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Review of Religious Forums



The Moderation Staff is of the highest quality at Religious Forums. They know when to lay back and when to jump all over you.



Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Did you write that BG? Either way, thanks for posting it.
Did you write that BG? Either way, thanks for posting it.

Yes. I've been a Forums addict since I developed my own BBS when I was 12 years old (1991?). That was before the internet, back in the days of WWIV and 2400 baud modems lol. I thought I'd develop a blog that tried to celebrate the world of political and religious forums. The intent being to be as positive as possible and see if I can't help people find those Forums that are just right for them.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I thought I'd develop a blog that tried to celebrate the world of political and religious forums. The intent being to be as positive as possible and see if I can't help people find those Forums that are just right for them.

Excellent idea! I wish I'd thought of that.


Flaming Queer
that's a good review, it highlights all the positives that attracted me to RF originally. well, google attracted me to RF originally, the positives that you mentioned made we want to stay.

hope no one minds that i feel as proud of the review of the staff as i'm sure you guys do.
*raises hand* What is "Platonic and Kantian Rationalism"?

Plato is the founder of Rationalism. As a school of thought it evolved from St. Augustine to Descartes, to Leibniz and finally Immanuel Kant. Rationalism is the school of thought which accepts that truth is discovered primarily through reason. For Plato it was coming to understand the Forms in their purist state. For Kant, it was categorical imperatives and pure reason. The morality that comes from it differs greatly, but is always grounded in principles derived from self-reflection and idealism, and not from objective, pragmatic assessments of experience.