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RF beard owners' society

Messianic Israelite

Active Member
Thankfully I've stopped worrying about what fundamentalists want me to do with my life. I'm happily a man who is just as biologically male as anyone else, and I have a clean shaven face. :) I happen to like the way I look without facial hair (though I allow a little scruff now and then).

Hi Left Coast. Good evening. Thanks for sharing. I know that some people feel that some beards look scruffy - perhaps that how you feel, I don't know. Perhaps it's because you simply prefer how you look clean shaven. I personally feel like beards add individuality, perhaps even confidence. I eagerly anticipate the Kingdom of Yahweh where no-one will feel out of place or discriminated against for having a beard. I've seen some extraordinary beards and in my case, I feel it has added to my character. But I'm not forcing you to grow a beard, I'm just telling you what the Law of Yahweh says.

Left Coast

This Is Water
Staff member
Premium Member
Hi Left Coast. Good evening. Thanks for sharing. I know that some people feel that some beards look scruffy - perhaps that how you feel, I don't know. Perhaps it's because you simply prefer how you look clean shaven. I personally feel like beards add individuality, perhaps even confidence. I eagerly anticipate the Kingdom of Yahweh where no-one will feel out of place or discriminated against for having a beard. I've seen some extraordinary beards and in my case, I feel it has added to my character. But I'm not forcing you to grow a beard, I'm just telling you what the Law of Yahweh says.

To each their own. If the creator of the universe punishes me in the afterlife because I didn't grow sufficient facial hair, that really says more about her than it does about me. :shrug:


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member

For my wife, plus she wanted long hair.


Regards Tony


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
To each their own. If the creator of the universe punishes me in the afterlife because I didn't grow sufficient facial hair, that really says more about her than it does about me. :shrug:

This is the one and only time I'm behind the creator.


Rogue Animist
Premium Member
Used to have a full beard, when I was young. It was always scraggly looking and uneven, and always itched. When properly trimmed and evened, it didn't look very good...so...no more beard.

Today, I have a goatee-style. It's an improvement over clean-shaven or with only a mustache. I have to trim it to very short every few weeks, as it itches and otherwise annoys me when it gets very long...which is not that long at all...

Messianic Israelite

Active Member
To each their own. If the creator of the universe punishes me in the afterlife because I didn't grow sufficient facial hair, that really says more about her than it does about me. :shrug:
Hi Left Coast. They are other Laws in the Bible, such as not printing marks on ourselves or cutting ourselves (Leviticus 19:28) which you could argue are less significant than (say) the Ten Commandments, but I personally wouldn't argue that. I would argue that all the commandments are important for our salvation. Yahshua our Savior said in Matthew 5:19 "Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven." So when Yahshua referred to least commandments, you could argue that you are making that judgment that this is one of the lesser (least) commandments.

All the commandments combine to create the perfect individual in Yahweh's sight. In the case of growing our beards or even printing marks on our bodies, it's clear that Yahweh wanted His people to look a certain way to differentiate us from the world. Yahweh wants a holy, sanctified people, which means 'set apart' and beards certainly do set us apart from others.

"For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is become guilty of all." (Jacob 2:10)

I would attest that Yahweh's children have a particular look about them.

Left Coast

This Is Water
Staff member
Premium Member
This is the one and only time I'm behind the creator.

That reminds me of the society in Asimov's Foundation series that actually had the opposite dogma. They regarded visible hair as repulsive and taboo for either sex and would completely depillate themselves head to toe.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Anyone else here have a beard?

I have a beard, and am shaved bald. I like a high gloss on the dome ... really, I do a "spit shine"... daily close shave, beard oil/butter on my scalp, spritz of water (the spit part), buffed. I've had facial hair in one form or another, on and off since I was about 17. Usually just a 'stache or a goatee. For a while I rocked the bald-no beard look. I have to wear a beard net at work because I'm around open food. One old lady still complained (it's always the old people :rolleyes:) because a couple of beard hairs were poking out.


No, not really, but close. :D

IMG_0592 (1).jpg

As for the "Why?", because I can. ;) It's part of me, part of who I am.

Left Coast

This Is Water
Staff member
Premium Member
Hi Left Coast. They are other Laws in the Bible, such as not printing marks on ourselves or cutting ourselves (Leviticus 19:28) which you could argue are less significant than (say) the Ten Commandments, but I personally wouldn't argue that. I would argue that all the commandments are important for our salvation. Yahshua our Savior said in Matthew 5:19 "Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven." So when Yahshua referred to least commandments, you could argue that you are making that judgment that this is one of the lesser (least) commandments.

All the commandments combine to create the perfect individual in Yahweh's sight. In the case of growing our beards or even printing marks on our bodies, it's clear that Yahweh wanted His people to look a certain way to differentiate us from the world. Yahweh wants a holy, sanctified people, which means 'set apart' and beards certainly do set us apart from others.

"For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is become guilty of all." (Jacob 2:10)

I would attest that Yahweh's children have a particular look about them.

Yeah, I don't use the Bible as my rulebook. And I do regard matters of cosmetic appearance as less morally weighty than, say, whether to take a life or not. But hey, as long as you don't impose your rules on me or others who don't believe in your (version of) your deity, hey have at it. :shrug:


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
That reminds me of the society in Asimov's Foundation series that actually had the opposite dogma. They regarded visible hair as repulsive and taboo for either sex and would completely depillate themselves head to toe.

Heathens! Blasphemers!


Veteran Member
That reminds me of the society in Asimov's Foundation series that actually had the opposite dogma. They regarded visible hair as repulsive and taboo for either sex and would completely depillate themselves head to toe.
That's evolution. From the "naked ape" to the "more naked" ape.

Exaltist Ethan

Bridging the Gap Between Believers and Skeptics
Hubby gave up shaving when the lockdown hit. But no beard, he runs a beard trimmer over his stubble very few days.

This is what I do (or did).

I have a Harry's shaver and do the main areas with it, but I still need the trimmer for the more difficult areas. I have a pattern which I shave one day, shower the next, then the next day I shave again. I spent too much on Harry's to not use their products.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Yes. Why? Because I can grow one and it's hot. The shaved head/full beard look is a winner, especially with glasses to boot. Very manly. It also just feels nice to pull on it a bit and so on.