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This place rocks!


New Member
Wow what a great place to come and chat. I am interested in a variety of religions, and am trying to learn about their diversities. I hope to bring some experience to the table. I am an ex-mormon and ex-main stream christian. I am very interested in the Kabbalah and being open minded!!! ( Although this is a new concept:p) I hope that this site will give me some great food for thought!


Active Member
I find it interesting how people can swing from one faith to another. Is religion little more than fadism?


New Member
Sadly, my abilaty to be human has lead my to 'rebelian' against my 'faddist'beliefs... I don't believe any more in one true church. So swinging I think is healthy. Hopefully one gets a broader picture of God and ourselves.... I can hope for that...

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
unphaithless said:
Can anyone tell me what ' to PM me' means and how do I do this?
Private Message. If you wish to talk to someone privately, go to their profile, and if they are accepting PMs (private messages) there will be a link in their profile to do so. :)


Active Member
I can't fight that there is something bigger than me

One need not fight organized religion - simply walk away.

Aside from that, what exactly is it you're fighting?


New Member
(Q) said:
I can't fight that there is something bigger than me

One need not fight organized religion - simply walk away.

Aside from that, what exactly is it you're fighting?

I do not believe or have faith in creed, ie) organized religion. And aside from that what I meant about 'fighting', is surrenduring to what I believe to be true for me.

I n regards to your comment about - simply walk away..... To what?