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Megan Fox seeking girlfriend as third wheel

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Both of them are trash and messed up in the head. They drink each other's blood and are obviously totally batty. I expect MGK to OD any day now.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Her vampiric lifestyle does concern me too.

However, MGK and some of the stuff he does concerns me worse.
Most tabloid celebs like them are really screwed up and involved in really sick stuff. I wouldn't worry about them too much as they've made their choice, but maybe pray for them.


Veteran Member
Next question...why should I care?

You don't strike me as the type that would have much interest in the subject.

That being said, I still say Megan Fox is a beautiful actress, and I posted the thread for three reasons:

1. I was kind of just joking in the OP when I said that I would take Megan Fox, but to leave a character like Machine Gun Kelly behind.

2. I'm kind of taking a journalistic approach to posting lately - covering news and issues, but on a pretty large variety of subjects.

3. There really aren't many subjects of the more feminine sort on RF. Things like makeup, celebrities, etc, are rarely talked about - just from how I feel.

That being said, my OP statement was a subtle joke, and in response to this article I read. Megan Fox is... different... but still regarded as a beautiful actress.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I'd say there are some decent things about her, but she's very different too.
I am sure that there are. Unfortunately I was too old for her movies when they came out. The ones that I am aware of were aimed at adolescent boys. So all that I do know of her is that she is very attractive. Do you think she has a severe daddy complex? I could still become a fan.


Veteran Member
I am sure that there are. Unfortunately I was too old for her movies when they came out. The ones that I am aware of were aimed at adolescent boys. So all that I do know of her is that she is very attractive. Do you think she has a severe daddy complex? I could still become a fan.

I'm not sure. One movie she starred in that was newer than Transformers, was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and she actually filmed those movies while pregnant.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
Megan Fox was that one girl in that one movie with bad acting/plot and explosions?


Veteran Member
Yeah, Jennifer's Body. I don't know of any other horror films she's been in since. Maybe something this year as she's decided to start acting again.

I'm thinking Till Death, for example, might fit the description, but I haven't sat down and watched it.

In her personal life, I also get the impression that Megan Fox sees herself as goth (for some reason or another) and likes spooky things. So it's not surprising she takes up acting in horror movies.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
Next question...why should I care?
Because nothing in life is more important than the sex lives of attractive celebrities. If you are not keeping up to date about who these celebrities are currently doing, then you are a horrible person and must be expelled from the society of humans.
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