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Psychic Flashes


Active Member
For the past 12 years, coinciding with my menopause, I have had what I describe as psychic flashes from time to time. Normally they are about fairly trivial events, however I have had one or two dealing with death. Three days before Diana died, it flashed into my mind that she was going to die, and the rest is history! Last Thursday I was sitting at my computer, when it flashed into my mind that my Great-Uncle was soon to die. I heard last night that he died yesterday, his heart attack had occurred last Thursday around the time I was using my computer! I was not close to my uncle, and have not seen him in the last 20/30 years, so it was not as if he had been on my mind.

Does anyone else have psychic flashes? Does anyone think people who experience this sort of thing are evil/demonically possessed?

I wonder how this sort of phenomenon works? I don't think it is 'supernatural' and suspect a mechanism will be discovered to explain it in time.


RF Addict
I think I receive those brief premonitions, but I only know that I have experienced them after the event, which leaves me quite skeptical as to their origin.

My logical thought on this is that I have experienced a similar event, have forgotten it, and the re-experience of a near-identical event retriggers the memory.

Next time you receive a premonition about something like Diana, please post it up, and we will see if it comes true or not - it is a easily verified event - the time of the post versus the time of the event.

As for being possessed, my demon tells me that I am not, and the demon should know, shouldn't he?:)


Flaming Queer
i remember when my great gran died, i was young, i knew she was in hospital, but my parents didn't tell me how severe her fall had been. anyway, she had been in hospital about 2 weeks, so i wasn't particularly worried, and one night as i was gazing otu of my window (which i did a lot of when i was younger) i saw a pearly white shimmer rising up to the skies. i cried, i knew it was my great gran, i could just feel it... and yeah, 10 minutes later the phone rang.

i know a lot of people with similar stories... i can't explain it myself, other than through the religious glasses with which i look at the world.


Active Member
What I consider strange is that I have had these 'flashes' concerning people or events not within my orbit, yet I haven't had many closer to home. My husband had a devastating brain haemorrhage in December 2006, it came as a complete surprise to me, I had no gut feeling about that!

Here is a prediction, (not mine). My youngest daughter is expecting her third child in May, she doesn't want to know the sex of the baby before it is born. My youngest sister, her godmother, has some psychic input like myself. She predicts the baby will be a little girl, my daughter has two boys. In our family you tend to have all of one sex. It will be interesting to see if my sister is correct, incidently she is not interested in children, never wanting any of her own. I will keep you posted!


The Feisty Penguin
I get those a lot as well, I try to document as many as I can for future reference.

Super Universe

Defender of God
For the past 12 years, coinciding with my menopause, I have had what I describe as psychic flashes from time to time. Normally they are about fairly trivial events, however I have had one or two dealing with death. Three days before Diana died, it flashed into my mind that she was going to die, and the rest is history! Last Thursday I was sitting at my computer, when it flashed into my mind that my Great-Uncle was soon to die. I heard last night that he died yesterday, his heart attack had occurred last Thursday around the time I was using my computer! I was not close to my uncle, and have not seen him in the last 20/30 years, so it was not as if he had been on my mind.

Does anyone else have psychic flashes? Does anyone think people who experience this sort of thing are evil/demonically possessed?

I wonder how this sort of phenomenon works? I don't think it is 'supernatural' and suspect a mechanism will be discovered to explain it in time.

Something is trying to get your attention but you are too concerned with other priorities, like yourself maybe?

And you might just have a talk with your relatives to see if any of them have similar abilities.


Unfortunately this is an instance of a Self Confirming. The next time you get a premonition write it down, date it, put it in an envelope and send it to the amazing randy (yes he is a real person google him). If it comes true then that is proof of psychic phenomenon and not only will he pay you $1,000,000 in cash, but I can guaranty you the Nobel Prize.

Otherwise as a skeptic I'm gonna say what is happening is you have many flashes about people, most of witch don't come true and are forgotten, however you are remembering the ones that do come true.


Premium Member
Honestly, my flashes aren't important enough to send to amazing randy (whoever that is). Seeing flashes of a movie that I did not know was going to be on, of TV shows that I did not know was on is hardly anything to get excited about. Besides, I have no reason to convince you that they are true, all that matters is that I know it. ;)

Rystefn K'ryll

Smiter of Infidels
YES, they ARE important enough to send to the Amazing Randi, and to the Nobel Committee if they're the real thing. The ability to accurately predict the future would the greatest advance in human understanding ever. Even if it were not, think of the good you could do with a million dollars. Yourself, your family... The only reason NOT to do it is the nagging understanding in the back of your mind that it's probably not real. It's called confirmation bias - where you remember the hits and forget the misses. It's not a character judgment against you, it's a very real thing that we all do if we're not very careful to avoid it.


Well-Known Member
I don't believe in ESP, or "PSYCHICS", mainly because if there were really such things they'd all be down at the race track. Most of it is just good or educated guesses. Remember, you only hear the ccorrect stuff, not all the stuff they missed.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
Unfortunately this is an instance of a Self Confirming. The next time you get a premonition write it down, date it, put it in an envelope and send it to the amazing randy (yes he is a real person google him). If it comes true then that is proof of psychic phenomenon and not only will he pay you $1,000,000 in cash, but I can guaranty you the Nobel Prize.

Can't anymore. From Wiki: "Starting on April 1, 2007 only those with an already existing media profile and the backing of a reputable academic would be allowed to apply for the challenge."

James Randi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The problem with what the OP is calling "psychic flashes" is that they are often erratic and highly personal. The experiences I've had with the dreams I posted earlier is that they are often composed very much of personal symbolism and emotion.

Which is not to make a claim of "ESP" or anything "paranormal." This sort of phenomena is really all about creating patterns and making connections. The brain is a powerful tool, and its ability to splice and form the reality we experience is often underestimated.

Rystefn K'ryll

Smiter of Infidels
Can't anymore. From Wiki: "Starting on April 1, 2007 only those with an already existing media profile and the backing of a reputable academic would be allowed to apply for the challenge."

If you can't get an academic to back you, that might be because it's not real. If you can't get the local news or newspaper to do a story about your psychic powers,l then you REALLY can't convince anyone - those people will run any story with no evidence of any kind.


The Feisty Penguin
Why is it so important to prove things to others? If one is happy keeping it private that makes it no less genuine in that person's eyes.


Well-Known Member
Mathematicians do it all the time.

It's the correct stuff that counts.

Do what, bet at the track? What has this to do with psychic ability?

No, it's whether the percentage of correct predictions is greater than that which can be obtained through educated guessing over a long period of time, I don't think such a thing has been done.

Rystefn K'ryll

Smiter of Infidels
Why is it so important to prove things to others? If one is happy keeping it private that makes it no less genuine in that person's eyes.

I think, as a general rule, it does. Concealing what would be the single greatest scientific find in history speaks to either serious mental disorders or an underlying belief in the fundamental unreality of the phenomenon... Knowledge that in the face of true, objective testing, it would be clearly shown false.


For the past 12 years, coinciding with my menopause, I have had what I describe as psychic flashes from time to time. Normally they are about fairly trivial events, however I have had one or two dealing with death. Three days before Diana died, it flashed into my mind that she was going to die, and the rest is history! Last Thursday I was sitting at my computer, when it flashed into my mind that my Great-Uncle was soon to die. I heard last night that he died yesterday, his heart attack had occurred last Thursday around the time I was using my computer! I was not close to my uncle, and have not seen him in the last 20/30 years, so it was not as if he had been on my mind.

Does anyone else have psychic flashes? Does anyone think people who experience this sort of thing are evil/demonically possessed?

I wonder how this sort of phenomenon works? I don't think it is 'supernatural' and suspect a mechanism will be discovered to explain it in time.

Those psychic flashes you had were the result of being able to capture the frequency of the all-knowing God. Just like tuning in to your favorite radio-fm station.:D