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Nameless/faceless insurance doctors...

an anarchist

Your local anarchist.
I want to vent about an issue I'm having. I'm curious if anyone has had a similar problem as well.

I am prescribed antipsychotics by my psychiatrist. Over a week ago, I didn't get my meds because the some nameless, faceless doctor, who I never met, who works the insurance directly, has decided I don't need my medicine... like... W T F

My psychiatrist has filed an appeal and might file a grievance as well, whatever that means. It was explained to me that my doctor has to have a peer to peer conversation with the insurance doctor in order to get my meds approved.

I am super frustrated. My meds have worn off and I am psychotic. hence my active posting this past week. I forget about religion when Im on my meds thank god.

Like, who da**** does this ******* think he is, denying my meds though he has never met me??

I can tough out the psychosis. Ive been psychotic most my life. I just hate jumping back and forth between the two. i was just getting used to my meds. It makes a world of difference, antipsychotics. its like i live in 2 different worlds, bouncing on and off of them.

vent over
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Out of Order
Staff member
Premium Member
I want to vent about an issue I'm having. I'm curious if anyone has had a similar problem as well.

I am prescribed antipsychotics by my psychiatrist. Over a week ago, I didn't get my meds because the some nameless, faceless doctor, who I never met, who works the insurance directly, has decided I don't need my medicine... like... W T F

My psychiatrist has filed an appeal and might file a grievance as well, whatever that means. It was explained to me that my doctor has to have a peer to peer conversation with the insurance doctor in order to get my meds approved.

I am super frustrated. My meds have worn off and I am psychotic. hence my active posting this past week. I forget about religion when Im on my meds thank god.

Like, who da**** does this ******* think he is, denying my meds though he has never met me??

I can tough out the psychosis. Ive been psychotic most my life. I just hate jumping back and forth between the two. i was just getting used to my meds. It makes a world of difference, antipsychotics. its like i live in 2 different worlds, bouncing on and off of them.

vent over
I occasionally have this issue with insurance with one of the kids(who's also on anti psychotics).

Its not even an insurance doctor... its just the company doesn't want to approve this or that until the doctor jumps through this or that hoop(which he usually does quickly).

Its ridiculous. People's health is on the line here.

But, no one cares if a buck or two can be made or saved.
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Admiral Obvious
I want to vent about an issue I'm having. I'm curious if anyone has had a similar problem as well.

I am prescribed antipsychotics by my psychiatrist. Over a week ago, I didn't get my meds because the some nameless, faceless doctor, who I never met, who works the insurance directly, has decided I don't need my medicine... like... W T F

My psychiatrist has filed an appeal and might file a grievance as well, whatever that means. It was explained to me that my doctor has to have a peer to peer conversation with the insurance doctor in order to get my meds approved.

I am super frustrated. My meds have worn off and I am psychotic. hence my active posting this past week. I forget about religion when Im on my meds thank god.

Like, who da**** does this ******* think he is, denying my meds though he has never met me??

I can tough out the psychosis. Ive been psychotic most my life. I just hate jumping back and forth between the two. i was just getting used to my meds. It makes a world of difference, antipsychotics. its like i live in 2 different worlds, bouncing on and off of them.

vent over
I know quite a few people who are denied medical services, any where from scripts to surgeries, by their "medical insurance"

Happens quite a lot in the USA.
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Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I know quite a few people who are denied medical services, any where from scripts to surgeries, by their "medical insurance"

Happens quite a lot in the USA.
Not only that, insurance providers can force you to use their own choice of pharmacy under threat they won't cover your costs unless you comply with them.

It's a shame the system is set up the way it is.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I want to vent about an issue I'm having. I'm curious if anyone has had a similar problem as well.

I am prescribed antipsychotics by my psychiatrist. Over a week ago, I didn't get my meds because the some nameless, faceless doctor, who I never met, who works the insurance directly, has decided I don't need my medicine... like... W T F

My psychiatrist has filed an appeal and might file a grievance as well, whatever that means. It was explained to me that my doctor has to have a peer to peer conversation with the insurance doctor in order to get my meds approved.

I am super frustrated. My meds have worn off and I am psychotic. hence my active posting this past week. I forget about religion when Im on my meds thank god.

Like, who da**** does this ******* think he is, denying my meds though he has never met me??

I can tough out the psychosis. Ive been psychotic most my life. I just hate jumping back and forth between the two. i was just getting used to my meds. It makes a world of difference, antipsychotics. its like i live in 2 different worlds, bouncing on and off of them.

vent overA
Hi. Are you back on your meds? I assume you are...I would like to have a conversation with you if you would about this. I have a family member that is in a similar situation but what happens when you don't have your meds? I hope you don't mind the question...


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I want to vent about an issue I'm having. I'm curious if anyone has had a similar problem as well.

I am prescribed antipsychotics by my psychiatrist. Over a week ago, I didn't get my meds because the some nameless, faceless doctor, who I never met, who works the insurance directly, has decided I don't need my medicine... like... W T F

My psychiatrist has filed an appeal and might file a grievance as well, whatever that means. It was explained to me that my doctor has to have a peer to peer conversation with the insurance doctor in order to get my meds approved.

I am super frustrated. My meds have worn off and I am psychotic. hence my active posting this past week. I forget about religion when Im on my meds thank god.

Like, who da**** does this ******* think he is, denying my meds though he has never met me??

I can tough out the psychosis. Ive been psychotic most my life. I just hate jumping back and forth between the two. i was just getting used to my meds. It makes a world of difference, antipsychotics. its like i live in 2 different worlds, bouncing on and off of them.

vent over
Just to wonder, however, did you ask him why he didn't think you needed the meds? Sorry about your psychosis. I can imagine it isn't easy.


Well-Known Member
Are the meds expensive, and if so have you tried to go directly to the pharmaceutical company, to get them for cheap? Many drugs have a huge markup so they still make money giving them away.

There is a medication discount middleman called GoodRX. Most of the main Pharmacies, like Walgreens, will sign you up so you can these discounts, which can are upwards of 90%, depending on the drug. Not all brand name drugs are covered, but there are often generic versions that they will be highly discount by a free GoodRX membership. I use glaucoma eye drops and GoodRX is cheaper than using the insurance co-pay. Instead of head butt insurance, go around them.