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Ode To The Atheist


High Priestess
We believers often get lazy without even realizing it. We surround ourselves with like minded people and it starts to feel like everyone sees the world the same way.

When we come across a different point of view, we all too often close our hearts and throw up the iron gates. We are set in our belief and our faith, and any one who tries to shake the foundation is labeled ‘them’ and becomes separate from us.

I say love the atheist, be glad that they are here to keep us awake and alert. The atheist ask why, where, who, and how. We, too often, do not. Believers learn to see the world covered in the light of G**, the atheist reminds us of the darkness.

I am so glad to have found this forum, thank you for the diversity. There is diversity in nature, diversity in man, and diversity in spirit. Thank you all for showing me the purpose behind diversity---advancement.

I have found myself in debate with someone, and my blood pressure begins to rise. My defenses go up, and I’m ready to fight. But to believe means to love your enemies, not just those who already agree with you. I find when I allow my heart to stop fighting, and sending love instead, in the end, almost every time, the conclusion is this: “We don't disagree as much as it would seem”-LL

Bless those who shake our foundation and make yourself feel nothing but love. I found a poem that reminds me to have compassion for all non-Believers.

Excerpt: Ode to the Atheist
“They seek nothing more
than what they've found
in the realm of the physical
tangible ground.

all they can see
is what they can measure
all their eggs in one basket
no room for the treasure.”
-Robert Browning

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
EnhancedSpirit said:
We surround ourselves with like minded people and it starts to feel like everyone sees the world the same way.
Unfortunately, this is true of people of all belief systems. It leads directly to a smugness, a false sense of superiority, a scorn for those that do not agree with us, and a lessening of dialogue. Would that we could all see our own faults this well.



Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
The Voice of Reason said:
Unfortunately, this is true of people of all belief systems. It leads directly to a smugness, a false sense of superiority, a scorn for those that do not agree with us, and a lessening of dialogue. Would that we could all see our own faults this well.

True, which is why this forum is so wonderful - we are not all like minded, but there is respect for other's views, which is something quite unusual for today.:)


Active Member
Amen to all that. I think Atheists too need to learn to be more tolerant of Theists.. this forum is great.. just the right mixture of different areas to allow different levels of discussion.
Too often do debates resort to name calling in other forums or even worse - complete censorship to alternative viewpoints.


White Crow
Agreed, and that censorship quickly reinforces the smugness of both sides, i.e.: "Glad to see he finally got booted off!" vs. "Wow, I must have been getting to some people if they had to delete that post!


EnhancedSpirit said:
We believers often get lazy without even realizing it. We surround ourselves with like minded people and it starts to feel like everyone sees the world the same way.
I can't imagine what that's like. There are far and away more believers on the tiny planet we share than there are non-believers, much to my chagrin.

I say love the atheist, be glad that they are here to keep us awake and alert. The atheist ask why, where, who, and how. We, too often, do not. Believers learn to see the world covered in the light of G**, the atheist reminds us of the darkness.
I cannot possibly love someone I've never met, nor would I ever dare to qualify lightness over darkness.

Bless those who shake our foundation and make yourself feel nothing but love. I found a poem that reminds me to have compassion for all non-Believers.
Excerpt: Ode to the Atheist
“They seek nothing more
than what they've found
in the realm of the physical
tangible ground.

all they can see
is what they can measure
all their eggs in one basket
no room for the treasure.”
-Robert Browning
That's not "compassion"; it's pity, which nobody needs. And just what, exactly, is this elusive "treasure"?


New Member
Treasure? Atheists have no room for treasure? Treasure is different to eveyrone. If i do not believe in god, does that mean i have no treasure? Treasure exists in the heart and you do not need to believe in an unknown being to gain it. Friends, family, laughter, and happiness: that's real treasure.


all they can see
is what they can measure
all their eggs in one basket
no room for the treasure.”
Note that it says the treasure. What I think this means is that atheists only believe in what they can see, hear, smell, etc. They do not believe in 'the treasure' that is God, heaven, etc.

I could be wrong, of course.


Active Member
I know you had good intentions in posting this, but I can't help but feel the pity here like the others.

I say love the atheist, be glad that they are here to keep us awake and alert. The atheist ask why, where, who, and how. We, too often, do not. Believers learn to see the world covered in the light of G**, the atheist reminds us of the darkness.

I am not here to bring you down. My intent is not to show you that there is no light, the world is dark and gloomy. I embrace existence for what it is, God or no God. To say that atheists remind you of the darkness in the world comes off as you saying that atheists remind you the world isn't perfect. While I don't believe this was your intent, I do feel offended by it.

“They seek nothing more
than what they've found
in the realm of the physical
tangible ground.

all they can see
is what they can measure
all their eggs in one basket
no room for the treasure.”

All they seek is what they can measure? How do I measure love? I can't, but I still seek it. I am not couting my money, measuring it and weighing my successes over other people. All their eggs in one basket? Since when is that a positive thing.

I seek to know the truth. I don't want to blind myself with faith in something I cannot verify and have found reasons to not believe in. If there is a God, he will respect me for not going along with the crowd and believing just because. I will not build the foundation of my life on something I cannot verify to be true.


Obstructor of justice
I agee with sparc - while I'm sure your intentions were not malicious, it does come off as offensive.


Well-Known Member
*Lies back & basks in a warm golden glow of enlightenment*

Excerpt: Ode to the Atheist
“They seek nothing more
than what they've found
in the realm of the physical
tangible ground.

all they can see
is what they can measure
all their eggs in one basket
no room for the treasure.”
-Robert Browning

I do not in any way feel threatened by this,for I know the value of earth majick & the secrets it does hold.

It's not like she is claiming to have met G.. or anything....

Such beautiful chakra based clours too,very beautiful.......Yah Beauty!
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Active Member
We believers often get lazy without even realizing it. We surround ourselves with like minded people and it starts to feel like everyone sees the world the same way.

When we come across a different point of view, we all too often close our hearts and throw up the iron gates. We are set in our belief and our faith, and any one who tries to shake the foundation is labeled ‘them’ and becomes separate from us.

I say love the atheist, be glad that they are here to keep us awake and alert. The atheist ask why, where, who, and how. We, too often, do not. Believers learn to see the world covered in the light of G**, the atheist reminds us of the darkness.

I am so glad to have found this forum, thank you for the diversity. There is diversity in nature, diversity in man, and diversity in spirit. Thank you all for showing me the purpose behind diversity---advancement.

I have found myself in debate with someone, and my blood pressure begins to rise. My defenses go up, and I’m ready to fight. But to believe means to love your enemies, not just those who already agree with you. I find when I allow my heart to stop fighting, and sending love instead, in the end, almost every time, the conclusion is this: “We don't disagree as much as it would seem”-LL

Bless those who shake our foundation and make yourself feel nothing but love. I found a poem that reminds me to have compassion for all non-Believers.

Excerpt: Ode to the Atheist
“They seek nothing more
than what they've found
in the realm of the physical
tangible ground.

all they can see
is what they can measure
all their eggs in one basket
no room for the treasure.”
-Robert Browning

Thank you for the post - I agree - I too enjoy this forum and have learned to be more open-minded and compassionate towards others with different views.

And please understand that atheists are not all analytical people who can't see beyond the tangible world. I myself recognize the wonder, beauty and mystery of the world around me and am in awe of it on a daily basis. My life is full of love and treasure! I just don't have the answers for life's greatest mysteries. I think they are beyond human comprehension......or my comprehension anyway. So no need to pity me! :)


Well-Known Member
I appreciate the sentiment, but the presentation is a little condescending.

Just someone who dosen't realise the power of the dark & knows this...she is open & non-judgemental....

Light is just darkness illuminated,darkness is just light unrealised(by her).

She accepts this Nando,she is non-judgemental & speaks in love.Yet you feel the need to judge her?

I always approach in love,after having approached myself in great love for great healing...

I genuinely feel that you have some sort of blockage Nando,with good reason too!I have no doubt in you whatsoever.

You have the treasure too.Great unconditional Love.

Which should be free, without fear or prejudice.....Just maybe you fear being judged by others for expressing the great love you have.

Tis Beauty unrealised.....(imho,as I am not you-just a vgreat admirer :flirt:)

Work upon yourself Texan1,you are a far greater emotional body attached to the small carbon based lifeform we inhabit.

You are perfect,godseed, composed of the exact same elements as the stars,for they are energy too.Which you can harness & gain an understanding of.

Start small & simple,then try to handle the exponential ramification as it presents itself as best you can,in love....no barrier of ignorance should hold you back or impede your growth.

All the best,

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simon says to, that's why
i once briefly converted an atheist..which is odd, because i am not religious by any stretch of the imagination.

i say briefly because i never saw him again and do not know what he did when he left my cigar shop. he dropped by, started complaining about the itenerant street preachers in the area, and we just got to discussing stuff. when he got all holier-than-thou about how atheists were somehow superior to religious folk, i just started debating religion with him...dunno why, just was something fun to do at the time.

he was describing how he had trouble with the literal tale of adam and eve, when evolution seemed to him to be pure unadulterated fact. (i take nothing, nothing, nothing as a fact...i only believe in interpretation, even in the face of overwhelming evidence...water might be wet to others but to me, it's an opinion.).

so i said, "well, you were once an infant, right? do you remember being an infant? the whole 'pre-speech' experience and so on?"

"of course not. my brain was not developed sufficiently to form an outstanding memory of that."

"oh. maybe the prehistoric race of men were the human species in their infancy, then. they were out tapping on rocks with their clubs and whatnot, and so many generations went by and then they grew a bigger brain which was developed sufficiently to form morals and ethics."

or some such, after all, i'm talking about an event that happened like a dozen or so years ago.

"so you're saying that adam and eve is a catchall term describing an adult and cavemen are our species in it's infancy."

"well, maybe. i dunno...i'm just talking because i'm bored."

"well, i'm going to go home and join a church. you really convinced me."

there was not a trace of sarcasm in his tone.

i just looked at him and thought, "Criminy, he doesn't much stand by his convictions. no doubt he'll be a hindu next week.".

and sold him the most expensive cigar in the shop.
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Vasilisa Jade

Formerly Saint Tigeress
I say love the atheist, be glad that they are here to keep us awake and alert. The atheist ask why, where, who, and how. We, too often, do not. Believers learn to see the world covered in the light of G**, the atheist reminds us of the darkness.

Atheism I don't think has much darkness. It is very logical and scientific. Not "dark" though, in the way you are thinking me thinks. If you are looking for some fun with darkness, do some studying up on Laveyan Satanism, Necromancy. and general Occult paths. That is where darkness is really illuminated.

I am so glad to have found this forum, thank you for the diversity. There is diversity in nature, diversity in man, and diversity in spirit. Thank you all for showing me the purpose behind diversity---

“We don't disagree as much as it would seem”-LL
Where you come to realize this will shock the heck out of you sometimes.

Bless those who shake our foundation and make yourself feel nothing but love. I found a poem that reminds me to have compassion for all non-Believers.
You are a very beautiful person. But I don't think this poem is very compassionate. More belittling. You probably just overlooked it.

Ode to the Atheist
“They seek nothing more
than what they've found
in the realm of the physical
tangible ground.

See this implies a lack of curiosity, desire to learn...

all they can see
is what they can measure
all their eggs in one basket
no room for the treasure.” -Robert Browning

This implies that they do not have room for something they should want, when they simply might have already sized up the "treasure" and then decided agianst it.

Just someone who dosen't realise the power of the dark & knows this...she is open & non-judgemental....

Light is just darkness illuminated,darkness is just light unrealised(by her).
That is one of the coolest things I have ever heard. Big bouncy frOObles for you!:D


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
The image of atheism and atheists expressed in the OP is disturbing in the same way viewing a sickness can be disturbing.