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What are Preyares for ?..


Lacking Common Sense
Withdrawnmist said:

THANK EWE...I think me understands your perspective and ewe do explain it very well indeed.....

My crucial question that me needs answering first is does God exist in the first place ?..then me can question further if this sheep decides there is a sheepy god !!...and if so....... he's big and furry and has the best patch in the field to graze upon !!..........;)

hugs the moon .....YAYYYYYYYYYYY !!!
Oh yes, so whyworry about prayer?? You have bigger fish to fry.....greener grass to graze upon... You do know it is all subjective. This coming from a great Libertine sinner, apostate, nasty mean bad girl I was, a hedonist at heart and rebellious to the core, but very much convinced of one thing: There is No god, there is No thing, beyond this life at all. I, who yearned only for oblivion as a final resting place, found out the hard way there is no such thing as Oblivion! Imagine that. But, the Hound of Heaven pursued and caught me, and wasn't about to let go, had other plans for me so here I am.

But that doesn't help EWE, only me, and me being no better than EWE, the same answers are there only in some other language of woolly speak, which only EWE can share with the 1 who made EWE.

The fact that he made EWE makes me smile and : hamster :, he is a great Shepherd and very happy to have made EWE and share EWE with the rest of us, so he gets my :claponce again! YAYYYYYYY!! for the Shepherd, and YAYYYYY for the sheep!

Why not read about some very beautiful nice ppl who may already have news from beyond to share with us and bring light to our lives?

Hmm, here is an atheist one (sad to begin but don't worry it's a happy ending):
or just the main page:

Hope you enjoy it, :hug:


Basically, we are to love one another, care for the less fortunate, treat others as we would be treated, spread His word through good deeds, and try our best not to sin. Looks like a short list, but look how much trouble the world has following it. The problem lies in that we are human, thus NOT perfect nor capable of being so. We just keep on trying, learning the lessons from our actions and try again!


Active Member
Maybe it’s a constant reminder that god is among us. In Islam prayer is mandatory to keep on reminding us of our duty to god and our real meaning of life on earth.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Prayer is how we talk to God. When we treat God like a genie in a bottle, we "pays our money and takes our chances." But if we pray for our will to be caught up in God's will -- that puts us in the right frame of mind.


Religious Headbanger
Withdrawnmist said:
Dearest RF peeps of Inter- Yummy Trifle Goodness and light,...hmmmmm!!..yummmy !!!

What is prayer for ?...specifically when one is praying for a particular cause........ like a recovery from illness............ a relief from frustration........... an alleviation of stress due to work.............. personal and family matters.

The reason I ask is , well....they don't seem to be a particular successful way of wishing for a thing, or asking God for assistance do they ?...in my opinion.

If the answer is somewhere along the lines of, ' well, what is supposed to be is supposed to be because of gods will' then why bother praying in the first place ?

Presumably one has faith in prayer yes ?...does not your faith diminish somewhat when your prayers are not answered ?....how does one remain so steadfast in a belief that doesn't seem to reward with resolution ?

I realise one might say that the reward is there when you die but then as I said why pray then for specific causes if they do not get answered ?...and how do you feel when they are not ?

Please note there is no hostilie intent in my questioing....I have nothing but the utmost respect....it's my way of learning...so please....if you see provocation in my questions....it is most certainly not intentional.


It's a connection to the Creator but it is also a way for us to ask for His help while at the same time it helps us help ourselves. In Breslov Chassidum there is a meditative practice called Hisbodidus. It is speaking out loud to G-d and while it does have some structure such as opening with praise and worship then moving on to what you need to repent for and then on to what your needs may be. But it is generally just having a conversation with the Creator. Tell Him anything. Pour out your heart to Him. Tell Him your fears.

I also like reciting the Tehillim (psalms) as a more structured formal prayer time. There are certain Tehillim for certain things and needs. It sounds stale but it can be very mystical.


I'm Heffer!!!
What is prayer for ?...

Prayer is asking God for help or generally consulting Him over matters in yours or others life, like if a job is the right one for me, to asking for healing, wisdom, encouragement, also tp give praise and thanks to God and, most importantly, to confess any sins and seek forgiveness.

The reason I ask is , well....they don't seem to be a particular successful way of wishing for a thing, or asking God for assistance do they ?...in my opinion.

This is because there is something blocking your relationship with God, and that is sin. Easy to reconcile,though.

If the answer is somewhere along the lines of, ' well, what is supposed to be is supposed to be because of gods will' then why bother praying in the first place ?

Well, first, for all the reasons i said above, but yes, it does have to be Gods will, though that shouldnt stop you communicating with Him. You might think your mum isnt gonna let you have that extra chocolate bar, but it doesnt stop you asking, does it?? (poor example, but you get it??)

Presumably one has faith in prayer yes ?...


does not your faith diminish somewhat when your prayers are not answered ?..

No, because, as i have often found, prayers arent always answered as quick as we would like them to be. Like when we were moving house some years back, it was dreadful, the sale and purchase fell through 3 times, i had a broken toe, wasnt coping with my son and not being well, yes, i did question why it was happening, but knew there had to be some reason for it, and there was. If we would not have moved to were we did, i would never have meet my friend debbie, spoke to her of God and seen her get saved and baptised, etc... was worth it, wev'e since moved and it went fine
!!! Praise God. I have certainly found that trials and the like really do make me stronger and give me a stronger faith and reliance in God.

how does one remain so steadfast in a belief that doesn't seem to reward with resolution ?

I have salvation, that is reward enough, anything else is an added bonus.

Please note there is no hostilie intent in my questioing....I have nothing but the utmost respect....it's my way of learning...so please....if you see provocation in my questions....it is most certainly not intentional.

I know, you have a lovely way of asking these things, and i dont think anyone could ever be offended by you.:)


Sweet n Spicy
Hi loveable sheepy pooh-
I believe that God is my mother and father and everything to me. I thank God everyday for helping me to get through the hard times in life. I ask God to protect my loved ones and all those around the world who are suffering. There were some times when I have asked God for something but I didn't get it. I believe that God knows what is best for us and sometimes not everything we want will bring the best results. God can see the bigger picture - we can't. However, God sometimes gives us difficulties to test our faith - to see if we will stop believing in him or not. I have been tested like this - and one night I couldn't take it anymore - I broke down and begged God for help. The next day, two people came to me with a solution. I believe that we should thank God everyday for the good things. There are many people suffering far worse than us. We shouldn't only pray when we have difficulties. God is the best friend we will ever have because he is always there for us, even when we think he isn't.


Sweet n Spicy
Stimpleton or Withdrawnmist - are both of you related? - I see a resemblance. Sorry for going off topic but - Do you have any idea how long I wanted to say that? Aaaah! I'm relieved now.


I'm Heffer!!!
No, not at all, we know each other from another forum, though, and are both a bit daft!!!
: hamster : : hamster : : hamster :


Lacking Common Sense
Hema said:
Hi loveable sheepy pooh-
I believe that God is my mother and father and everything to me. I thank God everyday for helping me to get through the hard times in life. I ask God to protect my loved ones and all those around the world who are suffering. There were some times when I have asked God for something but I didn't get it. I believe that God knows what is best for us and sometimes not everything we want will bring the best results. God can see the bigger picture - we can't. However, God sometimes gives us difficulties to test our faith - to see if we will stop believing in him or not. I have been tested like this - and one night I couldn't take it anymore - I broke down and begged God for help. The next day, two people came to me with a solution. I believe that we should thank God everyday for the good things. There are many people suffering far worse than us. We shouldn't only pray when we have difficulties. God is the best friend we will ever have because he is always there for us, even when we think he isn't.

Frubals for a beautiful post, and your sig line too. So glad you decided to stay!!!


Sweet n Spicy
Stimpleton said:
No, not at all, we know each other from another forum, though, and are both a bit daft!!!
: hamster : : hamster : : hamster :

You know why I asked right? The SHEEP! :D


I'm Heffer!!!
Stimpleton said:
No, not at all, we know each other from another forum, though, and are both a bit daft!!!
: hamster : : hamster : : hamster :

I didnt mean to say, 'no ,not at all' in a bad way,by the way!!!!


Moon Woman said:
Oh yes, so whyworry about prayer?? You have bigger fish to fry.....greener grass to graze upon... You do know it is all subjective. This coming from a great Libertine sinner, apostate, nasty mean bad girl I was, a hedonist at heart and rebellious to the core, but very much convinced of one thing: There is No god, there is No thing, beyond this life at all. I, who yearned only for oblivion as a final resting place, found out the hard way there is no such thing as Oblivion! Imagine that. But, the Hound of Heaven pursued and caught me, and wasn't about to let go, had other plans for me so here I am.

But that doesn't help EWE, only me, and me being no better than EWE, the same answers are there only in some other language of woolly speak, which only EWE can share with the 1 who made EWE.

The fact that he made EWE makes me smile and : hamster :, he is a great Shepherd and very happy to have made EWE and share EWE with the rest of us, so he gets my :claponce again! YAYYYYYYY!! for the Shepherd, and YAYYYYY for the sheep!

Why not read about some very beautiful nice ppl who may already have news from beyond to share with us and bring light to our lives?

Hmm, here is an atheist one (sad to begin but don't worry it's a happy ending):
or just the main page:

Hope you enjoy it, :hug:

JUST NEED TO THANK EWE for this......so...*sticks a trombone where the sun don't shine and performs a fanfare*...THANK EWE FOR THIS !!..YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY !!!.....me will do my homework.....it's the least I can do ...for if ewe can find the time to respond to this thread then the least I can do is follow your links ...I will...and THANK EWE again..



lizskid said:
Basically, we are to love one another, care for the less fortunate, treat others as we would be treated, spread His word through good deeds, and try our best not to sin. Looks like a short list, but look how much trouble the world has following it. The problem lies in that we are human, thus NOT perfect nor capable of being so. We just keep on trying, learning the lessons from our actions and try again!

THANK YOU LAURA...THANK EWE SO MUCH ...Hugs her and licks her nose !!

The list might be short in components but they are HUGE in consequence.

If only everybody could behave with a semblance of cordiality then this list would be so much easier to manage...but as ewe said...it's Humans we're dealing with...and humans have a way of saying a thing and doing something else !!....which...in my mind...is a good thing...to err is human eh ?...we're supposed to make mistakes !!



Peace4all said:
Maybe it’s a constant reminder that god is among us. In Islam prayer is mandatory to keep on reminding us of our duty to god and our real meaning of life on earth.


May I ask...why is it mandatory ?...can one still not be devoted but pray...like...twice a week ?...if you do miss some prayers out...how do you make up for it ?...is it God then that demands this servitude ?..is that too harsh a word ?..sorry if it is....me is learning here and I am genuinely interested and always trying to understand...and with your wonderful assistance ..I hope to be able to get there !!

THANK YOU SO MUCH....and I luff the meaning behind your name.


sojourner said:
Prayer is how we talk to God. When we treat God like a genie in a bottle, we "pays our money and takes our chances." But if we pray for our will to be caught up in God's will -- that puts us in the right frame of mind.


This is wonderful......I can see the benefit of praying correcctly and not just for ' selfish ' needs ?......but to communicate in a way that there is a bonding consequence seems wonderful .



NoahideHiker said:
It's a connection to the Creator but it is also a way for us to ask for His help while at the same time it helps us help ourselves. In Breslov Chassidum there is a meditative practice called Hisbodidus. It is speaking out loud to G-d and while it does have some structure such as opening with praise and worship then moving on to what you need to repent for and then on to what your needs may be. But it is generally just having a conversation with the Creator. Tell Him anything. Pour out your heart to Him. Tell Him your fears.

I also like reciting the Tehillim (psalms) as a more structured formal prayer time. There are certain Tehillim for certain things and needs. It sounds stale but it can be very mystical.


Conversing with the creator must be an awe inspiring event. One must feel so humble during this interaction.

Many Peeps have said here about their dialogues with God.... and so these question are for everybody..............And the responses comes how ?...in what fashion ?..what medium does God answer you ?,....Is it a case of listening in the correct way ?....how do I know when I've had an answer ?

I really appreciate you helping me here and I thank you for your kindness...THANK YOU


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Withdrawnmist said:
Dearest RF peeps of Inter- Yummy Trifle Goodness and light,...hmmmmm!!..yummmy !!!
Even my throng of thonged Satanic Hampsters got a good chuckle out of that intro. : hamster :

Withdrawnmist said:
What is prayer for ?...specifically when one is praying for a particular cause........ like a recovery from illness............ a relief from frustration........... an alleviation of stress due to work.............. personal and family matters.

Beats me. I do not pray -- ever -- and openly discourage the act. Why is it that people feel a need to tell their all-knowing all-wise god what to do? Is it a popularity contest?

"Ok... Joe got 14 prayers from friends and family, I guess I should look in on him. I wonder if they ever think I am trying to teach Joe a good lesson? Oh hell, let's go play a quickie round of Star Golf. Come on JC, get you clubs and wake Buddha up too. Hopefully he won't get bent outta shape again 'cause we're hittin' the crap out of a little ball."

Withdrawnmist said:
The reason I ask is , well....they don't seem to be a particular successful way of wishing for a thing, or asking God for assistance do they ?...in my opinion.
*Crosses fingers... wishes REALLLLLL hard* *Looks into the monitor will REALLLLLLL large eyes....* "It could happen, doncha know."
*Begins throwing sheep doo-doo around at the unbelievers*

Withdrawnmist said:
If the answer is somewhere along the lines of, ' well, what is supposed to be is supposed to be because of gods will' then why bother praying in the first place ?
Ack! Infidel! Unclean lover of woopie!

Withdrawnmist said:
Presumably one has faith in prayer yes ?...does not your faith diminish somewhat when your prayers are not answered ?....how does one remain so steadfast in a belief that doesn't seem to reward with resolution ?
No silly, if yer prayer ain't answered you iz ain't prayin' c'rect. Goddit?

Withdrawnmist said:
I realise one might say that the reward is there when you die but then as I said why pray then for specific causes if they do not get answered ?...and how do you feel when they are not ?
Huh? Get with it, eh. We'all text-message Gawd now. Sheesh. Sheeps! :monkey: (I gez u dunno his numbr, eh?)

Withdrawnmist said:
Please note there is no hostilie intent in my questioing....I have nothing but the utmost respect....it's my way of learning...so please....if you see provocation in my questions....it is most certainly not intentional.

Oh yeah, nice cop out. Hmmm. Silly sheepster.
*Picks up a pair of nearby shears*
"Methimps that this sheepy needs a hedge-trimmin for Jezuz!"
*Takes one step...*
"Ewwwwwwwww. Sheep pie!"
"ok, who let the sheep out?"


Stimpleton said:
Prayer is asking God for help or generally consulting Him over matters in yours or others life, like if a job is the right one for me, to asking for healing, wisdom, encouragement, also tp give praise and thanks to God and, most importantly, to confess any sins and seek forgiveness.
THANK YOU for this. Seems a wonderful way to seek guidance and display piety. So, if you're asking for advice on something that is time dependent eg: a job ?...will you get the response in time ?...how do you know that you have received a response ?

Thanks Stimpleton..Hugs EWE

Stimpleton said:
This is because there is something blocking your relationship with God, and that is sin. Easy to reconcile,though.
*le sigh*...what sin have I done ?..oh !!..I am frustrated here as this is where I could see this becoming contentious but I will not allow to be so...perhaps if you could elaborate on what is the nature of our sins ?..have you sinned today ?...do we sin every day ?

THANKYOU for help on this difficult subject

Stimpleton said:
Well, first, for all the reasons i said above, but yes, it does have to be Gods will, though that shouldnt stop you communicating with Him. You might think your mum isnt gonna let you have that extra chocolate bar, but it doesnt stop you asking, does it?? (poor example, but you get it??)
Yep , me gets it....no harm in asking then..and in fact I assume it's beneficial to ask as it shows deference and respect.


Stimpleton said:
No, because, as i have often found, prayers arent always answered as quick as we would like them to be. Like when we were moving house some years back, it was dreadful, the sale and purchase fell through 3 times, i had a broken toe, wasnt coping with my son and not being well, yes, i did question why it was happening, but knew there had to be some reason for it, and there was. If we would not have moved to were we did, i would never have meet my friend debbie, spoke to her of God and seen her get saved and baptised, etc... was worth it, wev'e since moved and it went fine
!!! Praise God. I have certainly found that trials and the like really do make me stronger and give me a stronger faith and reliance in God.
THANK EWE...so ..the answers to prayers can be quick and concise...and long and convoluted too...As long as you are happy that there is a higher reasoning behind it..then I can see that in the end this brings comfort and solace.

Stimpleton said:
I have salvation, that is reward enough, anything else is an added bonus.
I see...THANK YOU...your total undeniable acceptance is fulfillment enough . I understand...You must enjoy great peace at this acceptance.

Stimpleton said:
I know, you have a lovely way of asking these things, and i dont think anyone could ever be offended by you.:)
EWE are very kind in the time it has taken for you to write this and help me understand the nature of belief and prayer..THANK EWE..HUGS THE OTHER SHEEPY ........and me is grateful.