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Why do bad things happen when God exists?


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
Religion cannot prove it.

Science cannot prove nor disprove it.

Only Philosophy has "speculative rationalization" to the effect that on the basis of first cause, prime mover, artistic artificer, and/or purposeful designer, there is more evidence supporting the existence of a God or Gods than against it.

This is not "proof" in the mathematical sense, which is deductive. But it's all there is.

Verrrry good, well worded post my friend.
[/QUOTE] But it's all there is. [/QUOTE]
And all there is works for me.
It's hard for me to explain a feeling, an emotion, but I feel good when I pray to a Power
greater than myself.
I'm cursed with the disease of alcoholism. I've nearly died from excessive drinking, been hospitalized more than once, wasn't long ago I was inpatient for a month.
I no longer drink the stuff. It's poison to me and will kill me.
I'm diabetic now due to pancreas damage but even that won't stop my addiction.
What does give me relief on a daily basis is association with others in recovery,
avoiding "wet" places, and PRAYING and having FAITH in a Power greater
than myself.
My "self" will allow my to convince myself I can drink. And I'll die.
This condition killed my father and mother, is killing my only sibling, killed
ALL by fathers 7 brothers, and so on.
None of those would surrender to that Higher Power.
Faith in God, prayer, and meditation works for me.
I'll keep it thank you very much.

As an aside: My A.A. sponsor and beloved friend is openly gay.
I attend one of his meetings a week. It's an LGBT meeting.
I didn't even know it was such for a time.
We ALL accept one another with love and not judgement.
I have NO problem kissing and hugging lesbians or gays.
Does that make me a person with latent homosexual tendencies.
HELL NO! It makes me able to LOVE another human!
Anyone want to suggest I'm a latent homosexual?
Then pistols at ten paces!:eek::eek::D


Verrrry good, well worded post my friend...

And all there is works for me.
It's hard for me to explain a feeling, an emotion, but I feel good when I pray to a Power
greater than myself.
I'm cursed with the disease of alcoholism. I've nearly died from excessive drinking, been hospitalized more than once, wasn't long ago I was inpatient for a month.
I no longer drink the stuff. It's poison to me and will kill me.
I'm diabetic now due to pancreas damage but even that won't stop my addiction.
What does give me relief on a daily basis is association with others in recovery,
avoiding "wet" places, and PRAYING and having FAITH in a Power greater
than myself.
My "self" will allow my to convince myself I can drink. And I'll die.
This condition killed my father and mother, is killing my only sibling, killed
ALL by fathers 7 brothers, and so on.
None of those would surrender to that Higher Power.
Faith in God, prayer, and meditation works for me.
I'll keep it thank you very much.

As an aside: My A.A. sponsor and beloved friend is openly gay.
I attend one of his meetings a week. It's an LGBT meeting.
I didn't even know it was such for a time.
We ALL accept one another with love and not judgement.
I have NO problem kissing and hugging lesbians or gays.
Does that make me a person with latent homosexual tendencies.
HELL NO! It makes me able to LOVE another human!
Anyone want to suggest I'm a latent homosexual?
Then pistols at ten paces!:eek::eek::D
You can have gay/lesbo friends and not be gay/lesbo.

I have 4 friends who are gay/lesbo. They are nice people and good neighbors.

The 2 guys are married to each other and live half a block to the north along the dog walking path.

The 2 gals are married to each other and live half a block to the east along the sidewalk to the strip mall.


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
As I've said before my A.A. sponsor is gay.
I attend an lgbt A.A. meeting.
I believe Dolores and I are the only "straight" attendants. ( I don't ask.)
We all suffer from alcoholism (or other addiction) and rely on on one another for compassion
and strength to abstain from substance abuse (total abstinence) on a daily
It is Dolores and I that are accepted in this group, not the other way round.
Fact is one woman we have befriended is a food addict. Not a substance addict.
How hard it must be to recover from food addiction when one MUST eat to
I don't need chemicals just to survive.
"People that suffer together together are closer connected."
( isn't that ^^^ from an old Dylan song?)


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
If there is God and He is good, then why does “bad” exist? What is the reason for God to create all that is bad? Why couldn’t God create a world that has only bliss and happiness? Why has God made suffering? Why has God made problems? Why has God made poverty? Why do we suffer? Why do we fall sick? Why has God made death? If God is such a good God and if He is the creator of the universe, then why has He created this whole concept of suffering? Why has He let people become terrorists? Why has He let people create pain? And this is not just about people. Look at the animal world. Why has He created it in such a way that the tiger kills the deer, the cat eats the mouse, and the dog chases the cat? Why has God made the world like this?

We can go on asking questions as to why God has created the world like this, but the question that we need to ask ourselves is that should we question this way? Should we question His authority – Why He has done this? What He has done? Do we know better about what He has done, or does the Creator know better about what He has done? So from our limited intelligence and viewpoints, is it right to comment on or question and be judgmental about what God has created and why God has created so?

Why are we questioning what God has done? Why do we doubt God’s intentions? Why do we question God’s plan for our life? Why do we question what God has created on Earth? Should we not spend time pondering upon these rather than questioning what God has done? This is the question I ask myself today.


The answer is found in the following verse: Gen_3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us....
"To know good and evil".... is to be entrusted to make judgments.

How can we make judgments if there is nothing to contrast from?

If evil is manifested it is not God who initiated it but self by making bad judgments embracing evil desires.

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
You presume much here. I am not an atheist and your assumption seems an insult, given your lack of respect here. I firmly believe in God, as I understand that concept. For me, God has no gender, no human attributes whatsoever. God is a concept that no human can adequately describe, explain or even know this side of Enlightenment. You are free to believe anything you wish of me or any other path that others walk, but keep in mind that your post indicates that that mindset would include Judaism as well, given that they do not believe in Christ. It seems rather narrow minded, IMO, to believe that all peoples with the temerity to chose a different faith or even the lack thereof, would be going to your 'hell' simply because they believe differently than you.
You say "God is a concept" that no human can adequately describe. Perhaps you could explain this "concept" to me, however inadequate your explanation might be. Perhaps you can explain the path which you are walking as it relates to this concept that you have. And then perhaps you can explain the nature of my hell as you put it.


Well-Known Member
How do you know those other minds are more brilliant than mine? ;) And what do you mean by 'brilliant' here, in any case? If in terms of intellect, what has that got to do with anything when it comes to matters of belief/faith?

Why do I have to be lacking something to see things the way I do? Perhaps (with all due respect), it is you who lack something in this regard?

I am only suggesting that there might be at least one believer who has existed on this planet who has a more brilliant mind than you, someone who is capable of understanding the idea that God, who is "(fully) capable of preventing (all) bad things (including lacking God, not having complete faith in Him) but chooses not to do so (because he has infinite wisdom, which we should not question)", might choose not to prevent all bad things from happening simply because he has a greater purpose in mind; then I would think that your mind might be lacking whatever it is that is necessary to accept such a notion. But maybe your right. Maybe Rick O'Shez is right. Perhaps you are only lacking gullibility, and desperation.

Do you believe that faith in God requires gullibility and desperation?


Trying to bring myself ever closer to Allah
Premium Member
Because everything is following natural law to the letter, a natural law that we are coming to understand ever more clearly with every passing hour.

That doesn't answer my question.

How come I've never seen a Muslim proclaim it publicly--that is, non-anomalously. Every time I see Muslim ascendancy, Sharia is imposed universally with no Muslim opposition.

There are those who do so. Look up 'liberal Muslims' or 'progressive Muslims' on the Internet. And there are plenty others who may not call themselves 'liberal' or 'progressive' but just want to live their lives quietly without imposing their beliefs and practices on anyone else. Fear of those other Muslims who cannot accept alternative views within Islaam (or without) is another factor.

Are you saying that all Muslims aren't compelled to struggle and fight (Jihad) to bring about Muslim supremacy in the letter and spirit of

Quran (9:29):

"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."

Different Muslims have their different beliefs about this verse as any other. I do not believe that everything in the Qur'aan applies in all times and in every place. In fact, I believe that some verses in the Qur'aan were only meant for the time of Prophet Muhammad (saws). This verse is one of them.

My only opposition to Islam is its agenda to establish itself as a worldwide theocracy--a nightmare we are seeing around the world to which I will never submit.

It is not Islaam that has any particular agenda. It is rather some Muslims. Some Muslims do strive for the kind of worldwide theocracy you are referring to (among those who do, they do not always see eye to eye either on what form this should take, or how to go about introducing it - so there are those who wish to establish Sharee'ah but are opposed (some violently, some not) to IS, for example). As I have said above, others do not. I do strive for a kind of theocracy, but one that is markedly different from that that the likes of IS strive for. The kind of Islaamic State I seek to establish is broadly similar to the kind of minimal state that some libertarians strive for.


That doesn't answer my question.

Well, since I think it does, and you just leave it as a declarative without any clarification as to what I didn't answer, I'm forced to conclude that it simply isn't the answer you wanted.

There are those who do so. Look up 'liberal Muslims' or 'progressive Muslims' on the Internet. And there are plenty others who may not call themselves 'liberal' or 'progressive' but just want to live their lives quietly without imposing their beliefs and practices on anyone else. Fear of those other Muslims who cannot accept alternative views within Islaam (or without) is another factor.

Exactly. And how did things come to this? Ignorance of their own religion, fear, and conformity--things people like me have contended with all our lives with our Christian family and friends. If you can't push back here in the states, where will you? And if I say again, I'm not seeing it, especially without being anonymous. Is there a figure or especially a group you can point to?

Different Muslims have their different beliefs about this verse as any other. I do not believe that everything in the Qur'aan applies in all times and in every place. In fact, I believe that some verses in the Qur'aan were only meant for the time of Prophet Muhammad (saws). This verse is one of them.

Rationalization! That verse was a wrong and as evil back then as it is now, for the strife it caused then and the legacy of strife it established. And even if it was only supposed to apply then, it should have come with a comment that made it so. All revelation from all revealed religions, exposes the corruption of those who proclaim it, because they are all lies. That verse is so explicit, and so aggressive, you can't deny it without denying Islam--and without lying to yourself. And it doesn't stand alone there without many supporting verses throughout the Quran. Why do you think Islam means "submission". You don't submit to God, God doesn't make Itself evident; you submit to those who tell you what they want you to believe...and you either believe you fear, or you conform, because you fear. "Willing submission" indeed, the two words are contradictory.

...so there are those who wish to establish Sharee'ah but are opposed (some violently, some not) to IS, for example). As I have said above, others do not.
I do strive for a kind of theocracy, but one that is markedly different from that that the likes of IS strive for. The kind of Islaamic State I seek to establish is broadly similar to the kind of minimal state that some libertarians strive for.[/QUOTE]

With Sharia as the law, you, we, can't have it both ways. There is no such thing as a "kind of theocracy". That kind of fuzzy thinking plays right into their hands. Since God won't actually come down and rule, we're at the mercy of fallible leaders, and that kind of power will always lead to corruption such as ISIS. It's bad enough that it imposes itself on Muslims, but it does so on non-Muslims as well. There is no protection for individual rights when those rights clash with Islamic supremacy.


Well-Known Member
Cool :D

And I respect your beliefs/views and disagreement, JS. This is what people should do to live in harmony together. Respect each other's beliefs/views. When taken into interfaith and respecting other beliefs, then yes, it is an either/or, or rather, a generally taken possibility. It's what I believe, which other might not.

I'm really bad at explanations, so I suspected that what I said could have been taken in a weird way, or even back fired with opposite meaning than what I had in mind. As for other places than Heaven, there is only Hell. Either this or that. Taking about Hell is really depressing and bothersome, next to being bad at wording my self, so I'm sorry I don't think I'm in position to talk about it. But the direct answer to your question is Hell. The default position anyway is Heaven, not Hell. Let say someone lives neutrally and never knew about Islam and died, they are believed to go to Heaven by default in Islam.
I thought you explained it fairly well my friend. I just wanted to clear up a point or two. As for hell, Buddhists have no comparable concept, at least IMO. There is the Bardo state where one stays to consider one's past life if there was much to ponder. That is my understanding of it, not from a theological POV but my own version which often can differ from what most other scholars agree on. And I could not agree more about respecting others beliefs or the lack thereof. What a more peaceful world we would have if that were to happen!

No need to apologize, JS. I understand the emotions of humans and feel their suffering (cut the drama, Smart Guy :p). No really, I consider the fact if the diversity in human emotions so I don't judge or take them in a bad way normally.

No worries :)

By the way, is my font size and color scheme clear enough for you? If you have specif preferences, please tell. I didn't use same of bigger font size out of respect.
You are a much bigger person than I if that is the case. When I hear people like our governor spout anti-Islamic rhetoric or Trump, who is far worse, I am so angry with people who, IMO, are so incredibly ignorant. Its similar to what was happening with the Japanese Americans in WW2 and being placed in internment camps. Shame on the lot of them. And yes, love, the font and color help more than I can say. You are a true gentlemen sir. Kiss kiss darling.


Well-Known Member
PROVE THAT^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
Are you asking me to prove that we evolved from primates? The evidence is overwhelming. Recently, archeologists found another 'humanoid' set of bones they are calling Homo Naledi. This was found in a cave in South Africa called the Star Cave if I am not mistaken. And then there is Lucy, found here in the northwest I believe. Are you one of those who believe that the earth is only 6 thousand years old? It is very hard to deny the fact that places like the Grand Canyon took millions of years to become what it is today. But if you wish to believe in Adam and Eve and the Young Earth Creationists, go ahead.


Well-Known Member
Unless you are smoking hashish at the time, Islam does not make any sense.

With copious amounts of hashish it all makes perfect sense.

Be careful though that you don't confuse the camel dung with the pure hashish -- it all smells the same.
1. I love the photo of your cat. I have one who looks almost the same.
2. What you post here is just shy of bigoted/prejudiced. You do realize we have many Muslims here on this board, no? Some of whom are what I consider my friends. They are peace loving people who are brilliant and funny and loving. Do you follow any particular faith? And if you do, such as Christianity, that, too, makes no sense. And it, too, can smell like sheep dung. You see, viewed from the cheap seats, all faiths can be seen as making no sense. Particularly to atheists. Perhaps some kindness and a tad more respect?


Premium Member
I thought you explained it fairly well my friend. I just wanted to clear up a point or two. As for hell, Buddhists have no comparable concept, at least IMO. There is the Bardo state where one stays to consider one's past life if there was much to ponder. That is my understanding of it, not from a theological POV but my own version which often can differ from what most other scholars agree on. And I could not agree more about respecting others beliefs or the lack thereof. What a more peaceful world we would have if that were to happen!

You are a much bigger person than I if that is the case. When I hear people like our governor spout anti-Islamic rhetoric or Trump, who is far worse, I am so angry with people who, IMO, are so incredibly ignorant. Its similar to what was happening with the Japanese Americans in WW2 and being placed in internment camps. Shame on the lot of them. And yes, love, the font and color help more than I can say. You are a true gentlemen sir. Kiss kiss darling.

Oh, gosh :blush:

Um, you are more than welcome to start a thread about Hell in the Islamic belief to not hijack this thread, and I know Muslims here on RF will be more than happy to share information with you. But remember, it is a true hell and not a nice thing to hear of. I had my share of nightmares of it.


Well-Known Member
Can anyone "prove" God does or does not exist?
Do you love someone?
In the scientific sense PROVE IT.
How does one prove a feeling, an emotion or faith?
I believe the sun will rise over this planet. That is fact, and faith.
I can demonstrate how I love my children but is that proof?
Actually, from a scientific POV, love is an emotion and some of those can be proven to a certain degree through the study of neuropsychology and neurotransmitters. Anger produces one set of neurotransmitters, such as epinephrine, while love produces serotonin, etc. Its not perfect and is still being studied but there is the science for this out there.


Well-Known Member
You say "God is a concept" that no human can adequately describe. Perhaps you could explain this "concept" to me, however inadequate your explanation might be. Perhaps you can explain the path which you are walking as it relates to this concept that you have. And then perhaps you can explain the nature of my hell as you put it.
I could try but everything I would posit would only be my own views of same. For example, for me, God is a name used to describe the All. The creator, the power that exists within the whole of the universe. God, IMO, set things in motion for the earth but in no way did things like made Adam and Eve, but rather set biological means in action that we could evolve from. There is no gender or human attributes to God. Even the name is arbitrary. I will address your other two questions later as I am running late now. I do hope you are asking as a means to have a really interesting discussion and not to disparage each other. Namaste.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Religion cannot prove it.

Science cannot prove nor disprove it.

Only Philosophy has "speculative rationalization" to the effect that on the basis of first cause, prime mover, artistic artificer, and/or purposeful designer, there is more evidence supporting the existence of a God or Gods than against it.

This is not "proof" in the mathematical sense, which is deductive. But it's all there is.

Unfortunately, all those phylosophical arguments are flawed at the root.


- viole


Trying to bring myself ever closer to Allah
Premium Member
I am only suggesting that there might be at least one believer who has existed on this planet who has a more brilliant mind than you, someone who is capable of understanding the idea that God, who is "(fully) capable of preventing (all) bad things (including lacking God, not having complete faith in Him) but chooses not to do so (because he has infinite wisdom, which we should not question)", might choose not to prevent all bad things from happening simply because he has a greater purpose in mind; then I would think that your mind might be lacking whatever it is that is necessary to accept such a notion. But maybe your right. Maybe Rick O'Shez is right. Perhaps you are only lacking gullibility, and desperation.

Do you believe that faith in God requires gullibility and desperation?

Oh, I accept that there might be at least one other person who has a more brilliant mind than me who chooses to believe as you do. But by the same token, there might be at least one other person who has a more brilliant mind than you (and I) who chooses to believe as I do (or indeed otherwise).

I have faith in (my conception of) God. And I don't think that I am particularly gullible or desperate. Indeed, I plough very much my own furrow, rather than following what others say I should believe and how others say I should live my life. But of course I could still be both gullible and desperate.


Trying to bring myself ever closer to Allah
Premium Member
Well, since I think it does, and you just leave it as a declarative without any clarification as to what I didn't answer, I'm forced to conclude that it simply isn't the answer you wanted.

Well, you said: 'All those scenarios result in chaos, which, looking up at the night sky, isn't evident.'
To which I said: 'Can you please explain how you think all those scenarios result in the kind of chaos which you think isn't evident when looking up at the night sky?'
Your answer to that question: 'Because everything is following natural law to the letter, a natural law that we are coming to understand ever more clearly with every passing hour.' I don't see how that is an explanation of how the scenarios I had originally presented would result in the kind of chaos which you think isn't evident when looking up at the night sky.

If you can't push back here in the states, where will you?

Who says I live in the US? There are many of us around the world - including in Muslim countries - pushing back in whatever way we can, including by fighting with our lives, against the oppressors.

And if I say again, I'm not seeing it, especially without being anonymous. Is there a figure or especially a group you can point to?

For starters:

Rationalization! That verse was a wrong and as evil back then as it is now, for the strife it caused then and the legacy of strife it established. And even if it was only supposed to apply then, it should have come with a comment that made it so. All revelation from all revealed religions, exposes the corruption of those who proclaim it, because they are all lies. That verse is so explicit, and so aggressive, you can't deny it without denying Islam--and without lying to yourself. And it doesn't stand alone there without many supporting verses throughout the Quran. Why do you think Islam means "submission". You don't submit to God, God doesn't make Itself evident; you submit to those who tell you what they want you to believe...and you either believe you fear, or you conform, because you fear. "Willing submission" indeed, the two words are contradictory.

God did make it clear that much of the Qur'aan was aimed at Muhammad (saws) and his people. But the people who came after corrupted God's Message by misinterpreting the Qur'aan (saying that all of it applies in every time and place) and inventing some of the Ahaadeeth (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (saws)). Sharee'ah is based on these misinterpretations and Ahaadeeth.

I am not denying this verse - and others like it - I am arguing that some of them were not intended for all time and every place. That is a very different thing. And I am not saying this because I don't like the verse - I don't have any problem with the verse. It just doesn't necessarily apply in every time and place.

God makes Herself very evident to me. She talks to me, directly, as a person would. And I submit to Her willingly, and none else.

With Sharia as the law, you, we, can't have it both ways.

As I have said already, I fight against Sharee'ah. It is a man-made law, not God's Law.

There is no such thing as a "kind of theocracy".

Oh, but there is. Sharee'ah is far from the only basis for a theocracy.

There is no protection for individual rights when those rights clash with Islamic supremacy.

The Islaamic supremacy that IS fight for will indeed offer no protection for individual rights. But I fight for a different, truly Islaamic State, established in accordance not with Sharee'ah, but God's Law. My Islaamic State is much more akin to the so-called night-watchman state that some libertarians espouse. That is a very different thing indeed, and one which gives people real freedom.


Who says I live in the US? There are many of us around the world - including in Muslim countries - pushing back in whatever way we can, including by fighting with our lives, against the oppressors.

This is one of the best places to start, I would think, what with the separation of church and state working against a theocracy. And if there are actually Muslims fighting to change Islam, and not just temporarily suppressing the radicals with a watered down version of Sharia, more power to you. But if it continues to rely on faith, they will only institute a similar situation to Christianity, muddying the waters with faith which keeps people from making everyday decisions with their heads and implementing them with their hearts. Yes it would be better than radical Islam, but why not leap-frog go for the gold.

None of those sites actually recognize the inherent problem with Islam and Sharia Law. They talk about pious Muslims not adhering to certain parts of Islam (good luck with that), but there's still the problem of even the pious, much less oppressive Muslims, violating the individual rights of other, including Muslims, and calling it freedom of religion to observe their version of Sharia Law.

God did make it clear that much of the Qur'aan was aimed at Muhammad (saws) and his people. But the people who came after corrupted God's Message by misinterpreting the Qur'aan (saying that all of it applies in every time and place) and inventing some of the Ahaadeeth (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (saws)). Sharee'ah is based on these misinterpretations and Ahaadeeth.

And the opposition says the opposite, and you, we, stay where we are.

I am not denying this verse - and others like it - I am arguing that some of them were not intended for all time and every place. That is a very different thing. And I am not saying this because I don't like the verse - I don't have any problem with the verse. It just doesn't necessarily apply in every time and place.

God makes Herself very evident to me. She talks to me, directly, as a person would. And I submit to Her willingly, and none else.

But it was evil from the moment it was accepted. And if you as a liberal Muslim can't see that, there is no hope, especially since you can't even decide when it is to be accepted. And what's with the She/Her? That's no better than He/Him.

The Islaamic supremacy that IS fight for will indeed offer no protection for individual rights. But I fight for a different, truly Islaamic State, established in accordance not with Sharee'ah, but God's Law. My Islaamic State is much more akin to the so-called night-watchman state that some libertarians espouse. That is a very different thing indeed, and one which gives people real freedom.

God's law is just another name for Sharia. Who says what God's law is? Whoever it is will have tremendous power, and that power will corrupt, and that corruption WILL end up in tyranny. You say God speaks to you. It you or whoever makes such a claim, you're going to have to have proof of your claim--and so far in recorded history, no one's been able to provide it. And without it, I'm not turning my life over to you or anyone.


Trying to bring myself ever closer to Allah
Premium Member
Yes it would be better than radical Islam, but why not leap-frog go for the gold.

Gold for me is submission to God, plain and simple.

None of those sites actually recognize the inherent problem with Islam and Sharia Law. They talk about pious Muslims not adhering to certain parts of Islam (good luck with that), but there's still the problem of even the pious, much less oppressive Muslims, violating the individual rights of other, including Muslims, and calling it freedom of religion to observe their version of Sharia Law.

You wanted examples of Muslims who stand up against Sharee'ah as it is generally understood.

And if you as a liberal Muslim can't see that, there is no hope, especially since you can't even decide when it is to be accepted.

I'm not sure I would call myself a liberal Muslim, though many would argue that at least some of my views are (very) liberal.
The Qur'aan is to be applied as befits the situation as it arises, on a case-by-case basis.

And what's with the She/Her? That's no better than He/Him

God, or The God/dess as I prefer to refer to Them, is Genderqueer. Sometimes I'll refer to Him as She, sometimes as He, sometimes as Them. It works too. As long as we don't get attached to any of these, it's all good.

God's law is just another name for Sharia. Who says what God's law is? Whoever it is will have tremendous power, and that power will corrupt, and that corruption WILL end up in tyranny. You say God speaks to you. It you or whoever makes such a claim, you're going to have to have proof of your claim--and so far in recorded history, no one's been able to provide it. And without it, I'm not turning my life over to you or anyone.

Sharee'ah and God's Law are not the same thing. Who says what God's Law is? God of course!
I cannot provide the kind of proof you are looking for. You will believe, or you won't believe, as you see fit.