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The New Atheists: "Communists aren't atheists" and its wider social implications


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I'd agree, there was nothing specifically Christian about the movement, NAZIs were socialists first and foremost, that's what the acronym stood for, one of the greatest obstacles to imposing totalitarian government control over people is their personal faith in opposing morals and principles. Same with Stalin, Chairman Mao, Kim Il Sung
Never mind that Hitler cited Martin Luther - father Protestant Christianity - as an influence and cited him heavily in Mein Kampf. Never mind that Luther's "On the Jews and their Lies" was quoted frequently in Nazi-affiliated newspapers and was displayed proudly at the Nuremburg rallies. There's nothing inherently Christian about Nazi anti-Semitism. :rolleyes:

These passages, read by Hitler and many leading Nazis, had no effect on their position:

Martin Luther in On the Jews and their Lies said:
Therefore be on your guard against the Jews, knowing that wherever they have their synagogues, nothing is found but a den of devils in which sheer self-glory, conceit, lies, blasphemy, and defaming of God and men are practiced most maliciously and veheming his eyes on them.

Martin Luther in On the Jews and their Lies said:
Moreover, [the Jews] are nothing but thieves and robbers who daily eat no morsel and wear no thread of clothing which they have not stolen and pilfered from us by means of their accursed usury. Thus they live from day to day, together with wife and child, by theft and robbery, as arch-thieves and robbers, in the most impenitent security.


Guy Threepwood

Mighty Pirate
Never mind that Hitler cited Martin Luther - father Protestant Christianity - as an influence and cited him heavily in Mein Kampf. Never mind that Luther's "On the Jews and their Lies" was quoted frequently in Nazi-affiliated newspapers and was displayed proudly at the Nuremburg rallies. There's nothing inherently Christian about Nazi anti-Semitism. :rolleyes:

These passages, read by Hitler and many leading Nazis, had no effect on their position:


" [the Jews] are nothing but thieves and robbers who daily eat no morsel and wear no thread of clothing which they have not stolen and pilfered from us by means of their accursed usury"

Exactly; class war, jealousy of riches, forced government wealth redistribution in the name of 'justice'; aka socialism, just like the Baathists, and Bin Laden, that was their central message.

Hitler was a liberal art student, frustrated by the Jewish dominated art market which did not care for his work, which I agree with the Jews on, it was utter c**p, no conspiracy against him on that point. And that was the source of his initial hatred of the free market, as he writes about, that lead to forming a socialist movement against Jews in particular. (a complete coincidence they were the wealthiest segment, it was all about religion- sure :rolleyes:)

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Hitler was a liberal art student, frustrated by the Jewish dominated art market which did not care for his work, which I agree with the Jews on, it was utter c**p, no conspiracy against him on that point. And that was the source of his initial hatred of the free market, as he writes about, that lead to forming a socialist movement against Jews in particular. (a complete coincidence they were the wealthiest segment, it was all about religion- sure :rolleyes:)
Hitler was a Christian who was, like many Germans, frustrated over Germany's severe economic decline and rampant inflation, and based upon a few sources, including the Bible, the Aryan pride and strong anti-Semitism of the Nazi Party became core party ideology.
And, you do realize Jesus told his followers to sell all of their belongings and give the money to the poor, and said it's impossible for a rich a man to get into Heaven, don't you? And what of Scandinavia, where hefty doses of socialism are official policy and things are going great?

Milton Platt

Well-Known Member
I'm kind of ranting here, but I hope it can start a dialogue between theists and atheists on a large number of scientific and ethical questions that are sidelined by re-defining atheism to exclude communism. (skip to the last paragraph if you want as it sums it up nicely)

Believers often raise questions regarding the implications of Atheism on Morality. Typically this means associating atheism with totalitarian regiemes in the "atheist atrocity fallacy". Any attempt to equate Atheism with Hitler and Nazism is factually inaccurate and historically false: Hitler was a catholic and Nazi's were anti-christian in so far as egalitarianism conflicted with their racial ideology. It is wrong for Atheists to be equated with Nazis.

However, it has become common practice (including on this forum) to say that when Theists equate atheism with communism, communism is dismissed as 'not real atheism' for reasons other than the lack of belief in god. This mainly is because atheism is implicitly associated with liberal political values of free thought, reason, individual liberty. In otherwords, to avoid the association with communism, the very definition of atheism has been changed to exclude the possibility of recognising communism as a 'legitimate' expression of atheism. This position is pretty much unanimious amongst the New Atheists, including Christopher Hitchens who was in his youth a Marxist.

Sam Harris:

Christopher Hitchens:

Richard Dawkins:

The following video develops the argument, although actually is somewhat more honest in trying to deal with the fact that communists professed a militant atheist and anti-religious ideology, and the implications of the association between atheism and communism in the Cold War. Again, they are implicitly arguing that only liberals and secular societies are 'real atheists'.

This point has become one in which theists and atheists simply don't communicate on and it is important in discussing the relationship between religion , atheism and ethics; theists use communism is tar all forms of atheism as a nihilistic rejection of "gods law" and morals, whereas atheists don't touch the issue and say it is "not our problem" as only liberals are can be "true" atheists and ethics are the result of individual choice.

I thin the issue with this is that it dramatically reduces the scope of the discussion which can be had between atheists and theists on ethics, as atheists evade some of the biggest and most fundamental questions because they stick to 'individual choice'. This is infact counter-productive to atheism as organised religion creates an anti-intellectual climate in which anti-scientific prejudices abound so that faith based cliams are readily accepted; whilst atheists profess individusl choice, theists use the mass media to promote conformity.

Importantly, this has implications on the role of science- as by dismissing communism, it also means dismissing the role of science in forumlating ethical and political concepts which may (or not be) in opposition to religious belief. Theists can use the Soviet Union as an example in which science became a political tool for the suppression of religion and therefore argue that their 'freedom of religion' means they have the right to reject the scientific consensus on evolution. [This may also apply to climate change.] Evolution can be demonised by equating it with "social darwinism" of Nazi and Communist systems, and consequently that the truth- when it conflicts with exisiting ethical beliefs is unethical. Whilst the former was a much more explicit in its support of biological social darwinism, communists had an atheist view of social change and that ethics were entirely man-made with natural causes.

The inability of atheists to respond to the questions raised by social darwinism- difficult as they are- as an attempt to apply scientific thinking to politics, society and ethics, surrenders those areas to religion because they actually agree with them that science can't tell us very much about ethics. Overall, both theists and atheists agree that "scientific materialism" is a dogma and this consequently closes off large areas of our understanding to natural and secular explanations, as well as leading to theological interpretations in research in natural science (e.g. does the big bang, quantum mechanics etc support belief in god?). By refusing to engage in this question, atheists are shooting themselves in the foot by letting religious people use free experession as a justification for the defence of unsubstainated cliams- often which are partially or entirely false. attempts to counter this are considered attacks on individual rights even as ignorance has damaging and widespread consequences. This has led to a reversal of the progress of reason, where issues whose moral concerns stem from religion such as abortion, gay marriage, contraception have entered the political sphere in the culture wars because religion- not reason or evidence- has become accepted as a legitimate basis for morality and therefore law. That is not to say there aren't reasons for these issues to be discussed, but that we should try to do so based on evidence rather than scripture.

It is also bad practice for atheists to call for evidence on a range of questions by theists to substanciate their views, only to turn round and deny evidence when it is presented to them because they redefine thier position on the basis of political bias. As a commie, I personally find it deeply insulting and cowardly since it demonstrates atheists unwillingness to deal with uncomfortable truths.

I hope I've made some good points with which to start a wider discussion between theists and atheists, as this isn't just about communism, but as to whether there are limits on what science and reason can tell us about society, and how far we can progress as a species if we accept that somethings can only be answered by religion. atheists are pretty much surrendering the goals of the enlightenment by accepting that the failures of communism mean that science cannot be applied to ethical and political questions. the inability of atheists to do so also makes religion more compelling choice as a belief system because it provides answers to some of the most important questions, no matter how many books people like Harris and Dawkins sell saying how irrational or implausible religion is.

I haven't watched the videos yet as I will wait untill I am at home on my network, but wanted to make a comment.
Atheism is the lack of belief in gods. Communism is a political system. You can be one or the other, or both.


Well-Known Member
Athiesm is a no brainer on the fact , Atheists do not have a country , a military and no point .
You can achieve nothing apart to complain
Get a country get the bomb change the world for the greater good another 2000 years bs for you

Milton Platt

Well-Known Member
Athiesm is a no brainer on the fact , Atheists do not have a country , a military and no point .
You can achieve nothing apart to complain
Get a country get the bomb change the world for the greater good another 2000 years bs for you

Poor baby...did someone get up on the wrong side ofthe bed this morning?


Well-Known Member
Poor baby...did someone get up on the wrong side ofthe bed this morning?
No I'm cheerful , Is a wonderful day just like any other as cushioned as any Buddhist if that is something from which you can comprehend the measure of my mood.
Try not to go up to high and be double sure of which side of the bed to rise .
My moral beliefs come from something I can not change , tryed light speed towards the centre , hit a barrier in chaos nah can't put back time.
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Well-Known Member
he was raised a little Christian! and that is what gave him all his values to commit genocide!

is what we would say if we played some theist little game of fallacious attacks
Same values used by the Americans to nuke Japan , twice.
Same values that will lead humanity into the foreseeable future .
The values that will be needed to hit that button should the need for preemptive missile strike arise, best chance of victory ww3 hope for a desisive preemptive missile attack then duck ..
Same values Syrian children and adults are dieing , same value Jewish remove Muslims from Palastine .
Kinda suggests to me the DNA is fundermentaly broken ?.
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......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Athiesm is a no brainer on the fact , Atheists do not have a country , a military and no point .
You can achieve nothing apart to complain
Get a country get the bomb change the world for the greater good another 2000 years bs for you

There are many secular countries in the world. They tend to be faring better than the theocracies.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
There are many secular countries in the world. They tend to be faring better than the theocracies.
Many of the places that we look towards as being the model countries (such as the Nordic countries) are not officially secular. America is secular, England is not - England doesn't have a problem with people wanting to teach creationism as science in public schools.
Also, secularism is not synonymous with atheism.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Many of the places that we look towards as being the model countries (such as the Nordic countries) are not officially secular. America is secular, England is not - England doesn't have a problem with people wanting to teach creationism as science in public schools.
Also, secularism is not synonymous with atheism.

I was responding to the claim that "atheists don't have a country". If we look at a country like your example of England, which religion would you say "has England"? The CoE is basically Christian, correct? So do the Jews in England not have a country? That was the point I was responding to.

As for your claim that England allows creationism as science in its schools, I hadn't heard that, I'll have to go look it up. If it's true, that would be a massive fail on England's part.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I was responding to the claim that "atheists don't have a country"
They really don't. The closest would be secular nations, but secular is not the same thing as atheist.
If we look at a country like your example of England, which religion would you say "has England"? The CoE is basically Christian, correct?
Yes, the Church of England is the official religion of England. Norway is Lutheran. America is secular, yet "restoring freedom of religion" acts have been popular in certain areas.

As for your claim that England allows creationism as science in its schools,
That is not what I claimed.


Well-Known Member
Many of the places that we look towards as being the model countries (such as the Nordic countries) are not officially secular. America is secular, England is not - England doesn't have a problem with people wanting to teach creationism as science in public schools.
Also, secularism is not synonymous with atheism.
Have enough money to emigrate I choose to stay here by free will , an england never forced me to do anything I considered oppressive , Elizebeth is a good
Queen as things go , a nation does need a leader of some kind. However sometimes think ww2 she had her fill to be honest and now she ...well a lot of people died anyway and was a young women must of had serious impact .
My 7 year old grandaughter in catholic christian junior school they teach her about Jesus everyday .
Catholic is the Vatican is many catholic school in England .
So we close christian schools and send our children to local Islamic schools ? What can you do
Northern Ireland was religious divide now is peace it can be done .
Civilization is such , human nature is such the goal is to become one ? Lots of people in history tryed to do it , rule the world .
Now is a time of nations becoming more powerful which is scary as some of a them really do not give a crap about their people.
Elizebeth upholds her duty to protect me , and she does even if it has been by way of compromise, being a subject of hers ain't so bad when you look at the rest of the world imho.
America is a stolen land like Australia , but the game of civilization is such , on paper America kind of Jewish ? You owe them a lot of money anyhow .

So if you look at the universe and decide there is nothing , just bear in mind there is ,us , humans despite our faults are the most valuable commodity in this universe .We bring value to the universe without us is just null and void
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