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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 3!


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It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Hey, I went to two different Asian restaurants and wow, they were weird. One was in Panama City, Florida, and it was playing Christmas music in July. And one was in Tyler, TX and it had a very weird mixture of art (like Cowboy Art and Asian Art, which do not go together). Both were very strange places.

I mean, I've been to other Asian restaurants which were fine but those two really stuck in my head.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I hate my job. Sucks for them but all my motivation is on my business. And with a potential second client for car maintenance they're getting closer to losing the best they're likely to get.
That and I gotta get started on fliers because i got a lot to do with those and the Holiday shopping season is justva few months away.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I hate my job. Sucks for them but all my motivation is on my business. And with a potential second client for car maintenance they're getting closer to losing the best they're likely to get.
That and I gotta get started on fliers because i got a lot to do with those and the Holiday shopping season is justva few months away.
Not even summer yet, & you're focused on Xmas.


Rogue Animist
Premium Member
Hey, I went to two different Asian restaurants and wow, they were weird. One was in Panama City, Florida, and it was playing Christmas music in July. And one was in Tyler, TX and it had a very weird mixture of art (like Cowboy Art and Asian Art, which do not go together). Both were very strange places.

I mean, I've been to other Asian restaurants which were fine but those two really stuck in my head.
In the Rio Grande Valley, there are a number of Chinese-Mexican restaurants...and I saw one Chinese-Mexican restaurant that featured Southern Fried Chicken...

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Not even summer yet, & you're focused on Xmas.
I'm sure there'll be stuff I'll have to learn. Like making one of those QR code thingies and adding a one time use coupon code to each flier.
That one made me realize there has got to be a program to simplify that. I know there's programs for designing such things like fliers and magazines, I assume they'll do those things.
And the day when Santa was born to die for our debts is coming very quick when I have stuff to learn on top of stuff to learn on top of stuff to do.
One of those things is changing my title to business owner so I can have even more people to argue against here, this one being LW dufi who see that like Evangelical fundy Christians see atheism.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Looking over the print on demand more, I got even more things to design and sell. I got purses and glasses and shirts and campaign signs to design.

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
I once had lunch at a German Chinese eatery.
One hour later I was hungry for power.

(I actually saw such a food
joint in DC back in the 70s.)
DC Chinatown is not really Chinatown anymore. It has many restaurants with Chinese writing on the front but they are decidedly not Chinese restaurants
Kentucky Fried Chicken


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
DC Chinatown is not really Chinatown anymore. It has many restaurants with Chinese writing on the front but they are decidedly not Chinese restaurants
Kentucky Fried Chicken
I recall DC Chinatown in the late 70s & early 80s.
Haven't been there since.
But the German Chinese eatery was a portable affair on the DC Mall.