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Mecca, a piece of the rock


Well-Known Member
I learned in my travels that when you bow down and pray towards Mecca you are really praying to a black stone that other worshipers kiss as well.

Is that rock, Allah (God)?

Shouldn't one pray to God alone?

Does that rock talk?

Is that rock like the old Christian fable of the Holy Grail, something that brings eternal life and prosperity?


Quran & Sunnah
Peace be with you t3gah,

Mecca is a holy place, it is the mosque that all Muslims must face while praying. All Muslims must be in unity and must all pray in the same direction. It is also the center of the compulsory pilgrimage. It is not the Mecca that we worship but it is the God of Mecca that we do worship. Muslims worship one God who created the whole universe and who has no associate.
Concerning the rock that we do kiss, we do kiss it because it is sacred and not because we do worship it. It is a rock that was sent down from heaven that's why it is sacred.
If the matter is not clear to you, please let me know to make it more clearer to you.



Let's hear the long story:

A long time ago, there was a man named Ibrahim (Abraham) (as). Now, he was a prophet of Allah (God). One day, Allah ordered him to go to a place now called Mecca. It used to be a barren place, with no city whatsoever. Well, I'm not going to say the whole story, you can find it elsewhere, but Allah told Ibrahim (as) and his son to build a building dedicated to His worship alone (like a masjid (mosque), church, synagogue, temple, etc.). The building they created is known as the Ka'ba. Well, there is a certain stone which is black. Not like covered with patches of black and gray or something, but completely black. And it's stone, not coal. Have you ever seen a completely black stone? Anyways, after many, many, years, when the Ka'ba was used for idol-worship, there was a flood and it was damaged. This black stone was one of the remaining original stones used. Imagine: a stone placed by a man centuries before by Allah's Command! Well, it is in the present Ka'ba, and has no special powers whatsoever. But how many stones in the world are you sure of that have been used for worshipping Allah? And how many of those are black? And you do not worship the stone itself, you worship the purpose in which it was placed there in the first place: to complete a place for worshipping Allah Alone.

I am not sure of it being sent down from Heaven, though.

t3gah, you say you are a believer, but a believer in what? Just by looking at the front page you can get a very brief idea about the many religions, beliefs, and philosophies that abound here. I don't know how Rex has managed it. :p

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
t3gah said:
If the rock is not worshiped, why do people kiss it?
I kiss my mom, that does not mean I worship her.

I kiss my pets, that does not mean I worship them.

I kiss the picture of Dominic Monaghan that I keep on a tiny altar that I continually light candles on and sing to... oh, wait, that last one wasn't such a good example.

In my experience, kissing does not equal worship.


And think of the many actors and actressess........do you think that they worship everyone they kiss? That is a very large amount of people to worship. :p

If Allah told you to jump off a cliff, would you, or would you wait and ask why? Personally, I'd just jump. He gives me a command, I obey it. And maybe, He might tell me not to, for I have demonstrated my faith. If He doesn't, I least I'd go to Heaven, I'm hoping. :)


Well-Known Member
Have they tested the rock to see what it's composition is?

Or drilled a core sample to see if it's black through-and-through?


Well-Known Member
Peace said:
Peace be with you t3gah,

Mecca is a holy place, it is the mosque that all Muslims must face while praying. All Muslims must be in unity and must all pray in the same direction. It is also the center of the compulsory pilgrimage. It is not the Mecca that we worship but it is the God of Mecca that we do worship. Muslims worship one God who created the whole universe and who has no associate.

Concerning the rock that we do kiss, we do kiss it because it is sacred and not because we do worship it. It is a rock that was sent down from heaven that's why it is sacred.

If the matter is not clear to you, please let me know to make it more clearer to you.

Do you know of a website where I can get more information about Islam, Mecca and the black rock?


Well-Known Member
RearingArabian said:
There are many websites. Go to www.google.com, and you'd find hundreds of results.
Well, that's the thing isn't it. Hundreds of results. I was kinda hoping for a day when I didn't have to look through thirty pages of search results to find the perfect info site.

Oh here's something interesting. I saw "The History of God" on the History cable channel last night and they showed video of the big square shrine and the worshipers circling around it wearing white robes with one shoulder exposed. They explained the purpose of the robes was to create an atmosphere where everyone was equal. They even showed the people sleeping in around this structure. They talked about Jesus being a prophet of God too and the parallels to Christianity.


just to clear somethin up in an earlier post....
Hadhrat Ibrahim (Abraham) rebuilt the ka'bah with his son ismael. He did not build it from materials found around him. Thus, we worship God facing the Ka'bah, since it is the First House of Worship in which people worshipped God. I don't believe anybody knows who actually built the ka'bah first.