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Questions that believers cannot answer


Well-Known Member
Ah, so I can only believe in those 4 religions deity. Weird.
What’s weird is that you think I’m telling you what to believe.
Also, your definition doesn't appear to be in the dictionary afaict
Merriam Webster
Definition of GOD
Closest is this: (in Christianity and other monotheistic religions) the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being.
But I'm not a monotheist, or Christian, so the definition doesn't apply.
Fine. Did I suggest that it should apply to you?


Well-Known Member
Not explicitly, but this being the General Debate Forum, it's an implicit assumption. There are discussion forums elsewhere for the non-debates.
So, when you and I offer different dictionary definitions of the word 'God', each of us is assuming that her/his preferred definition should apply to the other?

Is this really what you are saying?

The Hammer

Premium Member
So, when you and I offer different dictionary definitions of the word 'God', each of us is assuming that her/his preferred definition should apply to the other?

Is this really what you are saying?

In this section of the forum, that tends to be the case, yeah.

Don't like that assumption, post in discussions, not debates. Discussion will treat you as an equal, debate will treat you as an obstacle. (Hopefully)
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Well-Known Member
In this section of the forum, that tends to be the case, yeah.

Don't like that assumption, post in discussions, not debates. Discussion will treat you as an equal, debate will treat you as an obstacle. (Hopefully)
LOL! Sorry, Hammer, I just cannot see you as an obstacle to my Christian faith. That would be ridiculous.