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What do mainstream Muslims believe Jesus will do when he finally returns?

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Jihad Against Terrorism

I know the answer. But I want the other Muslims over here say it. Please make sure you have consulted your ulemas before typing the answer.

Good luck.


Jesus loves you
Destroy Christianity (break the cross), convert the millions to Islam and then die. Am I close?
when islam is at its lowest point and the anti-christ is ruling with the help of zion isa son of maryam will descend from the heaven on the mount Afeeq. He will be a guiding imam and a just ruler. he will be of average height red and white complexion and stright hair. he will be dressed in light yellow coloured pair of garments. he will break the cross, abolish swine,tax and there will be no other religion but the true one of all the prophets from adam, ibrahim,noah,moses, and more and muhammed peace be upon them all. He will lead the muslims to defeat the anti-christ . in order for this to happen.Then there will be peace and tranquility so much that even camels and lions, cows and leopards sheep and wolves would roam about together. infants would play with snakes and wouldnt get hurt. he will marry and have children live a normal life and continue to live till allah wills. then he will die and muslims will offer his funeral prayer. he will then be burried in the grave next to the beloved prophet muhammed peace be upon him. his space is kept in makkah untill that day. may allah forgive me if i have said anything wrong and may he reward me if this is the truth and touches a few amongst the ignorant.


Jihad Against Terrorism
and there will be no other religion but the true one of all the prophets from adam,
That is the part I am interested in. How exactly will Jesus achieve this? What do your Ulemas say is the way through which Jesus will purify the world of all other false religions?
see when the anti christ comes there will only be two ways of life. islamic and non islamic. whoesoever follows the antichrist will live his way of life that for the religion is merely a form of identity and a word. the way of life wheather jew christian hindu sikh and dare i say it some ignorant muslims will be the same and so religion becomes irrelivent as they are all following the Anti-christ's way of life. for example they celebrate the pagen version of isa son of maryams birth which they believe is christmas. 25th dec. they party listen to music have one common idol in all their houses Television have sex outdoors like animals, and most of all hate the islamic way of life. all these signs are obvious to the true eye today so its only a matter of time till their leader comes to cause havok. Then and only then at fajr prayers will Isa son of Maryam be known and after fajr he will abolish the anti-christ and all who follow him. then gog and mgog will also be destroyed before the earth is cleansed and purity and islam through isa son of maryam will rule over this world. no wars no filth no indecency no disrespecting no hate no greed no poverty no famine i could go onandonandon but the point is you dont have to be a rocket scientist to work out at what point we are in the coming of isa son of maryam. and ignorance to this is just blinds you from the truth. may allah guide us all to the right path! ameen!!!

P.s for all you truth seekers out there check out who was really born in dec 25th and trust me its not isa son of maryam. for all you pagen worshippors why you hiding the truth let the world know how you've corrupted the good books of my lord the torah and bible but you will never succeed with the Holiest of all the Quran!!! and isa son of maryam was born in warm climates fact!!!


Mr Invisible
Yes, we're all going to Hell because we celebrate Christmas... give me a break.

Most people know that the roots of Christmas trace back to pagan tradition? So what? Winter sucks and it's nice to give gifts to one another... it's become too comercial sure, but it's not evil and it's not even a pagan celibration (for most) anymore, it's just a day to be thankful and to spread some joy for a change.

Lighten up, you'll convert more people that way.
you contridict youself you say that you know its a pagen cult belief of 25th dec. you do know who pagens are??? and you say its not evil!!! what a joke! so surly if you follow the devils way and celebrate his days hell becomes the only outcome. read your post before sending. you dont make sense!

im not here to convert any one just to share my opinion.

Those who are guided no one can misguide and those who are misguisded no one can guide. But Allah. and i will remain his slave for eternity in this world and the hereafter. and surly for his slaves the here after meaning heaven is a good place to be. ( oh by the way if i am a slave to gods way who's way are you a slave off??? and where does it get you in life and the hereafter)

And for the record ive lived your way of life to an extreme ive experienced things that normal people dont get a chance to, been places seen things getting high on the chronic and the pure colombian partying being with the hottest girls mixing with rappers etc,etc due to my previous job. Truth it aint all that i never once had peace and true happiness i always felt empty inside and everyone i met and befriended were fake no real love or friendship. they were there when things are good and dont wana know you when things go bad.

Thats the world and people you think will go to heaven then your definition of good and bad and heaven and hell is twisted. know im amongst true people with a true way of life and a true belief and truth their aint a better feeling. unlock you soul to see what i mean or have you been brainwashed to think everything i lived for and had is something worth striving for???? surley the hereafter is worth striving for and where the real fun begins. you aint experienced much yet to have such a naive view on life. and to comprimise you faith for a pagen custom and say that its cold and it cheers you up then surly your lord is of no true importance to you!!!!!! unless you lord is the devil himself then i do appologise. what i dont get is how devil worshippors think they can obtain heaven???
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
Tariq, tell the Christians here who is Jesus? :D lol.

You believe Jesus has returned and his name is Mirza who lived and died in India, tell the christians here that tariq to make a joke out of yourself. Go a head. lol.

All what Muslims say is that, at the end of days, lets see what Jesus would say and do. I would definitely follow him and do as he command me--if i were there of course when he return. Fair enough?


Mr Invisible
you contridict youself you say that you know its a pagen cult belief of 25th dec. you do know who pagens are??? and you say its not evil!!! what a joke! so surly if you follow the devils way and celebrate his days hell becomes the only outcome. read your post before sending. you dont make sense!

*grabs bridge of nose and sighs* Christmas may have developed FROM a pagan tradition, but it's largely NO LONGER about that. Just as if I drink wine and break bread, it doesn't mean I'm doing anything religious... I happen to like bread and wine.

im not here to convert any one just to share my opinion.

Everyone wants people to believe what they believe.

Those who are guided no one can misguide and those who are misguisded no one can guide. But Allah. and i will remain his slave for eternity in this world and the hereafter. and surly for his slaves the here after meaning heaven is a good place to be.

Good to know.

( oh by the way if i am a slave to gods way who's way are you a slave off??? and where does it get you in life and the hereafter)

Well I'm guessing because I don't follow the same religion as you, I'm a slave of sin or the Devil? And you're not here to convert? Laughable.

I'm not a slave to anyone, my friend, I'm an open minded guy, who lives the best he can, but can't quite bring himself to believe in things he can't see... so that makes me evil, I suppose?

And for the record ive lived your way of life to an extreme ive experienced things that normal people dont get a chance to, been places seen things getting high on the chronic and the pure colombian partying being with the hottest girls mixing with rappers etc,etc due to my previous job. Truth it aint all that i never once had peace and true happiness i always felt empty inside and everyone i met and befriended were fake no real love or friendship. they were there when things are good and dont wana know you when things go bad.

Please don't pretend to know me. When I was a Christian, I thought that anyone who wasn't a Christian was just an evil sinner and that I knew them, much as you may think anyone who reject Muhammed is the same. That's simply not true, my friend. I don't live the way you think I do.

Thats the world and people you think will go to heaven then your definition of good and bad and heaven and hell is twisted. know im amongst true people with a true way of life and a true belief and truth their aint a better feeling. unlock you soul to see what i mean or have you been brainwashed to think everything i lived for and had is something worth striving for????

Friend, I've realised this through personal experience. I don't aspire to have a huge house, 4 cars and legions of women. I want a job I enjoy and to live comfortably, with enough left over to help some others out... you don't need religion to desire this.

surley the hereafter is worth striving for and where the real fun begins. you aint experienced much yet to have such a naive view on life.

Again, you do not know me, my friend.

and to comprimise you faith for a pagen custom and say that its cold and it cheers you up then surly your lord is of no true importance to you!!!!!! unless you lord is the devil himself then i do appologise. what i dont get is how devil worshippors think they can obtain heaven???

Okay... I don't have a God as far as I'm aware and I certainly wouldn't worship the Devil.

My point stands, that Christmas is largely not a pagan tradition anymore. It's been taken over by business and in most people's eyes it's just a celibration and a time of charity.

I think the spirit behind Christmas is more important than the date in which we celebrate it. If we moved it to December 26th, it would not make a difference.
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Mr Invisible
Okay... I should stop using generalisations like, "everyone". My point was, I've yet to meet a religious person, that didn't want someone to share their beliefs... it's just a bit of reinforcement for them. I couldn't care less if people believed what I believe, since I don't know what I believe.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Okay... I should stop using generalisations like, "everyone". My point was, I've yet to meet a religious person, that didn't want someone to share their beliefs... it's just a bit of reinforcement for them. I couldn't care less if people believed what I believe, since I don't know what I believe.
I don't count? :( :p


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Fine... mainstream religion i.e. ones that have a holy book, which says you're going to Hell if you don't believe.

Now quit picking on me! :sad4:
Actually, I assumed you meant met irl. I was just teasing. :hug:


Jihad Against Terrorism
see when the anti christ comes there will only be two ways of life. islamic and non islamic. whoesoever follows the antichrist will live his way of life
Then and only then at fajr prayers will Isa son of Maryam be known and after fajr he will abolish the anti-christ and all who follow him.
AHA. Touche. Maro? Where are you? This was what I was talking about.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the point I have been trying to prove. Muslims scholars of mainstream Islam teach their followers that Jesus will lead an army that will mass-murder ALL NON-MUSLIMS.

If some Muslims still think I am just giving one example please go ahead and ask your scholars. Your beliefs are sickening. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forgave EVERYONE when he finally overpowered his enemies. That is Islam. But the Islam you present ... why wouldn't non-Muslims reject it?
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