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Out of Order
Staff member
Premium Member
Sometimes its kinda fun to pick up the feelings/symptoms of friends and family. At times it can be helpful. But I seem to have passed some thresh hold recently, and I'm unable to get it to stop, to my own detriment(and sometimes to the detriment of those around me). Last night, I was unable to cook my husband dal after his dental surgery, because I was getting his headaches and wooziness.

I think it heightened after having a roommate move in... it got to a point where she could come home from work, and I'd tell her all the things that were wrong with her body/emotions that day. I think we both got a kick out of it, but then I started picking up my husband, too... and now I'm overwhelmed. And I want to be able to turn it on/off.

It could be a helpful tool, but not if its KOing me.

Has anyone used any simple shielding techniques they've found helpful?

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
I have a sigil I created myself that I imagine spreading out from my core and surrounding me in white light. I have a little phrase I say for this in my head: "I raise this barrier to protect me from <insert what you need to>.

Envisioning a shield or bubble of light is a common way of shielding. It helps to ground yourself first, breathe deeply and steadily, feel the energy at your core (just under your belly button) feel it spread through your body, then outword around you. I personally imagine it solidifying with the words I use.


Out of Order
Staff member
Premium Member
I have a sigil I created myself that I imagine spreading out from my core and surrounding me in white light. I have a little phrase I say for this in my head: "I raise this barrier to protect me from <insert what you need to>.

Envisioning a shield or bubble of light is a common way of shielding. It helps to ground yourself first, breathe deeply and steadily, feel the energy at your core (just under your belly button) feel it spread through your body, then outword around you. I personally imagine it solidifying with the words I use.
Thanks. :)

I imagine I oughta start doing something like this on a regular... a lot of times when I think of trying a 'bubble', its too late.

I cover my hair to block that kind of thing. I'd explain how but im whooped from work
Maybe I should start wearing my dupattas on my head!


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
I'm not sure how helpful I'll be on this matter - I almost never do any kind of shielding. But then I think about why that is, and it might provide some insights into how others might reconcile these things.

I've got attention-deficit disorder. It's well-managed, but I have it. My particular variety means I'm hyper-vigilant and hyper-attentive, so I am absolutely picking up on various stuff all the time, kind of like you are. But they call it attention-deficit for a reason - I've got squirrel brain. All the things I pick up on struggle to command my attention for any significant length of time. Effectively, my ADD is my shield.
Things will just bounce out of my brain and not get the chance to dig in even though I notice all the things.

To me this implies the process of shielding is very much about where you put your attention and focus. Change focus. Do something else. Go somewhere else. Get away from the problem. When something does get under my ADD-shield, that's more or less what I have to do (and it doesn't always work).