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Which schools accept Mind only sutras?


There are a lot of Mahayana Sutras, each sect has their own “primary” Mahayana Sutra. For instance, Zen Buddhism has deeply philosophical and lofty Lankavatara Sutra. This sutra is strictly idealistic and philosophic “Mind Only” Vijnanavada sutra, it says there is in reality, only mind, all things in the world and world itself are like a dream, or like projected image. Only mind exits, the world doesn’t. The world illusion arises from the mind only.

Likewise, Shurangama Sutra which is accepted as authentic by Chinese Zen Buddhists(Chan school) teaches similar things.

My questions are

1) which schools of Mahayana Buddhism accept Lankavatara and Shurangama Sutra as authentic? only Zen Buddhism / Yogachara schools, or all of the Mahayana Buddhists sects, including Tibetan Buddhism and Pure Land Buddhism? Which schools say “world is an illusion”?

2) Likewise, Pure Land Buddhism has their own mahayana Sutras, these are Amitabha Sutra and infinite life sutra. Which mahayana sects accept those apart from Pure Land Buddhism?


Prince of Dorkness!
Hi, Themo -

Add another category.

The Nichiren schools are Mahayana, but are based on the Lotus Sutra as primary, with all of the other sutras holding at best a secondary position. Nichiren began as a Tendai monk, and so much ofTendai thinking informs Nichiren Buddhism, but Nichiren goes in some directions that the Tendai school does not.


Its only a Label
Friend themo,

Which schools accept Mind only sutras?
Personally am not familiar with any organised religion to be of any relevant help.
However am just querious as to your need.
Your queries from buddhism to sanatan dharma etc does show an inquiring mind but inquiring about what? By knowing about a certain aspect of an organised religion am unable to comprehend the practical utility of such an exercise.

Kindly note that this is not any any way to stop your enquiries, you are free as that is one's karma and one is as free as any other human to do what he wants to.
It is only to be of any possible assistance if possible that this question is asked to which you are again free to respond the way you wish even by ignorance.

Best Wishes.

LOve & rgds