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U.S Energy Dept Says Covid-19 Leaked From Wuhan Lab Probable


Veteran Member
The U.S. Energy Dept along with the FBI says a leak from the Wuhan Lab was the probably cause of the Covid-19 being released onto the world. This information was from a classified intelligence report recently provided to the White House and key members of Congress according to the Wall Street Journel according to the Fox News article listed:
"The National Intelligence Council and four other agencies assess at "low confidence" that the COVID-19 pandemic originated due to natural transmission from an infected animal, while the CIA and another unnamed agency are undecided. The updated report maintains a consensus between all the intelligence agencies that the pandemic was not the result of a Chinese bioweapons program."

Another US agency assesses COVID-19 origin likely a Chinese 'lab leak': report
US energy dept says COVID probably leaked from Wuhan lab
Lab leak most likely caused pandemic, U.S. Energy Department says

Well now, does this put this up there with the Hunter Biden laptop cover-up?


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
***Mod Post***

Sorry guys no idea what happened there.

I was trying to move @esmith's thread to The covid forum and for some reason it grabbed a couple of random ops from other threads.

Will try to fix this.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
The U.S. Energy Dept along with the FBI says a leak from the Wuhan Lab was the probably cause of the Covid-19 being released onto the world. This information was from a classified intelligence report recently provided to the White House and key members of Congress according to the Wall Street Journel according to the Fox News article listed:
"The National Intelligence Council and four other agencies assess at "low confidence" that the COVID-19 pandemic originated due to natural transmission from an infected animal, while the CIA and another unnamed agency are undecided. The updated report maintains a consensus between all the intelligence agencies that the pandemic was not the result of a Chinese bioweapons program."

Another US agency assesses COVID-19 origin likely a Chinese 'lab leak': report
US energy dept says COVID probably leaked from Wuhan lab
Lab leak most likely caused pandemic, U.S. Energy Department says

Well now, does this put this up there with the Hunter Biden laptop cover-up?
and the think that the going mantra was "The FAR-RIGHT conspiracists are sooo wrong - they are spreading mis-information"

One can only wonder how many times people were silenced because they were proposing truth.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
The U.S. Energy Dept along with the FBI says a leak from the Wuhan Lab was the probably cause of the Covid-19 being released onto the world. This information was from a classified intelligence report recently provided to the White House and key members of Congress according to the Wall Street Journel according to the Fox News article listed:
"The National Intelligence Council and four other agencies assess at "low confidence" that the COVID-19 pandemic originated due to natural transmission from an infected animal, while the CIA and another unnamed agency are undecided. The updated report maintains a consensus between all the intelligence agencies that the pandemic was not the result of a Chinese bioweapons program."

Another US agency assesses COVID-19 origin likely a Chinese 'lab leak': report
US energy dept says COVID probably leaked from Wuhan lab
Lab leak most likely caused pandemic, U.S. Energy Department says

Well now, does this put this up there with the Hunter Biden laptop cover-up?
Yeah they wanted us to believe the virus came from a bat or something in the same city they were doing coronavirus research. There are some "right wing" conspiracy theories are being found out to be true like, Russian collusion, Covid origins, Biden's corruption, Collusion between the government and social media etc. etc.


Well-Known Member
Yeah they wanted us to believe the virus came from a bat or something in the same city they were doing coronavirus research. There are some "right wing" conspiracy theories are being found out to be true like, Russian collusion, Covid origins, Biden's corruption, Collusion between the government and social media etc. etc.
The "conspiracy theory" slur was originally directed at people who didn't like the official "lone gunman with a magic bullet" story of how JFK died.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Yeah they wanted us to believe the virus came from a bat or something in the same city they were doing coronavirus research. There are some "right wing" conspiracy theories are being found out to be true like, Russian collusion, Covid origins, Biden's corruption, Collusion between the government and social media etc. etc.
Evil Chinese commies in a secret lab or an environment that not only ideal for spreading disease but also has a history of being a environment where viruses make interspecies jumps they hadn't previously made.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
Evil Chinese commies in a secret lab or an environment that not only ideal for spreading disease but also has a history of being a environment where viruses make interspecies jumps they hadn't previously made.
I never said anything about evil commies did I. A DOE report says it most likely came from the lab.