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Reflections on God's signs in the universe


Well-Known Member
Greetings to All:

For those debating whether God exists or not, this site by Harun Yahya from Turkey has a collection of articles on God's signs that surround us and other logical issues to think of:


All the best.


Well-Known Member
Another site by Harun Yahya is titled "The Secret Beyond Matter"


The author deals on this site with a number of issues worth reflecting on, like the perception of time, comprehending eternity and the world of perceptions.

All the best.


Well-Known Member
At various points in the Qur'an, expressions like, "will you not take heed?", "...there is a sign for thinking men," lay stress on the importance of pondering upon the signs of God.

God has created an endless list of subjects for reflection. Everything we see and sense in the heavens and on the earth and in between is indeed a manifestation of God's creativity and, as such should be food for thought.



Well-Known Member
This is an extract from an article titled "The Ability to See the Signs of God":

In the Quran, God invites people to reject blindly accepting the beliefs and values society imposes on them and to ponder by pushing aside all the prejudices, taboos and constraints on their minds.

Man must think on how he came into being, what is the purpose of his life, why he will die and what awaits him after death. He must question how he himself and the whole universe came into existence and how they continue to exist. While doing this, he must relieve himself of all constraints and prejudices.

By thinking, while isolating his conscience from all social, ideological and psychological obligations, the person should eventually perceive that the entire universe, including himself, is created by a superior power. Even when he examines his own body or any other thing in nature, he will see an impressive harmony, plan and wisdom at work within its design.

At this point again, the Quran guides man. In the Quran, God guides us as to what we should reflect on and investigate. With the methods of reflection given in the Quran, he who has faith in God will better perceive God's perfection, eternal wisdom, knowledge and power in His creation. When a believing person starts to think in the way shown in the Quran, he soon realizes that the whole universe is a sign of God's power and art, and that, "nature is a work of art, not the artist itself". Every work of art exhibits the exceptional skills of the one who has made it and conveys his messages.

In the Quran, people are summoned to contemplate numerous events and objects that clearly testify to the existence and uniqueness of God and His attributes. In the Quran, all these beings that bear witness are designated as "signs", meaning "tested evidence, absolute knowledge and expression of truth". Therefore, the signs of God comprise all the beings in the universe that disclose and communicate the being and attributes of God. Those who can observe and remember will see that the entire universe is only composed of the signs of God.

This, indeed, is the responsibility of mankind; to be able to see the signs of God... Thus, such a person will come to know the Creator who created him and all other things, draw closer to Him, discover the meaning of his existence and his life and so prosper.


All the best.


Well-Known Member
This is an extract from an answer to the question:

What is the relation between science and Islam?

The essence of Islam is to incite the human brain to think, observe, analyze and reach sound conclusions. The very first words revealed to Muhammad, peace be upon him, carried an instruction to learn: *{Read!}* as well as a precise reference to a biological concept. Man is created from `alaq. This in Arabic means something that clings, referring to the clinging of a sperm to the ovum to start ovulation, or the subsequent clinging of the resulting zygote to the uterine wall. These first few verses end with a reminder of the bounties of Allah in guiding man to knowledge. They read what means:
*{Read! In the name of your Lord Who created. Created Man from `alaq (what clings, a clot clinging leech-like). Read! And your Lord is the Most Honorable, Who taught by the pen. He taught Man what he did not know.}* (Al-`Alaq 96:1-5)

All throughout the Qur’an, repeated references to scientific notions and facts are the main tools of motivating the intellect towards sound firm belief and noble values. This is as well as motivating the intellect towards a specific way of life. This is for the welfare of both the individual and society.
