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Sources for Egyptian or Japanese polytheism.


Active Member
I was just wondering if anyone had any resources for Egyptian mythology or Japanese mythology ?
Maybe some of you setians at least , @1137 lookin at you big boy.


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
There is plenty for Egyptian mythology. There are many, many papyri from tombs going back many thousands of years; but more recently there are books by Egyptology experts.

Ancient Egyptian Magic
Daily Life of the Ancient Egyptians

Japanese is a little more tricky, because you do not get information from tombs. Instead you need to get it from accounts, historians, myths and cultural works like plays and books about various subjects. Japanese history is very long, so you really are talking about multiple periods with some fairly different lifestyles and religions in it.


Active Member

There is plenty for Egyptian mythology. There are many, many papyri from tombs going back many thousands of years; but more recently there are books by Egyptology experts.

Ancient Egyptian Magic
Daily Life of the Ancient Egyptians

Japanese is a little more tricky, because you do not get information from tombs. Instead you need to get it from accounts, historians, myths and cultural works like plays and books about various subjects. Japanese history is very long, so you really are talking about multiple periods with some fairly different lifestyles and religions in it.

Thanks guys I really appreciate what I can get.

von bek

Well-Known Member
The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt is the single best resource on ancient Egyptian religion I have ever come across. It is an encyclopedia with fantastically informative and detailed entries. When I am at my laptop tomorrow I will post a link so you see the specific book I mean. I have a copy and I always love going back to it.


Active Member
The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt is the single best resource on ancient Egyptian religion I have ever come across. It is an encyclopedia with fantastically informative and detailed entries. When I am at my laptop tomorrow I will post a link so you see the specific book I mean. I have a copy and I always love going back to it.
Thanks I really appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering if anyone had any resources for Egyptian mythology or Japanese mythology ?
Maybe some of you setians at least , @1137 lookin at you big boy.
Just a few comments regarding the Japanese part of your question.

The problem is finding an English source, I would think. If you just wanted a taste of Japanese culture and how it views these issues, look at Gegege no Kitaro anime, and other Japanese famous animes that have gone international. One is 'Spirited Away' - a beautiful work that gives you an insight into the Japanese mind of how spirits work. The Studio Ghibli contains many movies with Japanese spirits, gods, demons, etc. This work can be found in English. It should give you a fun way of getting some insight into the Japanese mindset.

I have some knowledge of Okinawan customs, with ancestor worship and the Butsodan (family altar). In Okinawa there is also much worship of minor gods, for the sea, all kinds of things. They also have many Yuutas (functioning spirit mediums) where people go regularly for all kinds of problems (if they don't sleep maybe there is a larger spiritual problem behind it, maybe they neglected something.) Okinawans do not think of this as religion commonly. Many say they have no religion while they are deeply engaged in their religious functions. Some communicate directly with their 'gods' - back and forth type stuff, it seems.