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UNRWA fires 12 workers over suspected involvement in the October 7 attacks on Israel

Jayhawker Soule

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Premium Member
The critical western, non-military, observer might look at what's happening in Gaza as criminal, but they clearly do not know what's involved in a rapid search and rescue of the hostages.

And if what's involved is carnage as a necessary by-product of a cynical (if not manic) Netanyahu policy which has sacrificed many while rescuing exceedingly few?

And if the issues addressed in the Times of Israel article
is just the tip of the iceberg?


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש

Found it! There is extensive documentation beginning in 2021 of the consistent indocrintation of their children with unnatural, hateful, ideologies. These ideas are not going to take hold in the majority of children, but, by casting a wide and consistent net, the 10% which are predisposed towards violent ideology are enought to produce a small army of the worst of the worst sort of criminals.
"IMPACT-se’s extensive research of PA school textbooks has consistently shown a systematic insertion of violence, martyrdom and jihad across all grades and subjects, with the proliferation of extreme nationalism and Islamist ideologies throughout the curriculum. Yet, it is this material that is taught in UNRWA-run schools throughout the Palestinian Territories of the Gaza Strip and West Bank as well as Jerusalem. Our research shows that UNRWA, as a UN organization, knowingly produces and teaches material in its Gaza Strip and West Bank schools that are rife with problematic content that contradicts stated UN values"​

PDF LINK ---> "UNRWA-Produced-Study-Materials-in-the-Palestinian-Territories—Jan-2021"

"This IMPACT-se report reviewed UNRWA-branded school materials produced by UNRWA’s field education departments and staff, labeled for use in 2022. Findings show that the analyzed material violate UN values, and UNRWA’s “zero-tolerance policy for discrimination or for incitement to hatred and violence in its schools, educational materials.” The analysis found that UNRWA-produced and branded content contains material that encourages jihad, violence, and martyrdom, as well as content promoting antisemitism, conflict discourse, hate, and intolerance. The materials also include overtly politicized language violating UNRWA’s stated adherence to UN values and commitment to neutrality. The UNRWA-branded materials analyzed in the report include 590 pages, in 30 documents, spanning six separate grades. They all bear the UNRWA logo, or its name in Arabic. The materials list UNRWA staff, six of whom are supervisors and inspectors, as well as 49 teachers affiliated with over 30 UNRWA schools in three verified UNRWA school districts, who helped write and supervise the reviewed school materials."​
PDF LINK ---> "Review-of-2022-UNRWA-Produced-School-Materials"
"With this damning report, documenting support for the October 7 Massacre among UNRWA teachers and other staff members, IMPACT-se uncovers evidence of the connection between the content of textbooks taught in UNRWA schools and the atrocities committed on October 7, reflecting years of hate-teaching in these schools. The report shows that to date, at least fourteen teachers and staff at UNRWA schools have publicly celebrated the October 7 massacre and other Hamas attacks on their social media accounts. One UNRWA teacher in the school system in Gaza, Sarah Alderawy, posted a video clip on the day of the massacre showing Hamas terrorists roaming the Israeli streets with rifles while shooting at Israeli cars and rocket attacks in Israel. Over half of Gazan school students attend UNRWA schools. The report further reveals that at least 100 Hamas members committing the terror attacks are graduates of UNRWA’s education system, whose textbooks include content that encourages antisemitism, glorifies violence and promotes militants."​

PDF LINK ---> "UNRWA-Education-Textbooks-and-Terror-Nov-2023"

Hopefully, this will encourage a bit more coonfidence that am I not a fanatic. I am knowledgable, reasonable, and correct on my assertions. As I have written, repeateedly, there is good strong evidence inplicating UNRWA are not only complicit, they are a vital link in the violent extremist's chain around the Gazan neck. This is why they are fighting so hard to argue in favor of its legitmacy. There is no rational reason to deny it. You have the evidence in front of you. Feel free to forward it to your govenment, if you actually believe they are not in possession of this evidence already.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Hopefully you recall I have been tracking the humanitarian aid on a daily basis

@libre and others, Update: Over the past several days there has been a sharp decrease in the UN distribution of humanitarian aid. What was originally well over 100, sometimes capping 200 trucks distriuting aid per days decreased to 40, then to zero. Israel has reported it is coordianting with the WFP to take over the aid distribution. The aid trucks are still being inspected, bu tthe cargo is sitting in Gaza. Israel has identified the northern Gaza precints as the priority because they are the most impacted and have been without aid from UNRWA for several weeks at least.

Again and again, when given the opportunity, israel is doing the right thing. Here they are attempting to coordinate sending the aid where it's needed most. Previously UNRWA/HAMAS dominated the aid distrubtion and benefitted for manufacturing a crisis. ( Yes, Libre, there are pictures of Hamas at the aid distribution points with their rifles. )

The place where UNRWA ( likely intentionally ) ignored, north Gaza, is precisely where israel is working to send aid. Meanwhile, the IDF is delivering the essentials to the hospitals.

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Staff member
Premium Member
I apologize, your posts will take some time to parse and properly reply to.
I hope it doesn't come off like nitpicking, but I will have to make a series of replies to properly explain my view, I don't want to come off as avoiding the thrust of your post.
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Staff member
Premium Member
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Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
The Palestinian identity is nothing more than resitance to israel's existance in a land which they believe was promised entirely to the Arabs. Until the Palestinians openly negotiate directly with israel, acknowldging its right to exist in the region, there will never be peace. In this specific case, right now, they need to demonstrate they are not terrorists and return the hostages. That is the price of admission to any negotiations. Until then, they are terrorists, kidnappers, murders, who will be isolated, contained, and hunted.

Your post talks about "the Palestinians," but then you go on to talk about the acts of taking hostages and murdering civilians—both of which were done by Hamas.

Who are you describing as "terrorists, kidnappers, murders [sic]" in the part I highlighted in red: "the Palestinians," who would be the general population of Palestinians, or Hamas?

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
Your post talks about "the Palestinians," but then you go on to talk about the acts of taking hostages and murdering civilians—both of which were done by Hamas.

Who are you describing as "terrorists, kidnappers, murders [sic]" in the part I highlighted in red: "the Palestinians," who would be the general population of Palestinians, or Hamas?

What I find symptomatic and deeply ugly is the @dybmh claim that ...

"The Palestinian identity is nothing more than resitance to israel's existance in a land which they believe was promised entirely to the Arabs."​

... which bluntly disparages "the Palestinians" as illegitimate in their entirety.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Your post talks about "the Palestinians," but then you go on to talk about the acts of taking hostages and murdering civilians—both of which were done by Hamas.

Who are you describing as "terrorists, kidnappers, murders [sic]" in the part I highlighted in red: "the Palestinians," who would be the general population of Palestinians, or Hamas?

Mr. Debate Slayer, The answer to your question is in the post which you quoted. ;)



If you are looking for something more specific, post# 262:


Who are you describing as "terrorists, kidnappers, murderers"?

The 10% which have adopted the violent ideology taught by UNRWA/HAMAS.

Kidnapping of this magnitude, safe harbor for a violent extremist organization of the scope of HAMAS, cannot occur without the cooperation and complicity of a large number of the remaining 90%.

If anyone reading this thread has any information regarding the location of the israeli hostages ( www.machtoffin.com ) please contact the confidential confidential hotline: +972-593-956247, +972-556-837798 via voice, whatsapp, telegram, or signal.

Everything about this conflict changes once the hostages are recovered.


The part in bold:

وقد أشار أحد سكان غزة لن ننشر اسمه هنا الذي راجع مركز الاتصالات خلال الأيام الأخيرة عبر الواتساب إلى أن "أموالكم لا تهمني على الإطلاق، بل يهمني وقف هذه الحرب ما يستحيل تحقيقه إلا عند عودة الرهائن الإسرائيليين إلى ديارهم".

One of the residents of Gaza, who we will not disclose their name here, who visited the call center via WhatsApp in recent days, pointed out that "Your money doesn't concern me at all; what concerns me is stopping this war, which is impossible to achieve except upon the return of the Israeli hostages to their homes."


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
And if what's involved is carnage as a necessary by-product of a cynical (if not manic) Netanyahu policy which has sacrificed many while rescuing exceedingly few?

The response for rescuing a few is approx. the same as rescuing many. The executive policy is little more than binary: go/no-go. Command decisions which increase or reduce collatoral damage and "carnage" come from IDF not the prime minister. The alternatives do not reduce the "carnage" except in the short term. Long term, many more die. If you disagree, please propose an alterantive response.

And if the issues addressed in the Times of Israel article
is just the tip of the iceberg?

I'll jump off that bridge when I come to it.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
From today's news: Palestinian terrorists strike near Jerusalem. But let's not call them terrorists, or attempted murderers, because the truth is upsetting to those who are intellectually off-balance.

This is why their freedom of movement is restricted to passing through individual search queues. They are not israeli citizens. They live in a location which harbors and arms terrorists. They are a dangerous nation. The "oppression" is justified.
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דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
I am not sure if UNRWA or the WFP based on this article, but the UN is claiming that the majority of their food deliveries to North Gaza were blocked by Israeli authorities. https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/gaza-world-food-program-1.7120202

3 days ago Times of Israel reported WFP attempted aid distribution but couldn't due to: "complete chaos and violence” after a truck convoy encountered gunfire and was ransacked by looters.

The next day, IDF coordinates with the UK and Jordan to air drop water food and fuel into northern Gaza. This morning IDF reports they are establishing a route and a convoy to that location as well. They've posted video of the trucks departing the staging area. Aid distribution to the remainder of Gaza has resumed and is increasing. The number of trucks for the past two days were 91 and 118. UNRWA averaged around 150 trucks of aid distributed per day.


Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
3 days ago Times of Israel reported WFP attempted aid distribution but couldn't due to: "complete chaos and violence” after a truck convoy encountered gunfire and was ransacked by looters.

That's bad.

The next day, IDF coordinates with the UK and Jordan to air drop water food and fuel into northern Gaza.

That's good.

But, from your Times of Israel link and for the record:

Britain and Jordan have airdropped four tons of aid, including medicines, fuel, and food, to Tal Al-Hawa Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip, Britain’s Foreign Office said on Wednesday.

The UK-funded aid was delivered by the Jordanian Air Force.

“Thousands of patients will benefit and the fuel will enable this vital hospital to continue its life-saving work,” British Foreign Secretary David Cameron said in a statement.

“However, the situation in Gaza is desperate and significantly more aid is needed, and fast. We are calling for an immediate humanitarian pause to allow additional aid into Gaza as quickly as possible and bring hostages home.”

And, further down in the report:

The UN has called on Israel to open more crossings, including in the north, and to improve the coordination process.

Israel denies it is restricting the entry of aid and has shifted the blame to humanitarian organizations operating inside Gaza, saying hundreds of trucks filled with aid sit idle on the Palestinian side of the main crossing. The UN says it can’t always reach the trucks at the crossing because it is at times too dangerous.

Jordan has conducted around a dozen airdrops, with at least two conducted with the French and Dutch air forces, to deliver medical aid.

Last week, Jordan’s King Abdullah personally participated in an airdrop. A video released by state-owned Al Mamlaka showed the monarch in military gear on board a plane in the latest mission by the Jordanian Air Force to drop urgent medical supplies to field hospitals it runs in the enclave.

But you highlight: "[the] IDF coordinates with the UK and Jordan ..." Where does the article address IDF coordination. I assume that you were referring to more than some agreement not to shoot down the King of Jordan, but I can find no reference to it in the article. The same is true of the report in The Jordan Times, Independent, and Reuters.

What I did find was a report in Israel National News which concludes:

Until now, Britain has only sent aid to Gaza by land and sea, but northern Gaza is more difficult to reach in that manner.

Jordan has already conducted 11 airdrops of aid, with at least two conducted with the French and Dutch air forces, to deliver medical aid. The first such airdrop occurred in November and was carried out in coordination with Israel and with its approval. [source]

I don't doubt that some coordination is required whenever a third party seeks to operate in a war zone. I just find giving top billing to the Israeli military for allowing an airdrop to be a bit strained.


Well-Known Member
@Bthoth is playing word games.
Trying to condemn me for learning how and why torah reflects the importance of 'judaism' has exposed a lack of integrity.

The word games come from people using a language (interpretation) to circumvent dialogue and the self imposed idea of proprietary.
Because he has redefined "Jewish" according to his own imagination , he can pretend to be pro-jewish.
Again, the attempt to condemn me and even adding rhetoric.

So let's flip this over:

YOU put into writing why and what makes a Jew and Judaism (torah) so good for mankind?

My claim has always been because that the long past families, followed the rules by their own choice.


Well-Known Member
And this bit of exaggerated self-adulation is reminiscent of Trump.
trumps a punk and i have known more about trump, than perhaps any person that you have been in direct contact with.

**mod edit**

There is zero evidence to suggest otherwise.
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