Alt Thinker
Older than the hills
I do not believe Jesus went away. If he did go away then what does Matthew 28:20 mean?
The Lord God went away when the house of Israel was abandoned but The Lord God untrusted all God's belongings to the son who acts as intermediary. Are you all saying all those seeking YHVH have had no intermediary all this time?
Also "food at the proper time" is linked to the bread from heaven. It is spiritual. It is not material. Is GOD not able to cloth you as the lillies of the field are clothed. But you are teaching it is not GOD who cares for our material needs. It is the people who will be "rewarded" who do it. "Put first the kingdom and all other things will be added". Will the faith really be found?
Jesus needs to be physically present on Earth to be an intermediary? Do we have to encounter him here on earth for him to function as an intermediary for us? Am I understanding you right?
Matthew 28:20 could be interpreted in a spiritual sense that Jesus will be with us spiritually and therefore always accessible. Luke 24 and Acts 1 are very explicit about Jesus leaving and going to heaven. Acts 2 reiterates that Jesus is in heaven. In John 16 Jesus says that he is going to the Father. Interpreting Matthew 28:20 in a physical sense would contradict all those things.
Interpreting food at the proper time in a spiritual rather than physical sense also raises problems. If you want the faithful and wise servant to be Jesus, how is it possible that Jesus might turn wicked and begin to beat his fellow servants and to eat and drink with drunkards? When the master returns (and who is this master?) He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Could that happen to Jesus?