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Nikola Tesla was rejected


Well-Known Member
Much is discovered here. You can steal
the Present from me, but the Future is mine'', the song
``T\'ir N\'a N\'og'' predicts rejection: ``The world you
left, it forgot your name''. I am a humble genius. Why? Either Stupidity or Geniality, no other gods out there. God is spirit, and there are two spirits: Stupidity and Geniality. I do not have both, for ``I am not possessed by a demon'' John 8:49. Faith is not blind; it is faithfulness to Knowledge, and such a definition of faith proves God of Science. Therefore, Atheism is heresy. If nobody loves Bob, then Bob needs to make everybody unjustly hate him; because the goodness and evil must grow (Revelation 22:11) to give the world taste and hope.

Why? The Bible verse from Revelation tells it: "He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still." Revelation 22:11.

No problem, I will be dead in 50 years or less. So, let me my fun to be genius or think to be one.
I have proven abc conjecture.
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Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
To those who reject me, I will answer with the words of the great visionary Nikola Tesla [strengthened by me]: ``You can steal the Present from me, but the Future is mine'', for this Rhyme of the Celtic Woman song ``T\'ir N\'a N\'og'' predicts the unfair total rejection: ``The world you left, it forgot your name''. Nothing I can do: it is the total eclipse of the hearts (a Rhyme from Bonnie Tyler's song). I am a humble genius, for there is: Sirach 4:30, ``Do not withhold the word when it can help.'' Why? Either Stupidity or Geniality, no other gods out there. God is spirit, there are two spirits: either Stupidity or Geniality. Many ones appear to have both, but I am special: ``I am not possessed by a demon'' John 8:49. Theism is faith (not blind one, the true faith is loyalty/faithfulness to Knowledge, and such definition of faith proves the God of Science). Atheism is heresy, blasphemy, and superstition.
Sorry to say this @questfortruth but the more you glorify your self, the more people will see you in a light of selfishness and they see that you only want attention at your self, not your wordly understanding.

I honestly do not wish to offend you.


Well-Known Member
I hae no reason to harm either
If nobody loves Bob, but Bob is saint, then Bob needs to make everybody unjustly hate him. Why? Because the goodness and evil must grow. If Peter loves Bob, Bob needs to strengthen this love. If John does not love Bob, Bob needs to make him hate Bob.

Why? The Bible verse from Revelation tells it: "He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still." Revelation 22:11.

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
Atheism is heresy, blasphemy, and superstition.
Spout that to all the other faiths in disagreement with your particular version - but you aren't capable I presume - given you have this BIAS as to believing one particular version of religious truth. Almost every comment you make disproves the intelligence you seem to claim - but just tells as to your gullibility or preference as to believing in one version of religion out of so many others. Now where might that come from?

Carry On As Usual though - might be a film in it. :oops:
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Bathos Logos

Active Member
If nobody loves Bob, but Bob is saint, then Bob needs to make everybody unjustly hate him. Why? Because the goodness and evil must grow. If Peter loves Bob, Bob needs to strengthen this love. If John does not love Bob, Bob needs to make him hate Bob.
This makes absolutely no sense. What about being at least neutral? Why isn't that an option? Oh wait... now I see... because "Bible":
Why? The Bible verse from Revelation tells it: "He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still." Revelation 22:11.
There is nothing of worth in what you are saying. It is just you raving because you are upset that people won't accept your ideas at face value, and you are doubly upset at the fact that you have no proper justification to present for holding your beliefs. No good evidence. Not even sound reasoning or logic. And all you do when you are informed of this is double-down and post even more hatred and misinformation about "atheists" (whatever you seem to think that word means), and more music videos and movie clips - apparently because you believe they strengthen your case. Goodness knows your case doesn't stand on its own!


Veteran Member
I am a humble genius.
I'm a middling intellect myself, with a fairly mediocre formal education, but I'm inclined to disbelieve both of those claims, based on your grandiloquent self aggrandizing threads, and the bat ***t crazy nonsense you keep posting.