yourself as contentious, hostile, and divisive? I do.

And no, the rest was right on the money as this comment from you confirms. There is zero chance of a person like you and a person like me coming together ever because you are so angry that you won't have it. And the reason why has already been explained. From the pen of the poet:

Now, they take him, and they teach him, and they groom him for life
And they set him, on a path where he's bound to get ill
Then they bury him with stars
Sell his body like they do used cars

Now he's hell-bent for destruction, he's afraid and confused
And his brain has been mismanaged with great skill
And all he believes are his eyes
And his eyes, they just tell him lies
What you see is relevant to you. I won't ever sit back and let people just say stupid things without addressing it. If that make me "hostile" then so be it.


Veteran Member
I wish youd drop the self absorbed leftist (sorry for the redundancy) but it seems inbred.

I have heard the "if it doesn't effect you why do you care argument" so often from leftists I thought it was the leftist motto. You trying to deny that confirms what we already know about leftists. The rest is drivel.
It seems to me that this sort of talk and attitude is what's divisive.

Instead of addressing the content of the poster's post, you've instead branded him a "leftist" (as though that's a bad thing) and essentially just written him off as somebody not worth engaging with. Oh and you threw in something you think "leftists" use as a motto, though not the particular "leftist" you were engaging with, who didn't even bring it up.

Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
It seems to me that this sort of talk and attitude is what's divisive.

Instead of addressing the content of the poster's post, you've instead branded him a "leftist" (as though that's a bad thing) and essentially just written him off as somebody not worth engaging with. Oh and you threw in something you think "leftists" use as a motto, though not the particular "leftist" you were engaging with, who didn't even bring it up.
I didn't say it was bad you did. It's no more "bad" than calling a cat a cat. Fact is it's been a constant refrain from leftists especially during the same sex "marriage" nonsense and now this gender buffoonery, if it doesn't effect why do you care?

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
"States rights" as it pertained to owning human beings as property (aka slavery.)

Slavery was legal in the United States for 89 years before the Southern States seceded from the Union. It was also woven into the U.S. Constitution (the Three-Fifths Clause), and the enslavement of African men, women, and children was rampant at the time of this country's founding. Some of the Founding Fathers were slave owners. Slavery was legal in the United States from 1776 to 1865, and yes, the Civil War brought an end to legalized slavery, but the atrocious discrimination and legalized segregation of African-Americans (separate but equal) weren't properly addressed in this "free" country until the Civil Rights Act in 1964 and the Voting Rights Act in 1965. I've already mentioned the past mistreatment of Native American tribes in my prior post, #47.

And all of this injustice and heinous atrocities against minorities occurred in a country that boasts "freedom, liberty, and justice for all" and also has this profound proclamation dating back before its founding: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" (Preamble to the Declaration of Independence).

Finally, the United States of America is almost 248 years old, and yet there has only been one president in its entire history who is not a white man. I'm sorry if saying this sounds prejudicial against white men and white people in general, but please know that is not my intention. I can't find the words to explain why this bothers me, but it does. It also bothers me that before Kamala Harris was sworn in as Vice President by our current President Joe Biden, the highest-ranking position in the U.S. government held by a woman was that of the former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. To be honest, I don't love America, but I don't hate it either. I'm not indifferent to it, though, because I'm troubled by its violent racist history and the political turmoil festering in national politics, as well as all the other problems plaguing the nation. Do I believe America is good or evil? My answer is both, because during its long history, it has been good and evil. We, the people of the United States, have the potential to do good for the world and the potential to seriously harm it.


Veteran Member
I didn't say it was bad you did. It's no more "bad" than calling a cat a cat. Fact is it's been a constant refrain from leftists especially during the same sex "marriage" nonsense and now this gender buffoonery, if it doesn't effect why do you care?
This was in response to, "It seems to me that this sort of talk and attitude is what's divisive.

Instead of addressing the content of the poster's post, you've instead branded him a "leftist" (as though that's a bad thing) and essentially just written him off as somebody not worth engaging with. Oh and you threw in something you think "leftists" use as a motto, though not the particular "leftist" you were engaging with, who didn't even bring it up."

Not sure how your response connects with what I said. Sounds like you've just doubled-down on the divisiveness.
The poster you were interacting with didn't make that claim, so why even drag it into the conversation?


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
And all of this injustice and heinous atrocities against minorities occurred in a country that boasts "freedom, liberty, and justice for all" and also has this profound proclamation dating back before its founding: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" (Preamble to the Declaration of Independence).
Its interesting that USA is one of the first (though not the first) to make slavery illegal and almost immediately begins discouraging it around the globe, almost oppressively. We patronize anyone that wants to maintain slavery. Many still do. Many want to drag us all back into the enslaved age.

That's not what this declaration in Mississippi is for though. Mississippi recently removed the rebel flag from our state flag. This month is part of reverence for the dead whose deaths was used to reforge the nation into a single unit which had been divided through political squabbling and greed.

Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
This was in response to, "It seems to me that this sort of talk and attitude is what's divisive.

Instead of addressing the content of the poster's post, you've instead branded him a "leftist" (as though that's a bad thing) and essentially just written him off as somebody not worth engaging with. Oh and you threw in something you think "leftists" use as a motto, though not the particular "leftist" you were engaging with, who didn't even bring it up."

Not sure how your response connects with what I said. Sounds like you've just doubled-down on the divisiveness.
The poster you were interacting with didn't make that claim, so why even drag it into the conversation?
Yes of course leftists are never devisive. They get up every morning seeking to do nothing but create unity. Hilary Clinton was one of the best examples of a leftist politician working toward unity. I still remember her call to unity referring to people she disagreed with as "deplorable". She clearly meant that in the unitive sense.

And Brandon is no slouch either saying that Republicans wanna put y'all back in chains.

I'm tired of being nice to delusional leftists. Being nice never works as evidenced by leftists never being nice.

Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
I never liked the "state's rights" angle, because then the inevitable question that follows is "state's rights to do what, exactly?"
To do whats best for their own citizens. Your point is well taken though that a state shouldn't be able to infringe on the rights of citizens outlined in the Constitution. The problem is the feds have far over reached their authority.

Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
Do you only care about things that affect you? Do you not care about others in society, who may be different from you, who may be negatively impacted by things that don't affect you? After all, Homo Sapiens is not a solitary species, but one that lives (and survives) in groups.
First of all when I wrote that what was I referring to? Second, there isn't any point in discussing this with you until you answer the first point. Lastly they do work in groups but these days it's being in the correct group that has a significant impact on your survival.

Secret Chief

nirvana is samsara
First of all when I wrote that what was I referring to?
"same sex "marriage" nonsense and now this gender buffoonery"

Second, there isn't any point in discussing this with you until you answer the first point.
Ok; answered.

Lastly they do work in groups but these days it's being in the correct group that has a significant impact on your survival.

Could you expand on that? By survival, I meant in the evolutionary sense as a species.


Veteran Member
Yes of course leftists are never devisive. They get up every morning seeking to do nothing but create unity. Hilary Clinton was one of the best examples of a leftist politician working toward unity. I still remember her call to unity referring to people she disagreed with as "deplorable". She clearly meant that in the unitive sense.

And Brandon is no slouch either saying that Republicans wanna put y'all back in chains.

I'm tired of being nice to delusional leftists. Being nice never works as evidenced by leftists never being nice.
^^ This is the divisive stuff we're all talking about. ^^

And once again you talk past me and go on about some stereotypical rant about your idea of "leftists" instead of engaging with things I've actually said to you.

The problem seems to be that you're unable to engage in discussion one-on-one without wearing giant divisive political blinders. You don't see people - you see "leftists." Well, I ain't Hillary Clinton, and she ain't here. Go take up your problems with her ... with her. I'd prefer to have a discussion with someone who's actually engaging with what I'm actually saying.

Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
"same sex "marriage" nonsense and now this gender buffoonery"

Ok; answered.

Could you expand on that? By survival, I meant in the evolutionary sense as a species.
Correct. Same sex "marriage" is like a marriage in the same way a bicycle is a motorcycle. As to gender there's two genders. Everything else is an anomaly.

If by answered you mean not answered then yes.

I'm talking about actual day to day survival like when people in the "wrong" groups speak out and say things that people in the correct group dont like. The people in the correct group feel completely justified in ruining the lives of people in the wrong groups when they speak up.