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Would some mediums be "light-ability" and some "dark-ability"?


Veteran Member
And can a happy-go-lucky, cheerful, kind person have a darker form of esp such that when they tap into their esp, if they tap into it, they can be considered a black psychic?
IF you have a pure mind
THEN you see pure
ELSE you see dark

Best to purify body, mind and emotions first


Veteran Member
IF you have a pure mind
THEN you see pure
ELSE you see dark

Best to purify body, mind and emotions first

That could be the problem.

However, I'm starting to think that when I posted the OP, my thinking that I could be a "dark medium" was wrong.

Rather, @Sgt. Pepper said something which I related to, in which she said prior to her being able to control her abilities - her abilities controlled her.

So I think you've just got an instance where when I "open myself up", and experience the range of human emotion from the various goings-ons in life, that I can channel multiple different things, not all of which I intend.