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Regarding William Lane Craig


Outstanding Member
I have seen Dr. Craig debating on videos at youtube channels, and, I think the most interesting trait he has during debates is that he organizes his arguments exceptionally. And by doing so, he seems to constantly seek the other debater to try to refute his arguments. However, so far i have been unable to find someone who even tries to do so. People tend to go along their own lines trying to refute just a few of the points Craig brings up. Therefore, i would be interested in knowing if there is a debate where the opponent accepted Craig's "challenge". A link to it would be very welcome.


Well-Known Member
I think you might be setting an impossibly high standard. I know of several debates with William Lane Crain but I don't know of any debates that are set up the way you want. Debates are set-up as more of a point/counter-point format. The debate you are looking for where the other person just tries to refutes each and every point made would be incredibly one-sided and I can't see a formal debate being done this way, especially against a professional debater.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
I have seen Dr. Craig debating on videos at youtube channels, and, I think the most interesting trait he has during debates is that he organizes his arguments exceptionally. And by doing so, he seems to constantly seek the other debater to try to refute his arguments. However, so far i have been unable to find someone who even tries to do so. People tend to go along their own lines trying to refute just a few of the points Craig brings up. Therefore, i would be interested in knowing if there is a debate where the opponent accepted Craig's "challenge". A link to it would be very welcome.

I have seen him debate as well...but how can one debate with someone who believes their own hype?

I thought Dr. John Shook did a good job debating him but Craig is a creature of habit....
I agree with the OP. William Lane Craig is very well-organized, a skilled debater, and really enjoys setting up challenges like "if my opponent cannot do this, then I'm right". The problem, I think, is that he makes so many unfounded assumptions, that stating one's disagreement with each one of them would be boring. Instead of trying to clean up the huge mess of claims and assumptions he makes, which gives him a big advantage, his opponents usually just start from scratch and state their own case.