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My Challenge to you: Prove there is a God!


Active Member
The reason i'm asking this is because, judging by the posts and threads on this site, no one is able to conclusivly prove that there is a God. everyone has a counter arguement to make.
Just mass confussion as for as i can see. I know they say you must have faith, but can anyone give me more? So please prove the existence of any god. that they are alive and doing stuff now.
So no saying 'here's a god, look it's made of wood! See god exists!'. And here's the hard part, prove it without quoting Holy books that say he exists. ie. becuase the bible says so. have fun! :)


White Crow
ThisShouldMakeSense said:
Nope, not convinced. could be a product of evolution...(by the way, don't all go off disproving evolution now)
Reread your own post, and you'll see that you're supporting JS's point.


Following Christ
I think the challenge has been posted before. 'Prove God exists.'
I think the common answer is 'Prove God does not exist.'
Then the 2 people stare at their keyboards and realize neither can be done.
The belief in the existence or non-existence of God is a matter of faith.
IMHO, it's a total waste of time because people on either side who really like to argue can refute any argument the other side makes.:banghead3


Religious Zionist
ThisShouldMakeSense said:
Cos that doesn't prove his or her or it's existence.
nor does it disprove it...

just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there...how long did the human race go w/o knowing that DNA existed? Did that make it less real?


I'm sorry, it just can't be done. Substantial proof would be from science and philosophy, both of which study nature, and the Christian God is the Divine Creator. He has revealed Himself as unapproachable and incomprehensible. Science helps us understand nature, and philosophy is the abstract and practical reflection of what we can know. Since we can't observe God, and He is beyond the power of our intellect, we cannot reach him through the means by which we obeserve nature.

He must reveal Himself to us.

We can review the records of revelation, for Christians, preserved in the NT and Tanach (OT), for historical (scientific) and theological (philosophical) consistentcy and intellectually come to the conclusion that God most probrably exists, but there is no hard evidence because God remians forever incomprehensible and unapproachable.

If we could discover God on our own, then we could determine how we could best relate to Him. Since He found us, He gets to determine how we best relate to Him.


Active Member
That's better, you getting closer...ok, i'd like to ask another question, if i may. Who of what is the main man? Is there an almighty God? One who is over all the others? and if so, what's he/she/it called. but please carry on with my other question too please.


Religious Zionist
i suppose it depends on who you ask as to the name of the Divine.

but again going back to your original thesis...
The reason i'm asking this is because, judging by the posts and threads on this site, no one is able to conclusivly prove that there is a God. everyone has a counter arguement to make.
Just mass confussion as for as i can see. I know they say you must have faith, but can anyone give me more? So please prove the existence of any god. that they are alive and doing stuff now.
So no saying 'here's a god, look it's made of wood! See god exists!'. And here's the hard part, prove it without quoting Holy books that say he exists. ie. becuase the bible says so. have fun!
again based on this reasoning...prove to me that love exists...and saying it's a product of evolution doesn't cut it...i could make a similar arguement for religion


Religious Zionist
ThisShouldMakeSense said:
I can see the effects of love on people, what they do how they act etc. (i know what you're gunna say next...)
and have you never seen the effects of what finding G-d can do to people? Whether or not you perceive that to be a good or bad thing...

not to mention...that just seeing someone being affectionate, giving gifts, or being courteous does not constitute love...
i can do that to any woman or man in the world...it doesn't mean i'm in love with them

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I like Jewscouts point, prove that love exists. And since evolution, like religion, cant be proved or disproved, saying its a product of evolution wont work.

Is there an almighty God? One who is over all the others? and if so, what's he/she/it called. but please carry on with my other question too please.
This question is far too broad. Thier are hundreds of names for both god and goddess.


Active Member
jewscout said:
nor does it disprove it...

just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there...how long did the human race go w/o knowing that DNA existed? Did that make it less real?
heh.. just thought this was funny analogy to make...
Does that mean we can go on without knowledge of God?
God might be there, but we arent supposed to worship...

BTW: Does love exist? I dont believe it does. Love is a concept, an idea. Much like god. (...but dont tell my girlfriend I said that!:D)

Jewscout is correct though. Just because God cannot be proven doesnt me he doesnt exist. However, it does mean we shouldn't believe in God until shown otherwise - but we should remain open to the possibility. Faith is nothing more than a desperate longing.


Active Member
Let me clarify.
Love and God are ideas. They do have effects even though they dont exist.. because its the idea of their existance which affects people.
For example, Utopia is an idea, a concept, a fantasy. It does not (and cannot) exist. Yet people still pursue it and are affected by it.
well said Tawn. Its good to realize that a lot of things we give names for are just ideas. Time for example. . is it real? Who knows.


Tawn said:
Let me clarify.

Love and God are ideas. They do have effects even though they dont exist.. because its the idea of their existance which affects people.
For example, Utopia is an idea, a concept, a fantasy. It does not (and cannot) exist. Yet people still pursue it and are affected by it.
Perhaps from your point of view. However, in Christian theology, God is a divine person, not just an idea. Ideas cannot do anything in and of themselves - but the prophets confess that God has acted in history in the salvation story of Israel and in the person of Jesus Christ, and even today in the life and ministry of the Church. Although existentialism is promoted by some Christian theologians, it is by no means widely accepted or a part of the Christian creed. We confess that God exists divinely as the Trinity: three persons in one.


The Devil's Advocate
Tawn said:
Just because God cannot be proven doesnt me he doesnt exist. However, it does mean we shouldn't believe in God until shown otherwise - but we should remain open to the possibility.
Shouldn't? Should? From where do you get these shoulds and should nots?