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The first.....in Islam


The first Ambassador in Islam

Mus`ab ibn `Umayr

Most people find it easier to blend in with the crowd rather than stand out and open themselves to criticism and ridicule. This has been the case from olden times until now. But many people have succeeded in overcoming the obstacles in their lives and have developed into noble, great, and legendary characters. Such is the case with Mus`ab ibn `Umayr. Mus`ab was born into a wealthy family headed by a mother whose strength of personality and dominating character were well-known in Makkah. Mus`ab was given everything a young person could dream of. He wore the most fashionable clothes and shoes, mixed with the most popular and notable people of his area, and was greatly admired by all. Added to this was his natural personality: he was a good communicator; he had a bright intelligent mind; he was quick and alert and so was allowed to attend the most prestigious meetings with intelligent, elderly, and noble people. Mus`ab had everything a young person of his time could ever dream of. So what could ever make him consider giving it all up?
Mus`ab would walk the streets of Makkah tall, confident, well-dressed, loved, and perhaps envied by some, and during one such time he came to know about Muhammad who was known as Al-Amin (the trustworthy). This man called Muhammad (peace be upon him) claimed to have been given a message by the Creator and Lord of all. Makkah buzzed with this news and talk spread quickly that the idols they worshipped were being threatened by a man who they had always loved, trusted, and respected. To them it was a curious matter. Mus`ab, being intelligent and inquisitive, wanted to know more about the matter. During his many talks with the notables of Makkah Mus`ab came to know that the Muslims (for that is what the followers of Muhammad (peace be upon him) called themselves) met in the house of Al-Arqam in the outskirts of Makkah. Mus`ab decided to go and have a look and see for himself what all this was about.
The young, handsome man quietly and with dignity entered the house of Al-Arqam and heard the recitation of the Qur’an—a thing that led many like him to Islam. He was overwhelmed by what he heard and felt. The words of the Qur’an made a deep and lasting impression on him. Mus`ab was young but decisive and determined. With strength of character and a pious heart he met the Prophet (peace be upon him) and a historic moment was recorded by the angels on high when Mus`ab declared his acceptance of Islam at the hands of the Prophet himself (peace be upon him).
Mus`ab had grown up without fear of anything or anyone. He was sure of himself, kind, confident, and clever but nevertheless he was just a human being. The one thing that Mus`ab feared was his own mother. She was a strong and fierce woman and was well-known as such. After considering his situation for some time Mus`ab decided to keep his acceptance of Islam a secret for a while until the best way showed itself. In the meantime, he continued to visit the house of Al-Arqam where he received knowledge about Islam and learnt the Qur’an.
Makkah was full of spies and informants and so it wasn’t long before Mus`ab’s comings and goings were noted and reported. You can imagine how furious his mother was. The news spread like a storm and the power of his mother’s fury came down on him. Basically Mus`ab was confident but since he accepted Islam there came over him more of a sense of tranquility, calmness, and inner resourcefulness. In this way, he faced his furious mother with an air of determination and dignity. He didn’t engage in a debate about the worship of Allah or that of idols; he didn’t shout and rebuke; he didn’t say demeaning mean words; he simply told her that he had in fact become a Muslim and quietly explained to her why he had done that. Regardless of her rantings he remained calm. He recited some verses to her with the hope that she would understand what he was doing but she refused to listen and was haughty. Perhaps what bothered her a lot was the fact that most of Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) early followers were from the poor people and it was unthinkable that her son, Mus`ab, would ever be counted among such people. It was simply unthinkable! She didn’t realize that the message of Islam is for all and that even poor, uneducated people can gain wisdom and nobility from imbibing its pure teachings. Mus`ab knew this and that is why he never considered himself superior to any of the Muslims despite his wealth.
His mother wanted to beat him and degrade him to compensate herself for the sorrow and humiliation she felt. But then she thought of something better and perhaps more lasting. She ordered her servants to take her son and bind him tightly; keep him a prisoner in his own home.
As usual Mus`ab remained calm but sought the first opportunity to escape. Allah the Almighty opened the way for him and he left with a group of the Muslims who were heading for Abyssinia seeking safety there from the persecution of the Makkans. So Mus`ab left his mother, his home, his wealth, the city of the childhood and headed off to the unknown. His sure and strong faith in Allah made him strong, determined, and peaceful.
After some time Mus`ab heard news that it was now safe to return to Makkah. He set off at once but upon arrival he learned that the situation was still the same. Inevitably he once again confronted his mother who was unsure what she should do now. Once again he explained the simple and beautiful message of Islam and invited her to join him but she was persistent and chose to follow the idols and the ways of her forefathers—helpless in her pride and arrogance to admit she was wrong. She threatened once again to have him tied up and imprisoned but this time the gentle Mus`ab told her in no uncertain terms that if she tried that again he would kill anyone who helped her to do that. His mother saw the glint of determination in his eyes and succumbed. She told him in an offhand manner to go on his way and not to darken her door again. He was no longer her son. Mus`ab came close to her and tried one more time to advise her and invite her to the mercy of Allah the Almighty and the truth of His messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) but she simply couldn’t. Moreover, in her arrogance she swore by the shooting stars that she would never accept Islam even if she was ridiculed. There was nothing more that Mus`ab could do. He left.
Not only did he leave his mother and home but he also left the wealth and luxury he had been brought up in. Some people would feel sad and disillusioned if such a fate befell them; it may even cause them to be depressed and hopeless in life, but not with Mus`ab. He was seen walking around Makkah with a smile on his face and light and hope beaming from his eyes. His time was spent in learning Islam and spending time with the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his noble companions, of which he was now one.
One time the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions were sitting and they saw Mus`ab approaching. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “I have seen this Mus`ab with his parents in Makkah. They lavished care and attention on him and gave him all comforts. There was no Quraish youth like him. Then he left all that seeking the pleasure of Allah and devoting himself to the service of His Prophet (peace be upon him).” The Prophet (peace be upon him) predicted that the Muslims would one day become rich and powerful. This was very significant because at that time they were living in great poverty. The Prophet (peace be upon him) further remarked that even though they were poor at that time, they were really better off. Meaning that having riches isn’t necessarily good for people.
The Prophet and his companions (peace be upon them all) stayed in Makkah for another ten years inviting people to Islam but they remained hostile. The future looked bleak but the Muslims never gave up. Then the opportunity came for the message of Islam to spread in a place called Yathrib which was later called Madinah. For the honored task of being the first ambassador of Islam, Mus`ab was chosen, above older people and those who were closely related to the Prophet himself (peace be upon him). Why was this young man chosen? He was chosen for his noble pious character, fine manners, and sharp intelligence. He was also able to recite the Qur’an beautifully and movingly and he had a lot of knowledge of Islam. He was perfect for the job.
Mus`ab knew this was a very sacred mission he was being called to do. He knew that he was inviting people to Allah and His prophet (peace be upon him) and that this city would be the base for the young and struggling Muslim community.


Once in Madinah, he used to go to the people in their houses and gatherings and speak to them about Islam reciting the Qur’an to them. Many people accepted Islam. Although this pleased Mus`ab, it greatly displeased the leaders of Madinah.
One time when Mus`ab was sitting with a group of people under a tree, one of the notables of Madinah approached, brandishing a spear. Mus`ab said to the group, ‘If he sits down, I’ll speak to him.’ The man threatened Mus`ab and warned him to leave the city and leave them all alone. Mus`ab smiled warmly and invited him to sit down and hear what he had to say. He added that if the man liked what he said he could accept it and if he didn’t like it, he would leave and not bother him again. The man agreed. He sat down and listened. Mus`ab did not compel him to do anything; he didn’t ridicule him or argue with him. Mus`ab simply recited the Qur’an and explained the simply and beautiful message of Islam. The man’s face changed and became radiant. It was clear that faith had entered his heart. He accepted Islam. More and more people accepted Islam at the hands of Mus`ab, through the mercy of Allah the Almighty. The first ambassador of the Prophet (peace be upon him) was extremely successful.
Mus`ab stayed in Madinah for about a year then returned to Makkah during the season of pilgrimage. He took 75 Muslims from Madinah known as Ansar (helpers) because they helped the Muslims from Makkah when they later migrated to Madinah. This group made a pledge of allegiance with the Prophet (peace be upon him) that they would defend him at all costs and remain firm in their faith. Shortly after this pledge, the Prophet (peace be upon him) directed his persecuted followers to migrate to Madinah. The first of the companions to arrive there were Mus`ab and a blind old man named Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum.
The next chapter of Mus`ab’s life was the battle of Badr. After this battle the Quraish prisoners of war were brought to the Prophet (peace be upon him) who put them into the custody of individual Muslims. They were ordered to treat the prisoners well. Among these prisoners was the brother of Mus`ab named Abu `Aziz ibn `Umayr who told the story:
“I was among a group of Ansar—whenever they had lunch or dinner they would give me bread and dates to eat in obedience to the Prophet’s instructions to them to treat us well. My brother, Mus`ab passed by me and said to a man from the Ansar who was holding me prisoner: ‘Tie him firmly…His mother is a woman of great wealth and maybe she would ransom him for you.” Aziz couldn’t believe his ears. He turned to Mus`ab and said, “My brother, is this your instruction concerning me?”
Mus`ab replied, “He is my brother, not you.” Mus`ab meant that the bonds of faith were stronger than the bonds of kinship.

Mus`ab came to be known as Mus`ab Al-Khayr (the Good). At the battle of Uhud the Prophet (peace be upon him) called upon him to carry the Muslim standard (flag). The battle started and at first the Muslims seemed to have the upper hand however, a groups of Muslims disobeyed the order of the Prophet and left their places and this gave the enemy the chance to counter-attack and win the battle. The enemy forces wanted to kill the Prophet (peace be upon him). Mus`ab understood the danger the Prophet was in so with the flag in one hand and his sword in the other he plunged into the ranks of the enemy. Even when Mus`ab was being struck with enemy swords and his life seemed certain to be over, the words he spoke were those of concern for the Prophet (peace be upon him). He said, half to himself, ‘Muhammad is only a Messenger. Messengers have passed away before him.” He was reminding himself that his struggle was not just for the Prophet but for the message of Allah to the world. First one hand was severed, so he held the flag with the other, then the other hand was severed and he determinedly held the flag with the stumps of both arms then finally he was struck by a spear and died. The words he repeated every time he was struck were later revealed to the Prophet and completed, and became part of the Qur’an.
After the battle, the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions went sadly through the battle field bidding farewell to the martyrs. Tears flowed when they saw Mus`ab’s body. Khabbab related that they could not find any cloth with which to shroud Mus`ab’s body, except the garment he was wearing. When they covered his head, his legs were exposed and when his legs were covered, his head was exposed. So the Prophet told them to place the garment over his head and cover his feet and legs with the leaves of the idhkhir (rue) plant.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) felt great pain and sorrow at the number of his companions who were killed at the battle of Uhud. He (peace be upon him) remembered Mus`ab as he first saw him in Makkah, stylish and elegant and then looked at the garment he was then wearing—the only garment he owned, and he recited the verse of the Qur’an:
[Among the believers are men who have been true to what they have pledged to Allah.] (Al-Ahzab 33:23)

Mus`ab ibn `Umayr: The First Ambassador of Islam - Reading Islam.com


Al-Aqsa Is In My Heart.
Thanks sisiter Maro for the thread.

My eyes full of tears, I feel sorry for us...Musa'ab (RA) Sacrificed with everything he had for the sake of Allah (Swt), and there still some Muslims who are lazy, couldn't even pray five times a day!! or even give a smile to their brothers!!

May Allah forgive our sins.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
He came from a rich family so he grew up as a spoiled child. I think his decision to become a Muslim was no less challenging than the poor ones although it was the poor and slave who suffered the most.


The first mosque in Islam


Qubaa’ Mosque is the first mosque that was ever built in Islam. It was designed by the hand of the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, after he reached that spot on the way to Madinah during the Hijrah (migration from Makkah), as he intended to offer prayer there.
The first stones were positioned by Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, and the mosque was completed by the Companions of the Prophet, may Allah be pleased with them all. After that, he favored Saturday as the day to visit Qubaa’ Mosque and offer prayer there.

Masjid Qubaa’ is very important to Muslims, so great attention has been paid to it through the ages. It has been restored and renovated many times, the last in the year 1405 A.H. (1984), which adhered to its traditional Islamic architecture and form.
The Masjid is an open, colonnaded gallery on the south and on the north, there are two galleries on the east and west, which are separated by a large, open courtyard. The roof itself consists of six large domes, each with a diameter of twelve meters and fifty-six smaller domes, each with a diameter of six meters. Massive concrete pillars inside each of the galleries support the domes. The floor of the courtyard is covered with heat-resistant marble, while a moveable sunshade, (that opens and closes mechanically) made of extremely sturdy canvas, provides protection from the elements. Towering over the Masjid are four, forty-seven meter high minarets.
The main prayer area now encompasses five thousand and fifty-six square meters, while the entire Masjid complex of buildings and accompanying secondary services, reaches one hundred and thirty-five thousand square meters. Prior to this most recent expansion the Masjid was only twelve hundred square meters. Attached to the Masjid are an office, shopping area, visitors services and residences for the Imam (prayer leader) and the Mu’adhin (the one who makes the call to prayer).

Islam Online


The first Martyr in Islam

There were many women during the time of Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) who were strong, active and very courageous. They in my view demonstrated the quintessence of women in Islam. They carried water, nursed the wounded, and buried the dead during times of war among many other responsibilities. They were women who even fought in battles like Umm Umarah and Kanza (RA). The Sahabiyat (RA) devoted their lives and hearts to give all for the sake of Allah (SWT).

Sumayyah bint Kabbab (Radiya ‘Llahu ‘anha) was one of these women and was the first woman to be martyred for Islam. Her story is of steadfastness and strength in faith when Islam was nascent and still had few followers.

Sumayyah bint Kabbab (RA) was the slave of Abu Hudhaifah ibn al-Mughirah ibn Abd’Allah ibn Amr ibn Makhyum and amongst his slaves was also Yasir ibn Amir (Radiya ‘Llahu ‘anhu). Abu Hudhaifah married Yasir ibn Amir (RA) to Sumayyah bint Kabbab (RA), they soon conceived a son and named him Ammar ibn Yasir (RA) and their master freed them. The family was poor and didn’t have support from a tribe or family. Ammar a close companion to the Prophet (PBUH) heard the message of Islam and listened to the Qur’an and soon he and his parents were one of the early believers of Islam. The family would demonstrate how strong their iman was by worshipping Allah (SWT) openly. The city of Mecca was still largely polytheists who didn’t believe in the message of Muhammad (PBUH). As a result, the early believers would be harassed and tortured by the Meccans. Sumayyah, Yasir, and Ammar (Radiya ‘Llahu ‘anhum) were not an exception. The al-Mughirah clan would torture and persecute Sumayyah (RA) in an endeavor for her to relinquish her faith of Islam. Yasir and Ammar (Radiya ‘Llahu ‘anhuma) would also be tortured aside Sumayyah (RA). This persecution would take place in the scorching dessert of Mecca and to increase the severity of their suffering iron shields would be used to make it even more agonizing. The Prophet (PBUH) and Abu Bakr (RA) were among the few that were protected by their own family (The Quraish).

There was a man named Abu Jahl. He was one of the leaders of Mecca before the city’s surrender to Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) army. Abu Jahl was known to ridicule and persecute new converts in front of his/her tribesmen so they would lose their honor. One of the harshest punishments was done to the poor freemen because he considered them to be the least important in the social ladder. This severe punishment was done in the blistering hot sands of the Meccan desert. When Abu Jahl heard about the conversion of Sumayyah (RA), he hit Sumayyah (RA) endlessly and she would not recant her firm belief in Allah (SWT) and His Messenger Mohammad (PBUH). She was an elderly woman when all these tortures took place; nevertheless, she refused to denounce Islam. She was a patient woman who endured endless hardships and Abu Jahl was so angry with her persistent oath for Allah (swt) and his messenger (PBUH) that he stabbed Sumayyah (RA) in her private parts which ultimately killed her.

Sumayyah bint Kabbab (RA) was the first to be killed for the sake of Allah (SWT). She was also the seventh person to embrace Islam. Sumayyah (RA) demonstrated her bravery and patience in a time when Islam was beginning to emerge. She is an example for all in the present day. She was tortured only because she believed in Allah (SWT) and His Messenger Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). Her full submission to Allah (SWT) caused her to be blessed with martyrdom.

Today you find Muslims who may have forgotten the true adversities of the early Sahaba (RA). Nowadays, we have become selfish, only attentive to our wants and to our needs seldom do we ask ourselves how we can contribute to Islam. When will we learn from our brothers, and sisters that were afflicted with such calamities in the time of the Prophet (PBUH)? In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful, we really have to look within ourselves and learn to be patient when Allah (SWT) brings forth trials for us, and realize that the good and the bad come from Allah (SWT) and that this life is only a test to prove our obedience to Him. We have to keep in mind that this life is temporary, and we will return to our Creator who will question our deeds on the Day of Judgment. When will Allah (SWT) call us? We don’t know. We have to act now because this might be the one good deed that will save us from the hell-fire

Al-Ankabut (The Spider), verses 2-3 “ Do people think that they will be left alone because they say: “We believe,” and will not be tested. And We indeed tested those who were before them. And Allah will certainly make (it) known (the truth of) those who are true, and will certainly make (it) known (the falsehood of) those who are liars, (although Allah knows all that before putting them to test).” (29:2-3)

Al-Anbiya (The Prophets) verse 35 “ Everyone is going to taste death, and We shall make a trial of you with evil and with good. And to Us you will be returned.” (21:35)

May Allah (SWT) help us learn from the Prophet (PBUH), the Sahaba (RA) and may He grant us courage, patience, and strength to practice Islam purely and solely for His sake. Amin.

Why I Chose Sumayah « InTuiTivE MuSliMah

Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
Mus`ab had grown up without fear of anything or anyone. He was sure of himself, kind, confident, and clever but nevertheless he was just a human being. The one thing that Mus`ab feared was his own mother. She was a strong and fierce woman and was well-known as such. After considering his situation for some time Mus`ab decided to keep his acceptance of Islam a secret for a while until the best way showed itself. In the meantime, he continued to visit the house of Al-Arqam where he received knowledge about Islam and learnt the Qur’an.

I can relate to this. I'm keeping my atheism secret from my family for the same reasons and waiting for the right opportunity.

Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
After reading the whole thing, what I take from it is the symbolism. If we are to lead happy lives, we need to sacrifice. Sacrifice leads to the happiness of others.


The first cavalryman in Islam

Al Miqdad Ibn Amr

Al Miqdad Bin Amr is reckoned among those companions of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) whose superior qualities, exaltation and excellence are admired by all Islamic Schools of thought. He had become the favorite of Allah and His Messenger (S.A.W.) for his spirit of faith and faithfulness. Once the Prophet (S.A.W.) said, "Allah has ordained me to love four persons because He Himself loves them." "And who are those four persons?" the Prophet was asked by the companions who were present there. "They are Ali, Miqdad, Salman and Abu Zar, "the Prophet (S.A.W.) replied.

The name of Al Miqdad is written in four ways in the books of history Miqdad Bin Amr Bahravi, Miqdad Bin Amr Kindie , Miqdad Bin Aswad Al Kindi AI Hazarmi and Miqdad Bin Al Aswad Qureshi Az-Zahri.

He was called Bahravi for the native land of his forefathers was Bahra But, according to some other annals Bahra was the tribe to which Miqdad belonged. This was a Branch of another tribe called Quzaaa, lt. is stated that before the birth of Miqdad, someone of his tribe had murdered a man of another tribe. so being afraid of revenge Amr Bin Saalba, the father of Miqdad, leaving his native land went away to Hazar Maut in Yemen, Kindi was the ruling dynasty there, with whom Amr had the relation of friendship. He married a lady of that family and Miqdad was born with that wedlock. As he was born and brought up in Hazar Maut and in the tribe of Kindi, so he is named as Hazarmi and Kindi, In his young age Miqdad had an altercation with an influential man of the Kindi tribe, called Abu Shimr Bin Hajar Al Kindi. In this altercation , Abu Shimr was seriously injured by Miqdad who finding no other way escaped for Mecca. Seeing his boldness, courage and pleasing manners, Aswad-Bin-Abd-e-Yaghus of Mecca adopted him as his son and so Miqdad is also known as Al Aswad. Quraishi, Azzahri. He was also called Abel Aswad (the father of Aswad). The prophet (S.A.W.) too, often would address him by this name.

Sometime after the arrival of Miqdad to Mecca, the voice of Islam was echoed. This was heard, besides others, by Miqdad also. He lost no time but directly went to the Prophet (S.A.W.) and accepted Islam without any hesitation. According to some historians Miqdad (R.A.A.) was one of those seven persons who accepted Islam first, just after Muhammad (S.A.W.) made the declaration of his Prophethood, Some others, however, say that when Miqdad accepted Islam the number of the Muslims was increased to more than seven. Yet in those days it was not an easy task to become a Muslim. Those who accepted Islam in those days were subjected to inhuman cruelties and tortures. Miqdad, who did not belong to that land and had no support of any tribe or family,was well aware of this situation. He knew well what would happen to him after accepting Islam but heedless to any consequence he boldly declared himself Muslim and became a victim of all kinds of tortures by the idolaters of the Quraish.

When the cruel treatment of the Quraish became quite unbearable, Miqdad was advised by the Prophet (S.A.W.) to migrate to Habsha with other 83 helpless Muslims. But after passing some time in Habsha, he came back to Mecca. It was the period when the Muslims were permitted to leave Mecca for Madina and they, one after another were migrating. Not withstanding the Prophet (S.A.W.) himself reached Madina, Miqdad could not do so because of some obstructions on his path, This has been stated by the historian Allama Ibne Aseer but some other historians like Ibne Saad, have mentioned that Miqdad had already reached Madina before the Prophet (S.A.W.) did.

According to Ibne Aseer in the first year of Hijra a band of about two hundred idolaters of Mecca, under the leadership of Abu Sufyan (or of Akrama Bin Abu Jahl) went towards Madina to get information about the Prophet (S.A.W.) and the Muslims, Availing this chance Miqdad and Utba Bin Ghazwan too included themselves into this party with one plea or another. When the Prophet (S.A.W.) was informed of the coming of this party he sent a group of about sixty Muslims to check it, Seeing the Muslims the party of idolaters fled away but Miqdad and Utba came to the Muslims and thus they succeeded to reach Madina safely. This event is named in history as "The Skirmish of Rabigh."

During the initial stage of migration Miqdad had to face adverse days of poverty. When the Prophet (S.A.W.) became aware of this, he took the responsibility for the maintenance of Miqdad and two other poverty stricken Muhajirs (migrant) like him, In this connection Miqdad says himself:

"I together with my two companions, had to face grievous days of poverty, We had nothing, not even a single piece of bread, to eat, Compelled by continuous starvation we approached some of the companions of the Prophet (S.A.W.) asking them to accept us as their dependents, But none could do so, because everyone had his own problems. At last we reached the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) who being aware of our plight took us to his house. In those days there were three or four goats in the house of the Prophet. He told us to live in his house and drink milk of those goats. Accordingly we would drink the milk and keep some of it in a pot for the Prophet (S.A.W.), who would come back late at night, would say salutation in a very low voice so that those who were sleeping might not be disturbed and then would go to the mosque and after returning from the mosque would drink the milk kept by us for him, One night the Satan misled me and supposing that the Prophet may not require to drink the milk because he must have taken something offered by the people where he had been, I drank the milk kept for him.

"But, after the pot of milk being emptied by me I began to think, "What have I done, if the Prophet (S.A.W.) has not taken anything outside then?" I was afraid of being cursed by the Prophet. In the meantime, the Prophet (S.A.W.) came back and after saying his prayer wanted to drink milk. Seeing the pot empty Muhammad (S.A.W,) looked up towards the sky. I was certain that he must curse the fellow who had emptied his pot of milk. But to my wonder the Prophet (S.A.W.) instead of cursing anybody simply said, 0 Allah, feed him who feeds me and let him drink who lets me drink. Now, I rose in order to get some milk from one of the goats, if possible. Although I had no hope to get any milk but to my great wonder I found all the mammals of the four goats full of milk. With the name of Allah I began to milk the goats and within moments the pot was full of milk. I took it to the Prophet (S.A.W.) who asked me, Have you taken?, Please take it, i replied and he began to drink. After drinking some milk, he wanted to return me the pot which had still sufficient milk, I insisted the Prophet (S.A.W.) to drink some more milk. He took it again and drank enough of it but still there remained some milk in the pot, Thinking that the Prophet (S.A.W.) was satisfied now I took the rest of milk, I was wondered as well as very glad to see this and so began to laugh. I laughed so much that I fell down on the earth,"

"What is the matter, Abul Aswad," the Prophet (S.A.W.) asked, seeing me laughing, Then I narrated everything to him. Hearing this the Prophet (S.A.W.) said, "This is the Blessing and Mercy of Allah, if you would have awaked your two other companions, they too would have taken the milk to their best of satisfaction."

After sometime Miqdad started business and got prosperity, It is stated that one day he had been out in a lonely place to answer to the call of nature. There, while he was sitting, a rat came out of a hole with a golden dinar in its mouth. The rat left the dinar before Miqdad and went back, After a few moments it brought another dinar and leaving it before him again went back. In this way the rat brought seventeen dinars. Miqdad took all these dinars and approached direct Muhammad the Prophet (S.A.W.), When he narrated the event to him , the Prophet (S.A.W.) asked whether he had put his hand into the hole. Miqdad replied in the negative swearing in the name of Allah. Then the Prophet (S.A.W.)said that was no harm for him; he could take and utilize the money. Allah would give him prosperity as Zaba-ah, the wife of Miqdad says that Miqdad became a rich man while the seventeen dinars were not yet finished.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) granted him a plot of land in Bani Adeela, a locality in Madina. He was also given landed property in Jerf, a place about three miles away from Madina, where he was settled during the last days of his life, After the conquest of Khaiber he was also given a landed property there.

The battle of Badr occurred during the month of Ramadan in the second year of Hijra. Muhammad (S.A.W.) before starting for the battlefield had consultations with his companions. In this counsel first Abu Bakr Siddiq (R.A.A.) and Umar Farooq (R.A.A.) spoke one after the other and delivered encouraging Speeches. After them stood Miqdad and said:

" 0 Messenger of Allah! We are not like the followers of Musa, that we may say, you and your God should go and fight against the enemy and we should sit here. We declare, let us go towards which Allah ordains you to go, By Allah, Who is the Lord of our life and Who has sent you with the Truth, we shall fight standing your right and left, front and back, By Allah, we shall be going on fighting till even an eye of ours is safe. We shall never desert you."
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It was in this battle that the Muslims had not even sufficient arms to fight with, They had only 70 camels and 2 horses. One of the two horses was given to Miqdad and the other to Harisa Bin Saraqa Ansari. Harisa while drinking water in the battlefield was killed by an arrow of the enemy. After the martyrdom of Harisa, Miqdad was left as the only rider in Islamic Army while the enemy had a mounted force of about one hundred riders who were also well arm . Miqdad faced alone the mighty mounted force of the enemy. He was a skilled swordsman and a perfect archer. He had attained so much perfection and excellence in cavalry, archery and swords manship that, later on, he was counted equal to a thousand men.

In the Battle of Badr, his performances made the enemy terrified, Wherever he moved into the battlefield the groups of the enemy were pierced. Thus he created havoc for the enemy end fulfilled his promise made to the Prophet (S.A.W.).

Miqdad also showed his great courage, bravery and constancy in the battles of Uhud, Ahzab, Zi_Qard, … etc.

There was a pasture in Ghaba, near Zinard It was a few miles away from Madina. One day in the month of Rabiul Awwal (6th Hijra)Ainia the son of Hisn Farazi of Mecca attacked that pasture and took away twenty camels of the Holy Prophet, killing Zar, the son of Abu Zar Ghifari. By chance two companions of the Prophet, Salma and Rabah Mowla riding on horses, appeared. Seeing what had happened, Rabah went to inform the Holy Prophet and Salma started throwing arrows towards the enemy. The enemy being compelled, fled away but before long came again with another band, so Salmas life was in danger, In the meantime Miqdad Bin Amr, Akhram Asadi and Abu Qatadah Ansari arrived from Madina, but Akhram was martyred by Abdul Rahman Farazi. Seeing this Abu Qatadah attacked Farazi, who was killed instantaneously, Now, there were only Miqdad, Abu Qatadah and Salma, who met the enemy with great courage, In the mean time some more companions of the Prophet (S.A.W.) reached there. This made the enemy to flee leaving all the camels of the Holy Prophet, they had captured. The Muslim Mujahids ran after them, After the sunset when they came back, they saw the Prophet (S.A.W.) himself present there with five. hundred men. The Prophet (S.A.W.) was much pleased with Salma, Abu Qatadah and Miqdad (R.A.A.).

After the demise of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.), Miqdad took part in the wars of Syria and Egypt also during the reign of Umar Farooq, the second Caliph, In the battle of Yarmouk he showed great proficiency. Miqdad was a soldier in true sense of the word, as well as he was a fearless and frank man. According to Saheeh Bukhari he was one of those companions of the Prophet who were appointed by the Prophet (S.A.W.) to execute the criminals.

Miqdad had not married for one reason or another for a long time. So one day Abdul Rahman Bin Auf asked, "Why do you not marry, Miqdad?" In reply to him Miqdad frankly asked, "Then why dont you marry to me your daughter?" This irritated Abdul Rahman Bin Auf and he scolded him, being enraged, Miqdad complained against him to the Holy Prophet. The Prophet (S.A.W.) consoling him said "Do not mind ,if anyone does not like to marry his daughter to you, I am ready to give in marriage to you my uncles daughter. And accordingly Zabaah the daughter of Zubair and the granddaughter of Abdul Muttalib was married to him. In this way Miqdad was related to the Prophet(S.A.W.).

The 9th year of Hijra is called in the history of Islam as the year of delegations, because in that year delegations from every nook and corner of Arabia started to come and meet the Prophet (S.A.W.) for acceptance of Islam. In this connection a delegation from Bahra also came to Madina to meet the Prophet (S.A.W.). The members of the delegation having tribal relationship with Miqdad came straight to his place. Miqdad received them happily and managed to stay them comfortably. He prepared for them a rich Arabic Dish called "Heesh," which the delegates ate delightfully. Miqdad sent a cup of Heesh to Muhammad (S.A.W.) also, The Prophet took a portion of that and sent the rest back to Miqdad, Now it so happened that Miqdad would serve the same pot of heesh to his guests everyday, which they would eat to their satisfaction yet it would not be finished but remained as before, Seeing that Miqdad serves them everyday such a rich food the delegates asked, "We heard that you people take normally very simple food, but we are seeing, since the day we have come here, that you offer us everyday such a nice and rich food. How is that you can afford to it, Miqdad?"

Miqdad smiled and said, "This is not a credit for me my dear, but the credit goes to our guide, our Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)." And then he narrated actually what had happened.

Miqdad had the honor of participating in "Baiate Redwan" or the Solemn Oath which the Prophet (S.A.W.) had taken from his companions a year before the conquest of Mecca, he also had the honor of performing the Hajjatul Wida or the last pilgrimage of the Holy Prophet.

After passing away of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.), when the question of Caliphate arose in Saqeefat Banu Sada, Miqdad voted in favor of Ali (R.A.A.). But later on, seeing the verdict of the Muslims in general, he also accepted Abu Bakr Siddiq (R.A.A.) as the first Caliph of Islam.

Imam Muhammad Baqir says that Miqdad was one of those companions of the Prophet (S.A.W.), who after accepting Islam, was never inclined to have any misgiving about the truth of Islam. He was a Hafiz and would teach people the Quran, It is said that many people in Syria learnt the Holy Quran from him.

Miqdad was not only a gallant warrior but also a learned scholar. He never hesitated to ask and learn anything from the Prophet (S.A.W.). If sometime any companion of the Prophet would feel embarrassment in regard to ask any question redirect from the Holy Prophet, he would ask Miqdad to do so and he would do it without any hesitation. It is stated That once Ali also had to ask about a certain issue from the Prophet throught Miqdad . Miqdad while asking about an issue from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) would try to make the issue clear in its every aspect . As for example one day he asked,"O Messenger of Allah, if a disbeliever cuts off one of my hands with his sword, but when I want to kill him he claims to embrace Islam and utters Kalima, in that case what should I do? Should I kill him?"

"No" replied the Prophet (S.A.W.), "Now you cannot kill him."

"But why not, 0 Messenger of Allah," argued Miqdad, "as he uttered Kalima only when he had already committed the crime of cutting my hand?" "In spite of that you cannot kill him," said the Holy Prophet, because after his accepting Islam his blood too became as sacred as yours."

Miqdad (R.A.A,) had his own point of view on some issues, According to Musnad of Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal (R.A.A.) one day, while Miqdad was sitting with some other persons, a man came and addressing Miqdad said, "Your two eyes are very respectable and blessed that they have seen the Messenger of Allah, Had I been in those days and seen the Prophet (S.A.W.) with my own eyes!

Hearing this Miqdad was irritated and enraged. But the people who were present there could not understand the cause of his being irritated, Miqdad, however, explained himself and said, "He has no right to say such thing as why Allah did not send him to this world in a particular age, It is Allahs wish that sends anybody when He thinks it fit. Nobody has the right to object. Moreover, does this fellow know that if he would have been during the Prophets age, he would have embraced Islam, By Allah, I know many persons who in spite of being in that period and seeing the Prophet (S.A.Q.) more than thousand times did not embrace Islam, rather, died as disblievers, It was not easy to accept Islam it those days. So he should thank Allah that be is born as a Muslim "

Miqdad violently hated flattery and insincere praise. Once during the days of Usman caliphate , a man came to the Caliph and started to praise him falsely .

Miqdad was also present there. He caused not tolerate his flattery so he began to throw sand on the face of the flatterer. Seeing this Usman was much surprised and he asked, What are you doing, Miqdad?" "I am doing what the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) has instructed, said Miqdad, "The Prophet of Allah has instructed that whenever you find any flatterer throw dust on his face."

Miqdad, during his last days, had settled himself in Jerf, three miles away from Madina city, where he had been given a plot of land by the Prophet (S.A.W.), He was a man of huge appearance and during his last days his stomach raised abnormally. So one of his slaves who was thought to be a physician performed a surgery in order to treat his ailment, But his operation proved to be unsuccessful and he died in the 33rd years of Hijra. At that time he was 70 years old. His body was brought to Madina where the third Caliph Usman Bin Affan(R.A.A.) led the Salat-e-Janaza (Funeral Prayers) and thousands of Muslims with tears in eyes laid him to rest in Jannatul-Baqie the famous graveyard in Madina. (Radia – Allahu Taala Anhu).

Miqdad Ibn Amr Al-Aswad(Radia Allah Anhu)


The first Naval Battle in Islam

The battle of the masts

Umar and naval warfare

During the caliphate of Umar, Muawiyah had sought the permission of Umar to undertake naval warfare. Umar consulted 'Amr b Al 'Aas who was then the Governor of Egypt. 'Amr b Al 'Aas reported unfavorably in the following terms:
"O Commander of the Faithful, I have seen a numerous people going upon it overpowered by a few. When it is calm it tends the heart, and when it is in motion, it twists the brain. It weakens confidence and strengthens doubt. There is nothing there but sky and water. People at sea are like a worm in a log of wood. If their boat inclines they sink, and if they survive they are dazed."
Umar rejected the proposal of Muawiyah to undertake war on the sea in the following terms:
"I have heard that the Syrian Sea rises higher than the highest thing on earth, and it seeks Allah's permission day and night to spread over the earth and drown it. So how can I send forces over this terrible Kafir. By Him Who sent Muhammad with the truth, I shall never send any Muslim upon it."

[FONT=Garamond, Times New Roman, Times]Naval activities under Uthman[/FONT]

Uthman withdrew the restriction of naval warfare. He permitted Muawiyah to invade the island of Cypress. The island was captured by the Muslims. 'The success of the Cypress campaign set the stage for the undertaking of naval activities by the Government of Egypt as well. Abdullah b Sa'ad built a strong navy. He proved to be a good naval commander, and under him the Muslims won a number of naval victories.
The first naval clash between the Byzantine navy, and the Egyptian navy took place on the Egyptian coast in 651 C.E. In this naval action, the Byzantines who were the aggressors were repulsed with a heavy loss.

[FONT=Garamond, Times New Roman, Times]The battle of the Masts[/FONT]

The Byzantines came again three years later in 654 C.E. The Byzantine fleet comprised as many as 500 vessels. Against this strength the Egyptian fleet had 200 vessels only. The Byzantine fleet was commanded by the Byzantine Emperor Constans in person. To start with, the archers from each side shot arrows at the other side. This led to some damage on the sides. Then the fleet of the two sides moved closer until their masts came to touch one another. Because of the proximity of the masts, the battle came to be known as Zat us Sawari the battle of the Masts. As the two fleets came to touch one another. A fierce hand to hand fight with swords and daggers took place on bored the ships. In this type of warfare the Muslims commanded superiority. There were heavy casualties in the Byzantine camp, and the Byzantines suffered defeat. Intense booty fell into the hand of the Muslims. So great was the slaughter that the sea was virtually dyed with the blood of the wounded and the dead. So great was the remorse of the Byzantine Emperor Constans at his defeat that he did not have the courage to return to Constantinople. He sought refuge in the island of Syracuse, but here too the infuriated people rose against him, and he was assassinated.
The battle of Zat us Sawari was a landmark in the history of Islam. It established the superiority of the Muslims on land as well as the sea. The Mediterranean Sea now became virtually a lake of the Muslims.
When Uthman came to know of this naval victory, he led a prayer of thanksgiving in the Prophet's mosque at Madina. Uthman felt happy that he had the honor of being the Caliph when the Muslims first won their naval victory, and became a naval power

Naval Battles