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The Improbable


Premium Member
It, in a Nut Shell​
So you decided to turn a page, thank you. Feel free to browse or read word for word unless you accept it they are just words. Of course if you skip you might miss something. Energy what created the energy? Science doesn’t know but there is a law that energy can neither be created or destroyed. Why not god instead of energy. That’s fine but I would ask you the same question who created god. If god can always exist why can’t energy.

How did energy create man? The easy answer it took a lot of time and a lot of trials ……………….……………………………..but (knew there was a but) I have to show you this in steps to have any meaning. The first thing created was matter.

Back before the big bang there was energy all around. Energy was and still is constantly in flux changing and moving. Collisions of different forms of energy would create explosions of energy in other directions or a new forms of energy or a temporary mix of energies. At times the new forms of energy or these mix of energies would come in contact with another form of energy. Eventually the original piece of matter was formed. Matter is a state where several forms of energy combine to form a temporary stable form with potential. My first piece of matter will be the electron because I want to use it not because it was. Let science decide what the first piece of matter actually was. Einstein does support this with his equation E = mc2.

Why does everyone with an Idea have to quote Einstein.

Fusion is an example in today’s world of what happened. Once matter was formed it kept forming. Different energies combined to form different types of matter. Matter combined with more energies forming other forms of matter. Burn a log do you still have a log no you have different forms of matter and energy you can never make the log again. Matter sometimes got to much energy and blew apart.

Out of chaos comes order. Now we have all this matter floating around with all this energy. All interacting, all combining all making new things. After sometime we have a big ball of matter. I like the big bang theory and a big super bolt of energy strikes it blowing it up into our cosmos. A bunch of big rocks floating around bumping into each other and running into energy forms. Generally science explains the big bang theory pretty well but has never adequately explained the beginning of life. So I will attempt to get you to understand how life formed. You can of course follow up on the big bang theory.

The internet is a useful tool for theories.

Life must be defined to explain how it formed. Is a rock alive? No, how do you know. What is life? Is life reproduction. A rock can reproduce if it is hit by another rock. A rock can’t self reproduce. So self reproduction is required for life. Is self reproduction all that is required for life. In the strictest definition I would say yes. If you could keep self reproducing we would consider you alive but we already said everything is made of energy. Self reproduction would take energy so you are going to need to get energy to stay alive. Self reproduction comes in several successful forms, A sexual, heterosexual, cell division for a few.

All life then needs to get and use energy to stay alive. This requires Action you need actions to find the food you need to eat. Rose’s require actions to get there food and water. Actions are needed to create your own energy. Some of the failed trials probably did not include actions. Life without actions would not last long in the harsh environment of the past. Even in today’s world if you couldn’t move anything how long would you last. Actions uses energy at the expense of self reproduction.

You mean going to a drive through for fast food doesn’t qualify.

Intelligence is required to use the actions properly. If we had actions but did not know how to use them you could not succeed in life. If life is self reproduction and actions are required to get the energy required to reproduce then intelligence uses energy at the expense of self reproduction. Another failed trial of life would have been life without intelligence. Imagine a cell that could move only left or one that moved randomly. They might have actually survived for a period of time if there was plenty of food and they where in a protected environment but eventually would die off.

The Formula for life
L = Life
I = Intelligence
R = Self reproduction
A = Actions.

L = R /(A * I)
That’s it, what a let down.

The life formula concerns all species on the planet not just mankind. It applies to a species as a whole and not the individuals of that species. In life self reproduction is balanced by intelligence and actions being limited by the amount of energy in the cosmos. If there are any other planets the same standard would be used for life. I believe with the formula we can make better decisions on how to live our life. We will be able to understand the consequences of our actions. We can understand ourselves better. First we need a little more of the story.

This is a theory part of the story. You could easily test this and someone will. Life did not start in a pool. A pool could not create the great amount of life needed to survive. A pool could not recreate life if it was destroyed. Life could have only started in a protected sheltered area with great amounts of energy and a big mixing pot that was repeatable. Have you figured out what I concluded. Life had to form in the sky. Only great storms had and still have the capability of forming life. Frogs and fish have rained down all over the world. Scientists acknowledge hurricanes, tornado’s could lift them into a cloud to rain back down on the earth. They could lift frogs but they couldn’t lift and mix the necessary parts of life. Accompanied with this mix is massive electricity and hail. Electricity would provide the spark hail would provide the means of getting back to the earth. When the hail fell back to earth in a proper pool, that pool could then be loaded with life. The best thing is that if that pool is destroyed the next storm can do it again. It is probably happening today but life is already in the mix and anything that is newly created does not stand a chance with the current life available.

Has it ever rained cats and dogs?

So we have life. Everything was created though trial and error and simplicity and it could still and probably is happening today just as evolution takes place today. We are the result of evolutionary change it fits with everything to date. If you don’t agree with evolution then everything laid out in this is false. Everything up to now is possible through simple mixing and trial and errors and a lot of time. The great thing is now we have the ability to create our future and not just rely on trial and error.

Do I still have your attention or is this all a nice mythology. Hopefully a fun read for you, I’m trying my best. So energy created man what about intelligence. How do we get so intelligent that we overcome evolution and understand it all. Again some time but not as much. Life was not necessary but once made it wanted to stay around. It help creation by selecting the good traits made by creation. Intelligence is what sped up the process of creation and now I can show you that.

Out of the failed attempts for life the one requiring, reproduction, actions and intelligence succeeded. What is intelligence? Simply put intelligence is reactions caused by sensors. I feel sunlight I move away from the sunlight. I am hungry I move toward food. There are at least 3 stages of intelligence in evolution. Simple intelligence is for most single cell animals and plants. Intermediate intelligence for higher animals and advanced intelligence for human Kind and possibly other animals. Only intermediate and advanced intelligence have thought. Following are flow charts showing the basic idea for each. There are probably different combinations of each but for my discussion these are the 3 extremely successful ones currently.

The Formula for Intelligence
I = Intelligence
r = Reaction
S = Sensory inputs

I = r2/S
It’s exponential!

Why is it equal to r2 divided by S. Sensors provide reactions. Reactions can be caused by different sensors and a sensor can provide for different reactions. Lets say a single cell organism has one sensor it makes him move away from heat. 1 squared/1 = 1. His intelligence ratio is one. Now we have a cell who has 2 sensors. One that moves him away from heat and one that locates food by smell. His intelligence is 2 squared/2 or 4/2 = 2. His intelligence ratio is higher. What if he has 1 sensor that controls his motion to food and from heat. His intelligence is 2 squared/1 or 4/1. His intelligence ratio is 4. What, why is he so smart? The answer is he is not he is more dumb. Is that proper grammar, oh well. What but 4 is higher then 1. Right but intelligence limits life not helps it. For now just understand the concept I will explain it later.

* Graphics did not post *

In simple intelligence you basically get reaction. The rose will bend towards the light. The Sun light effects the sensors in the cells which moves the auxin to the dark side causing those cells to grow faster. This bends the rose towards the light allowing it to get more light it needs. All living things still uses simple thought for basic or survival functions. In us it would be considered emotions. Fear can cause our muscles to prepare for running away. Life followed the evolutionary path with intelligence like everything else simple steps on simple steps.

* Graphic again *

In intermediate intelligence evolution made a major leap and time becomes a factor. Direct actions where not enough for life. Life needed to be able to remember and formulate next steps especially for mobility. How this now works is that the sensors feed the reaction. Chemical reactions take place based on the number of sensors reporting. Then the information is stored for future use and can be accessed as data. The squirrel hides his nuts for winter he uses his memory to find them again. This would be impossible if he were not able to store the locations. Storage, Order and time is needed to remember this is my definition of thought. A squirrel needs to be able to store the information, mark it with time and keep it in an order to resource it in other words have thoughts. Notice that the organization gets its input from the reaction portion. This allows the squirrel to judge things as good or bad. If a squirrel is afraid the thing will be marked bad if the squirrel is happy it will be marked good. Lastly the squirrel’s actions can trip his sensors and he gets a feedback loop. The squirrel can learn to communicate because he can hear himself as well as others.

Why Squirrels, squirrels always eat my bird food.

Intelligence and thought are different things and not directly related you could have intelligence without thought as in a rose bush. You can also have thought without intelligence as in a computer. In life they are linked. Intelligence feeds thought and thought gives feedback into intelligence. For the formula of life thought is not necessary it was an improvement to life. It also was an accelerator in creating more life.

Great we have thought but no one can explain how it works. Ok, you got me; to understand thought better here’s another theory. Music is a sample of the computer language of the central nervous system. Music has multiple frequencies, beats and notes, everything needed for a good computer language. Music inspires people the same way all over the world. A love song where you read this is a love song where I wrote this. Babies have shown response to music at birth. If I submersed you in a tub of water with no light and played music I could make you feel and think. Religions, Countries, tribes, everyone throughout time has used music why. One last thing why can a 5th generation baby born in the US raised in China speak and understand fluent Chinese and not English yet understand a lullaby. Is it that languages are man made music is a reproduction of our thoughts. My one prediction for the future. Music becomes the universal translator.

* last graphic *

Advanced intelligence came about because life got very complicated and reaction response became a hindrance at times. The feed back loop between actions and sensors was to slow so a direct link developed. Humans sometimes refer to this as the conscience. Now we could ponder our very existence. This last step gave us the ability to compare and contrast. With this we could create new things. Obviously we have advanced intelligence who else does. Monkeys and Dolphins show signs of it. It is the number of sensors and emotions, that link to the organization that give us more of an ability to compare and contrast. Lesser emotions and lesser links then comparison is also lesser.

The Formula for Thought is
C = Thought (already a T)
S = Sensory inputs
O = Organization
T = Time

C = (S * T) / O
Tada, you know it doesn’t look that impressive on paper.

Intelligence is used for survival and so is always on. Thought is a part of intelligence in life. Emotions(chemicals) cause the species to react and react in a way that should protect it best. As species started to compete for food and needed to move, emotions were not enough. Decisions had to be made and locations had to be remembered. A small fish wants to eat. The fish needs to remember where the kelp bed is. The fish also has to make choices. The fish is hungry and wants food but when he gets to the kelp bed he notices a predator. What does the fish do. The fish uses logic to decide between emotions. Problems still occurred sometimes emotions overrode conscience thought with a wrong decision. Our fish friend is extremely hungry and the predator is pretty far away. The fish goes for the food and is eaten. The final stage of intelligence was to use thought as an input to emotions. This gives species with advanced thought the ability to control emotions .

Man how about some fish for dinner.

So how does this work for us? Your sensors feed into your emotions. The emotions spur chemical changes and also forward the information to your thought center. The sensors are now marked with a good or bad information. You think about what you saw, processing it through the emotions and compare and contrast to make a decision. The information is stored in an area that it is most related and time stamped. For example we would store all sight data together. Thoughts are constantly being processed as sensors are constantly collecting data. We respond to immediate threats through the reaction process. If we see a wall collapse at us we move immediately. If we have time to react we think about it. For example we are walking down the street and we see a dog barking and jumping at a fence what happens. Our sensors signal threat. We also feed our thoughts and they interpret everything else. Can the dog jump over the fence, is the fence sturdy, have we had problems with this dog in the past. We then feed our results back into the reaction process override our emotional response or beef it up depending on our decision. We focus by concentrating on those sensors or that portion of the storage area. We would compare sight information against other site information to determine the fence strength for example. As long as a sensor is active we can concentrate on it.

Ok that’s the idea. I hope I convinced you we have a thinking human. Now we can look at the formulas in a little more detail. Determine what they say and what it means to us.