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Why doesn't God save starving children


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I believe the world is a reflection of US. We are God's reflection. In turn, the world is our reflection. I do not promote it, but there is truth in the movement to ignore bad news and expect good news. The more you dwell on the bad news the more bad news you will see. The more you dwell on the good news the more good news you will see.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Which is self defeating, unfortunately. Once we assign this power of deception to Satan, everything goes.

Fo instance, how do we know that the stories about Jesus are not Satan's lies?


- viole
I don't.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member

Well, nobody knows. It is epistemologically impossible to say when Satan is lying or not, under the premise that He has supernatural powers and he is so good at lying.

If we were able to say when Satan is deceiving or not, then Satan would be an amateur lier. A rookie. Which, I think, we can exclude.

And what lie could be more magnificent than letting so many people believe it?


- viole


Veteran Member
Premium Member
No, please explain.
They had tails with stingers, like scorpions, and in their tails they had power to torment people for five months. Revelation 9:10

I think that when someone is tormented one of the first things to go is their thinking ability.

OK Scorpions do not bite. Stung. Sorry.


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
Have you heard? "What you see is what you get"?

It seems like you are saying that if one denies the existence of Satan then there is no
Satan. Is that what you mean?
Well if I deny the wind, which I cannot see, then the storm approaching won't exist
Fact is tho that, even if I deny the wind I can see and feel the affects, of the wind.
If I deny the affects of the wind then the approaching storm will cause harm because
I wasn't prepared for the storm.
The same logic could be applied to many things we cannot see but can be affected by
what we can't see.
Electricity, heat, and radiation come to mind.
I can't see those things but can feel the affects. If I continue to deny the affects of what
I can't see something then great harm to me could be the result of such denial.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
It seems like you are saying that if one denies the existence of Satan then there is no
Satan. Is that what you mean?
Well if I deny the wind, which I cannot see, then the storm approaching won't exist
Fact is tho that, even if I deny the wind I can see and feel the affects, of the wind.
If I deny the affects of the wind then the approaching storm will cause harm because
I wasn't prepared for the storm.
The same logic could be applied to many things we cannot see but can be affected by
what we can't see.
Electricity, heat, and radiation come to mind.
I can't see those things but can feel the affects. If I continue to deny the affects of what
I can't see something then great harm to me could be the result of such denial.
No. I can't deny the existence of satan. But my job is not to defend it. My job is to eliminate it. If I advertise "Satan exists!" I would be undermining my own job and that would be foolish.

If I conquer the evil one does he still exist for me? I think not.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
It seems like you are saying that if one denies the existence of Satan then there is no
Satan. Is that what you mean?
Well if I deny the wind, which I cannot see, then the storm approaching won't exist
Fact is tho that, even if I deny the wind I can see and feel the affects, of the wind.
If I deny the affects of the wind then the approaching storm will cause harm because
I wasn't prepared for the storm.
The same logic could be applied to many things we cannot see but can be affected by
what we can't see.
Electricity, heat, and radiation come to mind.
I can't see those things but can feel the affects. If I continue to deny the affects of what
I can't see something then great harm to me could be the result of such denial.

That in black is what the governing body teach. It isn't true imho.

1 John 2:14
I write to you, dear children, because you know the Father. I write to you, fathers, because you know him who is from the beginning. I write to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God lives in you, and you have overcome the evil one.


I have heard that it is due to teaching us how to suffer and to in turn rise above the suffering and become stronger as a result. I don't buy into it, for the very reason that was already put forward in this thread: "Those who have the power, have the responsibility." How can an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent deity not intervene? It is illogical. This calls into question the existence of such a being. Particularly considering that, as the creator of all things, it is also the creator of evil. It is difficult to be all-good while also being the author of all evil.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I have heard that it is due to teaching us how to suffer and to in turn rise above the suffering and become stronger as a result. I don't buy into it, for the very reason that was already put forward in this thread: "Those who have the power, have the responsibility." How can an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent deity not intervene? It is illogical. This calls into question the existence of such a being. Particularly considering that, as the creator of all things, it is also the creator of evil. It is difficult to be all-good while also being the author of all evil.
It is written God is resting. It is not illogical that The Creator has left us alone. It IS illogical that he is here taking care of his book but nothing else.


It is written God is resting. It is not illogical that The Creator has left us alone. It IS illogical that he is here taking care of his book but nothing else.

Wait, what? God is resting? You mean as in "the 7th day of creation" resting?

It is only logical that the Creator has left us alone if the Creator does not care or have active interest in its creation.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Wait, what? God is resting? You mean as in "the 7th day of creation" resting?

It is only logical that the Creator has left us alone if the Creator does not care or have active interest in its creation.

If a day is like 1000 years to the Lord, and the 7 days are really 14 billions years, then His resting day could be quite long, Two billions years and change. ;)

A hell of a weekend, I guess.


- viole


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Wait, what? God is resting? You mean as in "the 7th day of creation" resting?

It is only logical that the Creator has left us alone if the Creator does not care or have active interest in its creation.
Really. I can believe one or the other but believe BOTH?

Taking care of all things himself means NOT taking interest in creation imho.

How would moving things around the way they should be be interesting?

Also taking care of things here would be God taking back the Earth and making promises not something God does.

The Earth God has given humankind.
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If a day is like 1000 years to the Lord, and the 7 days are really 14 billions years, then His resting day could be quite long, Two billions years and change. ;)

A hell of a weekend, I guess.


- viole

I get that, but at the same time, how is God still resting when He was appearing as burning bushes and handing down commandments and commanding armies and raining venomous snakes on his whiny followers, etc? I mean... that's a lot to do while you're supposed to be resting.


God took an active role for many, many generations, if you believe the scripture. He went so far as to become human and heal the sick and feed the hungry and raise the dead.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I get that, but at the same time, how is God still resting when He was appearing as burning bushes and handing down commandments and commanding armies and raining venomous snakes on his whiny followers, etc? I mean... that's a lot to do while you're supposed to be resting.
I think miracles exhibit the conscience of God. God set laws. One law is you will reap what you sow. When the reaping time comes for anything it can truly be said that God did it because God's law caused it.


But, to bring this back to the OP, what did starving children sow? What about their suffering is justified?


Premium Member
The holy scriptures tell us why.Man is greedy and full of sin.Everything is about pleasures of the flesh and getting as much as you can before dying.People are selfish.There are few that do good and help others.But there are more that do not.It kinda reminds me of that quote from Planet of the Apes.

"Cornelius: [reading from the sacred scrolls of the apes] Beware the beast Man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him; drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death."

Planet of the Apes (1968) - Quotes - IMDb
I agree with the holy scriptures, of course; I was trying to give an answer that was for both theists and atheists. :)