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Should ghosts have rights?

Should ghosts have rights?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
Sure but...

Those rights don't include:

- Walking up and down at night time.
Freedom of Travel is a fundamental right.

- Jumpscaring me.
I am too old and too tired to Jumpscare anyone anymore.

You're thinking about cats.

- Tapping and knocking on random **** when I'm trying to sleep.
Stop sleeping in my house.

- Changing the temperature.

Hypocrite! It is you meatbags that change the temperature with your ridiculous 37 degree body. And you call that "normal"?
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Gargovic Malkav

Well-Known Member
Not till all our Brothers and Sisters in Spirit are free!

I have been told that 5000 dead people voted in Georgia. That is a disgrace. We need to get that number up!

Join the fight for Eternal Spectral Suffrage!

The dead are that expressive where you live?
It doesn't seem to happen over here...

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Since I believe that there are earthbound human spirits, I would say that they are free to come and go as they please, unless they irritate or frighten the living to an extreme degree, in which case their presence could be problematic. I'm sure not why spirits would need more legal rights if there is a will.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Sure but...

Those rights don't include:

- Walking up and down at night time.
- Jumpscaring me.
- Tapping and knocking on random **** when I'm trying to sleep.
- Changing the temperature.

Then why do I want to be a ghost? That's the whole point and fun of it. Do it those who angered you, and those friends who need a good tease. :tonguewink:


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
Should a ghost be allowed to run for public office? I'd vote some.

Just a few, if ghosts, to consider.
Teddy (deserved another term)
Honest Abe or JFK(didn't get to complete second terms)
RFK (didn't get a chance)
FDR (might as well be prez forever)

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Should a ghost be allowed to run for public office? I'd vote some.

Just a few, if ghosts, to consider.
Teddy (deserved another term)
Honest Abe or JFK(didn't get to complete second terms)
RFK (didn't get a chance)
FDR (might as well be prez forever)

"President Lincoln, would you please knock on the wall or door before you walk through it? You scare the bejesus out of us when you do that. Thank you, sir."

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Should a ghost be allowed to run for public office? I'd vote some.

Just a few, if ghosts, to consider.
Teddy (deserved another term)
Honest Abe or JFK(didn't get to complete second terms)
RFK (didn't get a chance)
FDR (might as well be prez forever)
Id vote the ghost of the head of Robot Nixon.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I do have to interject amd say no rights at all for Japanese ghosts. They're scary, they're grotesque, often terrifying to behold amd they give nightmares to those pansy Western ghosts who move things around and make a bit of noise.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
I do have to interject amd say no rights at all for Japanese ghosts. They're scary, they're grotesque, often terrifying to behold amd they give nightmares to those pansy Western ghosts who move things around and make a bit of noise.
That's discrimination against ghosts! It's like racism. Ghostism? :ghost: