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New: Axioms of Metaphysics


Well-Known Member
1.] The mind exists at individual points in metric space but shares a single point in sub-space. This would explain why non local mind can exist.

2.] The human brain resonates between material and immaterial levels of reality. Reality has its own frequency because it IS energy.

3.] The world and the body appear within consciousness, rather that the other way around.

4.] The higher dimension contains the separation, effecting the non-separation.

5.] When man is unprotected he will become prey to a type of logic that resides in reality(the thing we incorrectly believe can only be perceived and not mind connection that fills our flesh and blood bodies as well as everything else and thus results in non-separation and hence limitlessness).

6.] Self and non-self or God and non-God merge to become the one that distributes over the one.
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Well-Known Member
The gift of experiencing 'Ego Death" (Christof Koch)

EXCERPTS: Near-death experiences can resemble powerful psychedelic ones. My own psychic death came about with the help of a mighty molecule, 5-MeO-DMT, rather than any physical or medical trauma. In its awful intensity—awful in the original meaning of “worthy of respect or fear, striking with awe”—this experience exceeds anything else in my life.

[...] I ceased to exist in any recognizable way, shape, or form. No more Christof, no more ego, no more self; no memories, dreams, desires, hopes, fears—everything personal was stripped away. Nothing was left but a nonself: this remaining essence wasn’t man, woman, child, animal, spirit, or anything else; it didn’t want anything, expect anything, think anything, remember anything, dread anything. But it experienced. It saw a point of cold white light of unbearable intensity, a timeless universe convulsed to a blazing, icy light. That and a profound feeling of both terror and ecstasy, the awfulness of pure experience lasting indefinitely—for there was no perception of time. The experience wasn’t brief or long. It simply was.

River Sea

Active Member
It saw a point of cold white light of unbearable intensity, a timeless universe convulsed to a blazing, icy light. That and a profound feeling of both terror and ecstasy, the awfulness of pure experience lasting indefinitely—for there was no perception of time. The experience wasn’t brief or long. It simply was.


I witness white light who feeds me fire-burn unconditional love warmth

so I don't comprehend cold

I never comprehended white light as cold

Can you help me understand cold?
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Well-Known Member

I witness white light who feeds me fire-burn unconditional love warmth

so I don't comprehend cold

I never comprehended white light as cold

Can you help me understand cold?

In recent scientific literature, Quantum effects are seen to occur in biological systems. In a sense, all of biology is quantum based, because it depends on atoms and molecules, which exhibit phenomenon unheard of by those who believe strictly in a classical or metaphysical naturalistic primitivity.

The earth's magnet field can interact with some birds' eyes to guide them on their journey across the globe. It was previously believed that this form of quantum entanglement could not occur in a warm, wet environment. But this was dismissed as false later on.

Whenever someone hears of such phenomenon as you personally experience at times, it can be chalked up to quantum effects. The "supernatural" mind can undeniably experience a 6th sense.


Well-Known Member
Now for the finale (as far as the axioms go):

8.] Every conscious being is one conscious being existing in parallel, experiencing themselves as a separate and distinct lifeform.

9.] Mind = Reality = Language. Reality enters the mind in the form of language or syntax.

10.] Reality is self-perceptual. Reality observes itself.

11.] Death is an illusion of change. Whereas objects exist within time and space, reality does not.
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River Sea

Active Member
I'm looking up the word axioms


I looked up word axioms and that means
An axiom, postulate, or assumption is a statement that is taken to be true, to serve as a premise or starting point for further reasoning and arguments.

How come some people tell me what my motivation is?

Can I use the word axiom this way? Because what axiom is this of me when others tells me what my motivation is? Because what is truth if some people tells me what my motivation is? Are they reading what of me?

So lets practice using the word Axioms

Is there any Axioms in learning from books about how much straw is needed in burnt bake bricks compare to mud bricks?

Can you show me how to use the word Axiom with how to make burnt bake bricks needing 50% of straw compare to mud bricks needing 1% of straw

How would I use this word Axiom with the amount of straw that's needed to make a brick?

Can the word Axiom be used with how to make a brick?
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River Sea

Active Member

quantum entanglement could not occur in a warm, wet environment. But this was dismissed as false later on.

quantum: The nature and behavior of matter and energy

I'm actually new to the words quantum and Axiom

About temperature, in spirituality, isn't really the same as temperature in physical?

The area I wanted to explore was the direction

Spiritually we feed from light who feeds us fire-burn, but this fire doesn't catch anything on fire

So when I write that way it sounds like I'm writing about temperature of heat, but it's not the same as temperature of physicals

When we leave our physical bodies we're directed towards light and see light in people radiate outward

so I was thinking we go through a membrane when we go through the tunnel that I learn from @dybmh explain about shechina

On this side of the membrane we can feed from light who lives in us, but there's a resistance to feed from light, compare to on the other side of the membrane, we're drawn to feed from light and it's a resistance to try to not to feed from light

Meaning there's a pull to light on the other side of the membrane a pull to drink from light so it's impossible not to drink from light, so to pull away from light there's a resistance.

So how much freewill do we have, where when in physicals bodies, we're pulled to stay on earth with the spiritual environment that actually makes it more difficult to drink from light

We all go to light when we physically pass away, so if that's the case, how is that then freewill as it seems this directions is what controls us

This is why here on this side of membrane I allow light in me teach me how to drink from light with in my situations

so can you explain more about the cold in quantum and then how there's warmth too., or only cold, but that's only the physicals you're writing about the temperature?

How come now they think warmth can be of quantum too now?

I don't know what the temperature is in space, as does there need what for temperature
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Be your own guru
I am as sure of God as the shortest distance between A and B must be a straight line.
Should we term them as straight lines or curved lines in a warped space?



Well-Known Member
We live in space-time where space and time are bound together like two people in a three legged race. We can bend, stretch and compress space-time, via gravity, relativity, mass geometry and velocity, all without taking off the tethers of the three legged race. Metaphysics is connected to those situations where the tethers of space-time are removed and space and time can each act as independent variables.

For example tethered space-time has a speed limit; speed of light. Like in a three legged race, the tether make its harder for the two contestants to run as fast together as separate. But if we took off the tether of space-time, each variable has more options. If one could move in space, without the constraint of time, they could everywhere at the same; omni-present. With the tether, we need to be at one place at a time.

If we were to overlay space-time; physical reality, with separated space and separated time, we will get a composite effect. This is where the classical metaphysical world appears and interacts with physical reality. The Philosophy of Science attempted to separate the two realms, and only look at space-time. But it eventually conceded the impact of the other realm, by attaching it via the idea of a probabilistic universe, where the exceptions of separated space and time, can appear among the rules of space-time; quantum physics.

The human imagination appears to be able to operate, moving information in a way, that resembles separated space and time. For example, in historical fiction, we have a blend of space-time proven reality; facts, overlaid with fantasy, that appears possible and interesting, but is not connected to the reality of space-time, other than on paper; fictional characters. On the other hand, science fiction often anticipates the future of technology. This is like adding independent time stamp to our own place in space-time; future of what may be but not yet manifest in our space-time. The prophets of old did the same thing; add time potential.

The wild card is the human brain has two centers of consciousness. The primary is the inner self which is connected to the evolution of animal consciousness and is wired into our DNA; firmware based. The much newer secondary center, common to only humans, is the ego or conscious mind. This appeared with the rise of civilization. The ego gives us will and choice, apart from the primary; loss of natural instinct. Separated space and time processing can be done by both centers, for personal and group; collective, effects.

The primary can even project. Projection is where the primary center, processes information composites and uses the same internal pathways, as the sensory system, so it can trigger ego arousal and attention via the brain stem; eureka. The effect appears to enter through the senses but is more like an internal movie overlay. The great sculpture Michelangelo said, he saw the finished products, trapped in the stone and all he did was let it out.



Well-Known Member
12.] Reality is the set of all things that exist. This, as we can see, leads to the self-inclusion paradox. Reality is the subset as well as the powerset of itself.


Well-Known Member
We live in space-time where space and time are bound together like two people in a three legged race. We can bend, stretch and compress space-time, via gravity, relativity, mass geometry and velocity, all without taking off the tethers of the three legged race. Metaphysics is connected to those situations where the tethers of space-time are removed and space and time can each act as independent variables.

For example tethered space-time has a speed limit; speed of light. Like in a three legged race, the tether make its harder for the two contestants to run as fast together as separate. But if we took off the tether of space-time, each variable has more options. If one could move in space, without the constraint of time, they could everywhere at the same; omni-present. With the tether, we need to be at one place at a time.

If we were to overlay space-time; physical reality, with separated space and separated time, we will get a composite effect. This is where the classical metaphysical world appears and interacts with physical reality. The Philosophy of Science attempted to separate the two realms, and only look at space-time. But it eventually conceded the impact of the other realm, by attaching it via the idea of a probabilistic universe, where the exceptions of separated space and time, can appear among the rules of space-time; quantum physics.

The human imagination appears to be able to operate, moving information in a way, that resembles separated space and time. For example, in historical fiction, we have a blend of space-time proven reality; facts, overlaid with fantasy, that appears possible and interesting, but is not connected to the reality of space-time, other than on paper; fictional characters. On the other hand, science fiction often anticipates the future of technology. This is like adding independent time stamp to our own place in space-time; future of what may be but not yet manifest in our space-time. The prophets of old did the same thing; add time potential.

The wild card is the human brain has two centers of consciousness. The primary is the inner self which is connected to the evolution of animal consciousness and is wired into our DNA; firmware based. The much newer secondary center, common to only humans, is the ego or conscious mind. This appeared with the rise of civilization. The ego gives us will and choice, apart from the primary; loss of natural instinct. Separated space and time processing can be done by both centers, for personal and group; collective, effects.

The primary can even project. Projection is where the primary center, processes information composites and uses the same internal pathways, as the sensory system, so it can trigger ego arousal and attention via the brain stem; eureka. The effect appears to enter through the senses but is more like an internal movie overlay. The great sculpture Michelangelo said, he saw the finished products, trapped in the stone and all he did was let it out.

I will give this fascinating response a read later.