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Religion v's Spirituality


TO all organized religions
Spirituality has ALWAYS been the devil
for revealing that Religions are fake, false.

and to Spirituality
Religion is the real DEVIL
for deceiving mankind with HIS religions.
-- O'no


New Member
ALWAYS is a long time. As we only have history going back to 3250 BC so far (and very little of that) and our origins as humanity are apparently 200,000 years (2.6 million year for the tools of our ancestors)- so that is 196,000 years of modern history unaccounted for. How may we deduce what spirituality or religion was in place even 20,000 years ago? We don't even get the truth about what's happening today.


Temporally Challenged
Maybe the debate is supposed to revolve around the nature of human interaction rather than the presence or absence of divinity?


Me Myself

Back to my username
Well a lot of people think spirituality without religion is doomed to failure. A lot of people feel that spirituality attached to religion is doomed to failure too.

I personaly believe that both with and without can be very fruitfull, but it would depend on the person and how such person goes at it.


Well-Known Member
While you seem to use the word "devil" to mean unwise.
I see not conflict in your verse, but a -balanceing act.
"Spirituality " which we find within ourself to connect with the essence of the state of being is not without anyone.
"Religion"-the formula that casts a way of thinking & a guidence to the way we live is not likely found without the reason for it.
1 does not nessesarily need the other.
There is a certian difference to a man when he embraces both. no matter which 1 is the foundation to his life.
I find them more "rounded " individuals.
ALWAYS is a long time. As we only have history going back to 3250 BC so far (and very little of that) and our origins as humanity are apparently 200,000 years (2.6 million year for the tools of our ancestors)- so that is 196,000 years of modern history unaccounted for. How may we deduce what spirituality or religion was in place even 20,000 years ago? We don't even get the truth about what's happening today.

Lots of good, accurate information! :clap

May add a little to it?

If we consider that we evolved through millions of years as small-group primates (hunting gathering size), it is logical to theorize that when we began to expand the size of our groups was when we had developed language to the point where we could create ideological systems that bound us into ever larger groups. We know that the size of our groups began to expand with the CroMagnons some 40,000 years ago. So, reiligion as we know it had to begin about that long ago.

In other words, religions served a social evolutionary function. Over time, like with evolution in general, the grown-old ones have been (and will continue to be in the long term) natural selected out!
Greeting fellow spirits,

Popular saying: "Religion is for those who are afraid of going to hell, spirituality is for those who have been there." FWIW



De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
TO all organized religions
Spirituality has ALWAYS been the devil
for revealing that Religions are fake, false.

and to Spirituality
Religion is the real DEVIL
for deceiving mankind with HIS religions.
-- O'no

Interesting quote. There's not much to be said about it out of context, though.

E. Nato Difficile

Active Member
True enough Sum, it often depends not only upon the individual and his/her needs but also the interpretation and integration of the concepts within the individual.
Clearly, spirituality appeals to the individual's core narcissism in a way that religion, with its emphasis on all that God and dogma stuff, simply can't.



Jehovah our God is One
Well a lot of people think spirituality without religion is doomed to failure.
I personaly believe that both with and without can be very fruitfull, but it would depend on the person and how such person goes at it.

It worked well for Abraham ;)


Jehovah our God is One
i dont agree with the op because religion is there to guide people to spirituality.

A problem arises though when a person sees only the religion itself and is stuck doing things for the religion alone.

Religion is only the tool...it should never be the main attraction.


TO all organized religions
Spirituality has ALWAYS been the devil
for revealing that Religions are fake, false.

and to Spirituality
Religion is the real DEVIL
for deceiving mankind with HIS religions.
-- O'no

Welcome Genep :)


The connatations of words stemming from the source of inner meaning present symbolic translations between sources. For some, the words, "spirituality" and "religion" may be harmoniously aligned, if not synonymous; while for another the words may be an arrangement of opposition. Religion of the one and spirituality of the tribe may not be so far apart, yet composed within each in an illusory distancing of intent. Oft, discord may result between minds wherein the sources are within the parameters of accord.

Just more boggy rambling,


I kind of like this quote, though I'm not sure if I agree with it 100%:
Institutions are not pretty. Show me a pretty government. Healing is wonderful, but the American Medical Association? Learning is wonderful, but universities? The same is true for religion... religion is institutionalized spirituality.

I think that different paths work for different people. For instance, one person might be more comfortable starting with a steady organized religion and later in life, he/she will likely gain some sort of spirituality. Another person might be more independent and prefer to strike out on his/her own to find some sort of spirituality without support. It depends on personality type, in my opinion. The second person would probably suffer in a religious environment with strict rules while the first person might be lost spiritually without some kind of structured guidance.

And then there are all the people in between the two extremes. Religion and spirituality don't have to be mutually exclusive. They can work together as well. Anyway, that's what I'm trying to go for. Guess we'll see how it works for me.