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overcoming pride?


Veteran Member: I Share (not Debate) my POV
How can one overcome pride?

And cultivate humility?
Sathya Sai Baba gives clear solutions to overcome pride and cultivate humility

Christianity cultivates pride instead
They claim: "my way is the highway"
This is spiritual pride, the worst of all

Exaltist Ethan

Bridging the Gap Between Believers and Skeptics
Pride is the cancer of Exaltism.

The only way to get rid of it is to remember that everything is currently temporary as it is right now. Before I exist again I will stop existing, after I die, for a long time. And so will everybody else.

I am reminded this by Baha'u'llah's short obligatory prayer.

"I bear witness, O my God, that Thou hast created me to know Thee and to worship Thee. I testify, at this moment, to my powerlessness and to Thy might, to my poverty and to Thy wealth. There is none other God but Thee, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting."


Believer in God
Premium Member
Because pride is destructive - for instance, look at what Putin's pride is doing in Ukraine

It is therefore not a positive trait - which means that one cannot be a good person whilst exhibiting it

And I have decided that I most certainly want to be a good person, I am working on this very hard

At the very least pride is anti-social and obnoxious, at most it can be the cause of great evil and suffering

Basically: It is unattractive and does harm and I want to be likeable and benign: that's the type of human I would like to become. Hence I want to be humble rather than full of pride.

And yes, I know that me saying that pride is bad and not for me is prideful, that by saying how bad it is and how much I don't wan't to be it is prideful...

You can't win :shrug:


Veteran Member
By understanding that no one lives a perfect life. By understanding that what ever you blame someone else for is probably something you have done on some level.
By doing away with judgement. Pride comes from thinking you are better in some way than someone else. In reality, everyone is broken.


Veteran Member
Because pride is destructive - for instance, look at what Putin's pride is doing in Ukraine
Excessive pride (or show thereof) is destructive. False pride (based on things you aren't responsible for) is foolish.
Pride itself is a positive feeling of accomplishment that motivates us to repeat the act that lead to the pride. Denying yourself that feeling will make you unmotivated and unproductive.
Be proud of your accomplishments but never forget, even when you have reached the top, that there may be someone out there who is better than you.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Because pride is destructive - for instance, look at what Putin's pride is doing in Ukraine

It is therefore not a positive trait - which means that one cannot be a good person whilst exhibiting it

And I have decided that I most certainly want to be a good person, I am working on this very hard

At the very least pride is anti-social and obnoxious, at most it can be the cause of great evil and suffering

Basically: It is unattractive and does harm and I want to be likeable and benign: that's the type of human I would like to become. Hence I want to be humble rather than full of pride.

And yes, I know that me saying that pride is bad and not for me is prideful, that by saying how bad it is and how much I don't wan't to be it is prideful...

You can't win :shrug:
I don't see it as anything like that, such as taking pride in your work or achievements.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Do they?

I can understand better awareness of mortality, but humility sounds a bit unlikely.
Huh, interesting. I thought the opposite.

Here's published research from the Journal of Positive Psychology. See attachment. ( Disclaimer: I have no idea how reputable it is, and I didn't read the entire thing ). It correlates recognition of own's one mortality with humility.

Because an accurate recognition of one’s limitations is often cited as a core component
of humility, it would follow that the humble person would have a keen sense of their own mortality.
So, there's at least a few people out there who think along the same trajectory as I was thinking.


  • Frias-DeathGratitude (1).pdf
    175.5 KB · Views: 1


How can one overcome pride?

And cultivate humility?
Because I believe that pride and arrogance are extremely delusional - outside of reality - the facts are within anyone to realize that their impression of themselves over others, are not justified. One can, if their willing, always find someone else smarter, stronger, prettier, more charming and eloquent, more charitable, and more competent than themselves.

Most people who have curbed their pride have usually done so not voluntarily, but it was imposed upon them - utter failure, rejection, humble pie, foot-in-mouth, ostracization, etc... Point is, again, their self-esteem was unsubstantiated.

One typical sign of arrogance is constant criticism and abuse - they don't prove that their better, they just try to give the impression that they are by 'correcting' and demeaning others - it's a game.
And yet, in truth, confident people make others feel confident, real tough people always protect those around them, but losers, tyrants and the arrogant always bring out the worst in others.

Ask yourself, which one are you, and why?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Huh, interesting. I thought the opposite.

Here's published research from the Journal of Positive Psychology. See attachment. ( Disclaimer: I have no idea how reputable it is, and I didn't read the entire thing ). It correlates recognition of own's one mortality with humility.

Because an accurate recognition of one’s limitations is often cited as a core component
of humility, it would follow that the humble person would have a keen sense of their own mortality.
So, there's at least a few people out there who think along the same trajectory as I was thinking.
I agree that awareness of mortality is correlated to humility. A necessary condition, even. But is it conductive to humility as well?

Maybe. I don't really see it, though.