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The origins of the burka, the hijab, and the headscarf


Hard-core atheist
Premium Member
The ‘Europeans’ who reached Europe from the Near East 40,000 years ago, were revering the Mother of men and ‘gods’ and were fashioning small figurines of her, the so-called Venus figurines.

The mother was portrayed wearing a head covering hood…
Hooded figurines.jpg
…and the ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts acknowledge the fact that the Mother was indeed wearing a blindfolding ‘head cover’.
Hood PT.jpg
According to the figurines, the Mother had her arms tied to her sides by means of a harness…
Tied hands.jpg
…the memory of which was conveyed unaltered from generation to generationh for at least 20,000 years…
Kostenki - Hasanoglan.jpg
…and which is mentioned in the Pyramid Texts where it is said that the god Seth was raping the Mother with her arms tied to her sides:
Tied hands PT.jpg
The relevant article in pdf file is provided herewith as an attachment:


  • The Head-covering Veil.pdf
    2.6 MB · Views: 96


Veteran Member
The ‘Europeans’ who reached Europe from the Near East 40,000 years ago, were revering the Mother of men and ‘gods’ and were fashioning small figurines of her, the so-called Venus figurines.

The mother was portrayed wearing a head covering hood…
View attachment 73464
…and the ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts acknowledge the fact that the Mother was indeed wearing a blindfolding ‘head cover’.
View attachment 73465
According to the figurines, the Mother had her arms tied to her sides by means of a harness…
View attachment 73466
…the memory of which was conveyed unaltered from generation to generationh for at least 20,000 years…
View attachment 73467
…and which is mentioned in the Pyramid Texts where it is said that the god Seth was raping the Mother with her arms tied to her sides:
View attachment 73468
The relevant article in pdf file is provided herewith as an attachment:
Head coverings for both sexes have been standard in the Middle East for millennia.

The reason is obvious: the sun, combined with the lack of shade in a desert climate.