deism or deist is used a lot of time incorrectly it just stands for some one who believes in god
and or the dictionary definition
The dictionary definition of what, "God" or "deist".
belief in the existence of a God on the evidence of reason and nature only, with rejection of supernatural revelation (distinguished from theism ).
The only evidence is the existence of the universe, and that's totally blank as to being pro or con on it being created by God. As to the rejection of anything supernatural or of revelation, there is no evidence to reject. An absence of evidence is not evidence. That of course doesn't prohibit "what if" speculation.
2. belief in a God who created the world but has since remained indifferent to it. Origin of deism
That 19th century attitude, which was often expressed as a clock maker God who walked away, came from deist opponents in the revealed religions who tried to make God seem uncaring, and was often the dictionary definition--which was held by a small minority of deists at best. Why would God create the universe and then walk away or not care about it? Non-interfering or impersonal does not mean non-caring. In fact the most reasonable reason would be because God doesn't want to disrupt our free will--the likely reason for the natural, rational universe in the first place. Giving us free will would be a very loving act. It would put our moral choices outside of God's foreknowledge or influence--a very tricky proposition.
Deism arose because there is no evidence either way, for God's creation of the universe, or for any supernatural events or revelation--beyond ancient hearsay.
which is my share holding on religion
I take it you mean that's your position or opinion on religion?