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New End Times Countdown


Veteran Member
The problem with quoting the Bible is that it's often easy to find a contradiction in this case Revelation 21 Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea."

In Scripture I find heaven can refer to what is above us such as the mid-heavens where the birds fly, and also governmental heavens ruling over mankind. Sometimes governing is also likened to being mountain like over us.
The ' NEW heavens and NEW earth ' mentioned in Revelation is in connection to Isaiah 65:17-25 describing the good peaceful conditions coming to earth under Christ's coming rulership.
The NEW heavens and the NEW earth of 2 Peter 3:13.
Please notice there are three (3) heavens and three (3) earth's mentioned in verses 5, 7, 13
* The heavens and earth of OLD ( heaven and earth of Noah's day )
* The heavens and earth of NOW ( since Noah's day to our Now day ) This way of ruling will be gone. - Rev. 20:11
* The heavens and earth of NEW ( a cleansed new society. Humble meek inheriting earth under a righteous heavens, or meaning Jesus' coming millenium-long day of governing over Earth in righteousness)
This is in connection to Isaiah' swords at Isaiah 66:22 showing the NEW will remain. (Proverbs 2:21-22)
2 Peter 3:10 is about the NOW governmental heavens, or the governments NOW over mankind. Not about God's heavenly home. As far as the symbolic sea of Revelation 21:1 being No more, that is also in connection to Isaiah's words at Isaiah 57:20. The restless wicked ' sea of mankind ' will be No more. Or as Psalms 92:7 says the wicked destroyed forever. Please also notice how ' water ' is used to symbolize or stand for ' people ' at Revelation 17:1 B; Revelation 17:15.


Veteran Member
Believe it or not I have an olive tree, and its leaves are out as they have been every July 1 ever since I got it. So being that the season is ripe and the summer is neigh, as it has been every year for the last two thousand years, what's he waiting for?

I have a nifty piece of olive-tree wood. Awesome that you have a healthy olive tree.
Don't know when olive tree leaves are out in Jerusalem as Jesus was referring.

We need to make the connection between the ripe growing season and Jesus words of Matthew chapter 24.
When Jesus' composite sign is being completed (such as Matthew 24:14) then we know the season is ripe.
Luke 21:11 even gives us a detailed adjective by describing the type of earthquakes that would be occurring in our day by using the word ' great ' to describe the earthquakes. Even a Tsunami can be a great earthquake.

So, 2,000 years ago an apostasy set in as mentioned at Acts of the Apostles 20:29-30. Jesus connected that to genuine ' wheat ' Christians growing together over the centuries with fake ' weed/tares ' Christians until the later Harvest Time. The Harvest Time, or the soon coming ' Time of Separation ' as mentioned at Matthew 25:31-33.

So, what he has been waiting for is for mankind to populate the Earth as mentioned at Genesis 1:28 ( meaning giving us the opportunity to be born and think who we would like as Sovereign over us ), and the ' final phase ' of Matthew 24:14 with the now international proclaiming about God's kingdom government, in the hands of Christ Jesus, being the solution to mankind's problems.


Veteran Member
So, what he has been waiting for is for mankind to populate the Earth as mentioned at Genesis 1:28 ( meaning giving us the opportunity to be born and think who we would like as Sovereign over us ), and the ' final phase ' of Matthew 24:14 with the now international proclaiming about God's kingdom government, in the hands of Christ Jesus, being the solution to mankind's problems.

Matthew 24:14
14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a testimony unto all the nations; and then shall the end come.​

As if after having heard all this preaching everyone is going to jump on board Christianity? Hardly. While number-wise there will likely be more Christians, so to will there be more non-Christians. More fodder for the fires down below. And being omniscient, god knows this. So it's a strange game he's playing. "I need more Christians worshiping me, and when I get enough adoration I'll bring down the axe, and all the non-Christians be damned---literally.



Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I'm going to train my LARP character, cast a spell that day, and from there on claim my character saved the world from foretold doom! :D


Thou art That
True, I find Revelation is written in very-vivid word pictures for us, but to me that does Not [make?] me hallucinogenic.

I don't see anyone suggesting that. What I DID say was that the imagery found in Revelation is consistent with that of subjects under the influence of hallucinogens, and that hallucinogenic fungi grow rampant on the island of Patmos, where John wrote Revelation.

Jesus will come and undo all the damage Satan and Adam brought upon us.

No one brought it upon us but ourselves, Satan being a projection of the ego onto an imaginary enemy, and the 'sin' of Adam concocted by the priests in order frighten their congregations into extracting tribute to line their own pockets...in the name of God, of course. The story of The Fall as has been handed down to us is a corrupted one. The real story is that God wanted his children to partake of the 'Forbidden Fruit' because it is a symbol of divine union, which is the entire point of any religious endeavor. And so, God reappears to Adam & Eve as a serpent to ensure that they eat of it. Story end. No sin. No Satan. No Hell. Goal of divine union achieved, and everyone lived happily ever after....until some ambitious types twisted the scriptures to suit their selfish agendas.


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Therefore on September 23, 2017 the world will end. Definitely this time. That is why I need your financial support, so I can help make more people aware that this event is coming!


Veteran Member
Matthew 24:14
14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a testimony unto all the nations; and then shall the end come.​
As if after having heard all this preaching everyone is going to jump on board Christianity? Hardly. .............. And being omniscient, god knows this. So it's a strange game he's playing. "I need more Christians worshiping me, and when I get enough adoration I'll bring down the axe, and all the non-Christians be damned---literally.

Yes, I totally agree " hardly " because the kingdom good news is for a 'witness' or a 'testimony' to ALL nations.
Please notice it does Not say as a 'conversion' of nations, but it's a proclaiming notice to them.
Please also notice Jesus' words at Matthew 7:13-14 that the majority are on the b-r-o-a-d road.
In Noah's day the majority were on the b-r-o-a-d road, and Jesus' said like the days of Noah at Matthew 24:37.

God can know everything "IF" He chose to do so. The gift of free-will choices shows there are things He does Not choose to know. God did Not create us as no-choice robots or automatons.
God gifted Earth to us according to Psalms 115:16, but what we do with Earth is by our own choice.
So, the thing we can give to God is our obeying His Golden Rule. God does Not own our choices.
God will only bring to ruin those ruining the Earth according to Revelation 11:18 B so that righteous mankind can finally live in Peace on Earth.

Did you notice the figurative humble ' sheep ' of Matthew 25:31-33,37 are Not mentioned as being Christian.
Jesus, as Shepherd, does the separating work judging as to who are humble righteous sheep-like ones.

Think about this:
The majority of mankind have lived and died without ever hearing about Jesus before they died.
That means most people who have ever lived were Not Christians. (John 3:13)
Romans 6:7; Romans 6:23 covers them because death is the price tag sin pays. No double jeopardy there.
No post-mortem penalty for the dead. I find Jesus' ransom, according to Matthew 20:28, covers MANY.
So, unless one has committed the unforgivable sin of Matthew 12:32; Hebrews 6:4-6 they will have a resurrection.
A resurrection on Jesus' millennium-long day of governing over Earth. A resurrection is Not an ax (axe) but the opportunity to gain 'everlasting life' as originally offered to Adam before his downfall.


Veteran Member
[QUOTE="Brickjectivity, post: 5235466, member: 41354"
Therefore on September 23, 2017 the world will end. Definitely this time. That is why I need your financial support, so I can help make more people aware that this event is coming! [/QUOTE]

Why not follow in Paul's footsteps (Acts of the Apostles 18:3), and get a job making tents to support yourself in your ministry.
Oh, I just remembered there is a TV preacher who thinks if his followers' contributions buy him a plane he can make more people aware of what is coming.


Veteran Member
I don't see anyone suggesting that. What I DID say was that the imagery found in Revelation is consistent with that of subjects under the influence of hallucinogens, and that hallucinogenic fungi grow rampant on the island of Patmos, where John wrote Revelation.
No one brought it upon us but ourselves, Satan being a projection of the ego onto an imaginary enemy, and the 'sin' of Adam concocted by the priests in order frighten their congregations into extracting tribute to line their own pockets...in the name of God, of course. The story of The Fall as has been handed down to us is a corrupted one. The real story is that God wanted his children to partake of the 'Forbidden Fruit' because it is a symbol of divine union, which is the entire point of any religious endeavor. And so, God reappears to Adam & Eve as a serpent to ensure that they eat of it. Story end. No sin. No Satan. No Hell. Goal of divine union achieved, and everyone lived happily ever after....until some ambitious types twisted the scriptures to suit their selfish agendas.

The imagery found in Revelation is consistent with the writings of the prophet Daniel's book.

Correct. I agree, No one brought 'it' upon us but we ourselves because we do Not have to disobey.
We all can freely choose to obey the Golden Rule or Not. Most freely choose Not to obey the Golden Rule.
God did forbid the partaking of the forbidden fruit according to Genesis 2:17.
By God saying 'do Not touch' was as if God put up a 'No trespassing sign' on that forbidden tree.
Angelic Satan merely used a serpent in Eden as a ventriloquist uses his dummy.
There is No 'non-biblical hell'. Biblical hell is just the temporary grave for the sleeping dead - Ecclesiastes 9:5.
That is why Jesus taught sleep in death at John 11:11-14, besides what it says at Psalms 115:17; Psalms 146:4.
Especially when un-faithful Jews began mixing with the Greeks they adopted their philosophies or theories and began teaching a non-biblical hell of burning forever as being Scripture but definitely is Not Scripture.
Bible hell is just mankind's temporary grave until Resurrection Day meaning Jesus' coming millennium-long day of governing over Earth when enemy death will be No more according to 1 Corinthians 15:26; Isaiah 25:8.


Veteran Member
God can know everything "IF" He chose to do so. The gift of free-will choices shows there are things He does Not choose to know.
Yeah, this old Christian apologetic nonsense again.

Let's straighten one thing out,

verb: know; 3rd person present:
1.be aware of through observation, inquiry, or information.
know [noh]

verb (used with object), knew, known, knowing.
1.to perceive or understand as fact or truth; to apprehend clearly and with certainty:
I know the situation fully.
2.to have established or fixed in the mind or memory:
to know a poem by heart; Do you know the way to the park from here?
3.to be cognizant or aware of:
I know it.
If one knows something they are aware/cognizant of that something. If one is not aware/cognizant of that something then they don't know it. If I say I know X, (the bread is buttered), then I'm aware/cognizant of X, (the bread is buttered). Likewise, when god is said to be omniscience---the condition of knowing X, (everything)--- it means he's aware/cognizant of X, (everything). It's not an on-off kind of operation where he may not know something and to do so must choose to know it. Either one knows everything and would, by definition, be omniscient, or they don't know everything and, by definition, not be omniscient. Just as I can't say that I know X = Y, although I'll have to have time to go to the library to find it out, god can't be declared to be omniscient, although he still has to find out if A = B.

Sorry, but ya can't have it both ways.



Veteran Member
Yes, we can have it both ways. God can choose to know everything or Not know everything.
God chooses Not to be aware of our choices in advance.
If we had No choices there would be No need to ask us to repent - 2 Peter 3:9.

I find God's gift of free-will choices shows God chooses Not to know everything.
That is why we are Not programmed robots or automatons.
We are given the choice to obey the Golden Rule and Jesus' New commandment or Not. ( John 13:34-35 )


Thou art That
Yes, we can have it both ways. God can choose to know everything or Not know everything.
God chooses Not to be aware of our choices in advance.
If we had No choices there would be No need to ask us to repent - 2 Peter 3:9.

I find God's gift of free-will choices shows God chooses Not to know everything.

ha ha...then God can choose to be God or not be God. IOW, he can do away with himself, if he so chooses, like the Cheshire Cat.




Veteran Member
ha ha...then God can choose to be God or not be God. IOW, he can do away with himself, if he so chooses, like the Cheshire Cat.

God is immortal ( death proof ) God can Not die. God is for everlasting according to Psalms 90:2.
However, there are things God can Not do such as: God can Not lie - Titus 1:2; Hebrews 6:18.


Grand Hat
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God is immortal ( death proof ) God can Not die. God is for everlasting according to Psalms 90:2.
However, there are things God can Not do such as: God can Not lie - Titus 1:2; Hebrews 6:18.

God cannot lie?? How could you possibly know that? You can believe it, but it's not possible for you to know it, even accepting God's existence, and even assuming a Christian God.


Veteran Member
Yes, we can have it both ways. God can choose to know everything or Not know everything.
God chooses Not to be aware of our choices in advance.
If we had No choices there would be No need to ask us to repent - 2 Peter 3:9.

I find God's gift of free-will choices shows God chooses Not to know everything.
That is why we are Not programmed robots or automatons.
We are given the choice to obey the Golden Rule and Jesus' New commandment or Not. ( John 13:34-35 )
I'm sorry, but I sometimes forget Jonathan Swift's advice.




Thou art That
Yes, we can have it both ways. God can choose to know everything or Not know everything.

Well, look here: when God does choose to know everything, and then chooses to not know everything, he is faced with already knowing everything. IOW, he faces an impossible situation. Knowing everythig, he cannot possibly not know everything. It's a ridiculous proposition, and silly fantasy on the part of the Christian mentality. All God can ever hope to do is to pretend to not know everything. If he is convinced of this, then he becomes a fool.
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Veteran Member
God cannot lie?? How could you possibly know that? You can believe it, but it's not possible for you to know it, even accepting God's existence, and even assuming a Christian God.

What I am posting is what the Bible really teaches, so, I possibly do know, according to the Bible as it says at Titus 1:2 and Hebrews 6:18, that God can not lie. So, a person can believe that the Bible actually does say that God can not lie.


Grand Hat
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What I am posting is what the Bible really teaches, so, I possibly do know, according to the Bible as it says at Titus 1:2 and Hebrews 6:18, that God can not lie. So, a person can believe that the Bible actually does say that God can not lie.

Sure, but it's the old paradox, right?
God doesn't lie. How do you know? Because God said so (via the Bible).