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What's Wrong With Not Liking Homosexuality??


I'm your huckleberry.
And P.S...I dont think there is a comparison to beign proud of your significant other and showing a picture..Here is my partner and this is my family...

The picture on Rheffs avatar is a picture of his family...We can "assume" he is heterosexual..He is not yelling out IM STRAIGHT ...IM GREAT BECAUSE IM STRAIGHT.....I LIKE HAVING SEX WITH WOMEN!

Talking about your family is not the same as yelling out a sexual preference...

This conversation is beign carried to extremes..based on what Im hearing a pregnant women should not go in public becasue they might assume shes flaunitng her hetersexuality..(most would assume she had sex with a man)...

Being in public and holding your loved ones hand..our sharing a little kiss..or carrying pictures in your wallett isnt exaclty a parade ...



Great point, frubals!!!


Depends Upon My Mood..
The reason that there is a need for gay pride is that there is still an overabundance of gay shame. Until gay people are completely accepted, and not made to feel ashamed for being gay, gay pride is necessary.

I guess I can understand that somewhat..Sort of like..."wer're not going to hide anymore"....????..Still I wouldnt compare it to Rheff having a picture of his wife and child for his avatar..If a gay person here had on display a picture of his or her loved one I would not think they were "flaunting" there gayness..Simply they were proud of their mate..




Done here.
You know what's funny, is that gay people get so upset when someone disagrees with their lifestyle, not necessarily the person. It is possible to like a person and not like their lifestyle. I would suspect there would be a huge back lash if hetero's held a parade in their own honor.
You ought to visit earth sometime.


Intentionally Blank
Hmmmm, here I go again I guess. I will say it again. I don't hate gay people, IMHO I think a practicing homosexual is wrong. I don't like anyone, gay or straight trying to force their lifestyle and their views on the world down my throat. If gay people take this as offensive, I apolgize, I really do. These are my beliefs. I'm not trying to turn anyone, I'm just giving my opinion. And, BTW Happ, are we judging? Maybe you need to do a little more research and see what the church says about it. It's not a sin to be gay, it is a sin to practice homosexuality. If that little girl in my wife's arms is gay, then we will cross that bridge when we come to it. Will that decrease my love of her, absolutely not. Don't judge me and assume you know better than me.

So in your view, if someone holds a different opinion from you, and expresses it, that's bad? Only people who agree with you should have the right to express their opinion? Are you against free speech in general, or only when it differs from yours?

Please grasp this complex concept: Advocating for the right to live my life as I want is not forcing anything down your throat. The only thing that would be forcing something down your throat would be if someone tried to force you to be or act gay, or hide your heterosexuality, as was done to gay people for centuries. Apparently you don't have a problem with heterosexuality being forced down my throat, though?

I understand that these are your beliefs. However, they're also wrong. It's up to you to change them. You do not have the right to object to my right to express my opinion, any more than I have the right to object to your right to express your opinion. That's how America works. Yay.


Intentionally Blank
And I find it amusing you are comparing the St. Patrick's day parade with a gay pride parade. If you look at what the parade is celebrating, the re-birth of a country that was riddled with disease and famime. The celebration of a pagan nation becoming a christian nation (I know not all you agree with that, but to the Irish it's important). I beleive that Irish have been through enough for a lot longer time to have a parade for themselves. Would you be upset if the Jews decided to have a parade as well? How about taking away black history month? Or maybe the homosexual struggle is a little bit more important than what anyone else went through?

What I'm saying is that Gay people have the right to parade and wave flags just as much as Irish people or Italian people. My sarcasm seems to have been lost on you. If you support St. Patrick's day and Black History Month, then you should also support gay people's celebration--it's basically the same thing. You don't mind flags and parades at all, you just don't think that Gay Pride is something to celebrate. I don't think that celebrating the non-birthday of a non-God instead of the winter solstice is appropriate either, but I don't object to your right to do so. It's no skin off my nose, and gay pride parades are no skin off your nose. If you don't like it, stay home.

What methods do you think gay people should use to advocate for civil rights, bombs?


Done here.
And P.S...I dont think there is a comparison to beign proud of your significant other and showing a picture..Here is my partner and this is my family...

The picture on Rheffs avatar is a picture of his family...We can "assume" he is heterosexual..He is not yelling out IM STRAIGHT ...IM GREAT BECAUSE IM STRAIGHT.....I LIKE HAVING SEX WITH WOMEN!

Talking about your family is not the same as yelling out a sexual preference...

This conversation is beign carried to extremes..based on what Im hearing a pregnant women should not go in public becasue they might assume shes flaunitng her hetersexuality..(most would assume she had sex with a man)...

Being in public and holding your loved ones hand..our sharing a little kiss..or carrying pictures in your wallett isnt exaclty a parade ...
But if I hold my loved one's hand in public, or share a little kiss, I AM flaunting my sexuality. If I say we ought to have the same rights as Rheff and his wife, I'm forcing my lifestyle down his throat.

I'm not really saying saying Rheff should hide his wife; I was being sarcastic to point out the double standard. And while I know there are people who are too stupid and hypocritical to see that there is a double standard, I don't think you're really one of them.

Everything that you take for granted as a heterosexual is perceived as demanding "special rights" if I do it, or even want to. That's why we need a frigging parade.


Intentionally Blank
Oh, so gay people don't have significant others? Is that what I'm hearing? Showing a picture of a loved one is hardly forcing anything down anyone's throat, I thought we all had people we loved. Maybe I was wrong.
Ding! Light bulb goes on. And it's not any more forcing when a gay person does it. Now do you get it?


Intentionally Blank
You're certainly entitled to that opinion. For the record, I really don't have problem with them having a parade, my contention was that straight people don't have a parade to "flaunt" their hetero-ness. My point here is it's not needed. We know you're gay, good for you, but you don't need a big huge spectacle telling everyone, "Hey, we're here, look at us, we should be treated fairly, we're proud". That's the kind of thing that upsets most people. Why make a big spectecle of yourself? Be who you are.

O.K. rheff, you're making progress. Now think hard. Why do you think that white Americans didn't have to march in the streets to get the right to vote? Why did we have Black Civil Rights parades, but not white ones? Why do you think that Gay People might have a parade to say, "He, we're here, look at us, we should be treated fairly, we're proud." Do you think maybe it's because we haven't been treated fairly? Straight people don't need a parade to be treated fairly? Straight people already have their civil rights? Apparently, what bothers you is when disenfranchised people advocate for change.


Intentionally Blank
If I believed as a woman there was nothing wrong with premarital sex and I personally was proud of that and considered it my right .I could organize a large group of women who felt the same way and have a public parade letting the world know Im into sex without the need for marriage and thats how I am and thats how a lot of us are....We can sleep with whoever we want ....and we are heterosexual....

That would be the eqivelant..Homesexuality is a sexual preference..Im not saying to hide it..But I personally wouldnt feel the need to have a public demonstration and yelling as loud as I could I prefer sex outside of marriage...

I mean its none of my business if thats what people want to do..I just personally dont think people really give a hoot what my sexual preference is..

I mean we get into discussions here and stuff and share some of that about ourselves .I just dont get marching down the street yelling it out to whoever is within earshot.

But to each his own...



I think it's a very narrow view to see it as being about sex. Is your marriage only about sex? I could never have sex again and I would still be a lesbian. It's about the gender of the person I want to build my life with--all of it. I am in a loving, committed, exclusive and wonderful relationship with a person I hope to spend my future with and built a life together with. The person I am in that relationship is a woman and would always be a woman, because I am a lesbian. I want the same respect and rights for that entire relationship as you enjoy. How do you suggest I go about accomplishing that?


Forum Relic
Premium Member
You know what's funny, is that gay people get so upset when someone disagrees with their lifestyle, not necessarily the person. It is possible to like a person and not like their lifestyle.
You know what's funny, is that anti-gay people get so upset when someone disagrees with their lifestyle, not necessarily the person. It is possible to like a person and not like their lifestyle (although you'd need to accomplish this by having a big heart to get passed all the prejudice ideals).

rheff78 said:
I would suspect there would be a huge back lash if hetero's held a parade in their own honor
I'm trying to remember when I saw some anti-hetero efforts made on behalf of the gay community. :help:


Intentionally Blank
And P.S...I dont think there is a comparison to beign proud of your significant other and showing a picture..Here is my partner and this is my family...

The picture on Rheffs avatar is a picture of his family...We can "assume" he is heterosexual..He is not yelling out IM STRAIGHT ...IM GREAT BECAUSE IM STRAIGHT.....I LIKE HAVING SEX WITH WOMEN!

Talking about your family is not the same as yelling out a sexual preference...
It is in the U.S. military--if you're gay. It's grounds for discharge.

Being in public and holding your loved ones hand..our sharing a little kiss..or carrying pictures in your wallett isnt exaclty a parade ...


For gay as well as straight, right? You don't have a problem with me kissing my collaborator-in-life in public, just as you enjoy with your husband?


Intentionally Blank
You know what's funny, is that gay people get so upset when someone disagrees with their lifestyle, not necessarily the person. It is possible to like a person and not like their lifestyle. I would suspect there would be a huge back lash if hetero's held a parade in their own honor.
You're not just disagreeing with my way of life, rheff, you're disagreeing with my right to express my opinion. That upsets me a lot. It's un-American.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
You're certainly entitled to that opinion. For the record, I really don't have problem with them having a parade, my contention was that straight people don't have a parade to "flaunt" their hetero-ness.
No... heterosexuality is the majority and the status quo. If you had a "Straight Pride" parade, the overwhelming reaction would probably be "yeah, well... you're straight; so what?" Once Gay Pride parades have the same effect, I might agree that they're no longer needed. We're definitely not there yet, though.

My point here is it's not needed. We know you're gay, good for you, but you don't need a big huge spectacle telling everyone, "Hey, we're here, look at us, we should be treated fairly, we're proud". That's the kind of thing that upsets most people. Why make a big spectecle of yourself? Be who you are.
Demanding fair treatment upsets most people?

You've already said that you have no problem with a parade that tells everyone, "Hey, we're proud to be Irish! Look at us!" How is gay pride fundamentally any different?


Depends Upon My Mood..
But if I hold my loved one's hand in public, or share a little kiss, I AM flaunting my sexuality. If I say we ought to have the same rights as Rheff and his wife, I'm forcing my lifestyle down his throat.

I'm not really saying saying Rheff should hide his wife; I was being sarcastic to point out the double standard. And while I know there are people who are too stupid and hypocritical to see that there is a double standard, I don't think you're really one of them.

Everything that you take for granted as a heterosexual is perceived as demanding "special rights" if I do it, or even want to. That's why we need a frigging parade.

But see I dont see that personally as "flaunting sexuality"...I live in a large suburd right out side of a big city (Dallas Duh LOL)....Its not unusual for me to see two men say at the mall holding hands..or two women embrace and give a little peck on the mouth...I dont see that as "flaunting sex"..I see that as two people in love expressing NON sexual affection..The same as with heteros..My husband likes to hold my hand out in public..at parties and stuff I might sit in his lap..we might even feed each other bites of food in a resturant (gasp!)...I dotn beleive we are flaunting sex..We are expressin love and affection and it happens to be in public..In fact some people I know feel especially loved if their loved one will hug or hold hands or kiss in public..I also know some people (especially the wives of hetero men) who will refuse to show any affection in public and it hurts the womans feelings..

To me there is a differnce between screamign out I like sex with XYand Z..and public displays of non sexual affecton..If my husband puts his arm around my waste while we are walking I dont feel like its "sexual'..Obviously if someone notices they will assume we are a couple..But I wouldnt exactly call it flaunting sex.




Intentionally Blank
But see I dont see that personally as "flaunting sexuality"...I live in a large suburd right out side of a big city (Dallas Duh LOL)....Its not unusual for me to see two men say at the mall holding hands..or two women embrace and give a little peck on the mouth...I dont see that as "flaunting sex"..I see that as two people in love expressing NON sexual affection..The same as with heteros..My husband likes to hold my hand out in public..at parties and stuff I might sit in his lap..we might even feed each other bites of food in a resturant (gasp!)...I dotn beleive we are flaunting sex..We are expressin love and affection and it happens to be in public..In fact some people I know feel especially loved if their loved one will hug or hold hands or kiss in public..I also know some people (especially the wives of hetero men) who will refuse to show any affection in public and it hurts the womans feelings..

To me there is a differnce between screamign out I like sex with XYand Z..and public displays of non sexual affecton..If my husband puts his arm around my waste while we are walking I dont feel like its "sexual'..Obviously if someone notices they will assume we are a couple..But I wouldnt exactly call it flaunting sex.



So you would oppose the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy?


I'm your huckleberry.
You're not just disagreeing with my way of life, rheff, you're disagreeing with my right to express my opinion. That upsets me a lot. It's un-American.

No, I'm disagreeing with HOW you express your opinion. You have the right to express it any way you want, but I also the right to challenge how you do it, that's no so un-American is it?


Intentionally Blank
No, I'm disagreeing with HOW you express your opinion. You have the right to express it any way you want, but I also the right to challenge how you do it, that's no so un-American is it?
Yes, it is. You've already made it clear that you don't have a problem with parades and flags at all, it's the content--gay people advocating for gay rights--that you object to. Yes, that is very un-American and very wrong. I have the right to express my opinion how I want only because your view is not allowed to prevail here in the U.S.


Done here.
But see I dont see that personally as "flaunting sexuality"...I live in a large suburd right out side of a big city (Dallas Duh LOL)....Its not unusual for me to see two men say at the mall holding hands..or two women embrace and give a little peck on the mouth...I dont see that as "flaunting sex"..I see that as two people in love expressing NON sexual affection..The same as with heteros..My husband likes to hold my hand out in public..at parties and stuff I might sit in his lap..we might even feed each other bites of food in a resturant (gasp!)...I dotn beleive we are flaunting sex..We are expressin love and affection and it happens to be in public..In fact some people I know feel especially loved if their loved one will hug or hold hands or kiss in public..I also know some people (especially the wives of hetero men) who will refuse to show any affection in public and it hurts the womans feelings..

To me there is a differnce between screamign out I like sex with XYand Z..and public displays of non sexual affecton..If my husband puts his arm around my waste while we are walking I dont feel like its "sexual'..Obviously if someone notices they will assume we are a couple..But I wouldnt exactly call it flaunting sex.
So what would you say is flaunting one's sexuality?